hello all i played UO from open to LBR and then stopped to play other games... on and off over the years i have played on freeservers for UO and i was wondering after looking at the the more recent addons to the game like elves and samurai why should anyone knew or an old player come back to this game? Im not looking for a fight here i want an honest answer and proof that this game still has got it.. because i would love to come and play again ... the main reason why i ask is this could be an interesting merge of mythic and EA..
*dont ban me cause i said the word freeservers*
For an old player I cannot see any reason to return, as in my opinion UO has not improved over the years and for PvP and PvM there are "better" games.
If you are a casual gamer you might enjoy UO a bit as Vet to decorate your house, hunt a little or so, but I still would advise other games for it.
A new player might find the freedom of skills and gameplay interesting and for that UO is certainly worth a look, also if you like SIMS, housing is nice in UO.
For both groups I would advise the 14 day trial to have a look.
A lot has changed, many people say for the worse and that EA has lost its direction. Granted I don't agree with all the changes but after being away for about 2 years I decided to return and I am enjoying the game again (every other mmorpg seems to be an eq clone in a new skin). Since I last played they have added (this list is by no means complete):
a lot of new options for crafters - new items and recipes, new resources, etc
new dungeons and hunting grounds, new monsters - many far more difficult than before
paragon creatures in ilshenar - gold monsters, harder than usual, drop nicer gear - some are really nasty and take a lot of skill to kill
new tameable creatures - some more powerful than the old tames, and you will find them needed in some of the nastier places in the game - several new mounts are available
aquariums, collections, plant growing, quests and a lot of other new content
new player classes and skills
I am still finding new things each day at the moment and the game is holding my interest. I am also hoping that mythic can offer some assistance to the UO devs and make the game more popular again.
Your mind is like a parachute, it's only useful when it's open.
Don't forget, you can use the block function on trolls.
The "official" game isn't for casual players anymore
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Actually as far as PVM goes I prefer UO - running around labyrinth trying to provoke minos onto one another with a reptalon chasing you down that can 1-2 hit kill you, using a pet to kill a paragon dragon that might target switch onto you whilst avoiding other local spawn and bandaging your own pet, trying to kill orcs with a chicken for a pet, trying to take on a drake while naked using a wand to melee with, shooting a kraken with a bow from a boat knowing that if you die you have to sail for miles to get a res... the list goes on - UO has one thing above all other games, flexibilty - fighting is only boring if you choose a boring method to fight with.
I agree some areas of PVM can prove tedious (if you actully decide to keep doing them) - standing in the gazer room in shame killing over and over isnt enthralling, but there are many thrills to still be found in this game - skill and timing still plays a part depending on what you hunt, your character build and your chosen method of hunting. How many other MMO games is that true for ?
I find the PVM in most other games bland - target and pull mob, stand still, mash buttons 1-9, wash - rinse - repeat, ad infinitum. Cleric heals, tank stands there taunting, DD casts spells or backstabs, chanter mezzes - sound familiar ? Too familiar for my liking.
I cant really comment on the PVP aspect as its years since I had a go in factions and ran with an anti-pk guild in fel. I got sick of all the trash talk, gankers and asshats in other PVP titles, I strictly play PVM right now - at least until an MMO is released that gets the PVP aspect right.