Have any of you former SWG players come across any other sandbox-type MMOs either currently out or in development after leaving this game? I sadly enough only came across it a week or so after the NGE, so I never had a chance to play what looked like a very open ended game.
I've been looking at upcoming MMOs and the only one that seems to have any sort of open ended play is Roma Victor, which is underfunded and not really my type of game. So if you've come across any sort of open-ended MMO you think might be worthwhile, please chime in...thanks.
From what ive read, a quite lot of SWG pre-CU/NGE fans seem to have found some solace in Saga of Ryzom.
Has distinct lack of Droids and Speeders though...
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
Ryzom sucks... the only reason anyone "likes" it is because it's the closest thing t here is to a sandbox in a ground based game unless you want to play AO or UO. And AO aint exactly a sandbox either.
Only REAL sandbox left that's ground based is UO... other than that there's EVE
UO is good... IF you don't use an official shard:) The shard I play on has almost 900 people online tonight (that's concurrently, thanks) WOOT
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas
Tried CoH/V, unfortunately it's little more than a grind with great graphics.
Tried WoW, held my interest a bit longer, but it too is boring and elves/dwarves/orcs suck. A really, really, really simple game, anyone can suceed with a little effort. So do cartoonish graphics.
Nothing else really looks interesting (including Eve), and I've looked at nearly all here on mmorpg.com.
Going to go back to my original (preSWG) MMO soon - fantasy football. It's not sandbox, but it'll have to do until SWG2 comes out, and the Yaxchilan Ahau have a proud heritage to defend (3 time champ).
SWG Veteran and Refugee, Intrepid server
NGE free as of Nov. 22, 2005
Now Playing: World of Warcrack
Forum Terrorist
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas
EVE On-Line
about as true a sandbox as you can get...much of the content is player driven, corporation wars, faction wars, pirates, etc etc. And it has an incredible skill system. You can literally learn anything that is learnable in the game. There are no classes and your character is customized by whatever skill sets you choose to learn. There is no grinding as learning a skill is based solely on time and the skill before it. My only real complaint is their ship designs are fugly.
One more thing, having played the NGE at a friends house the day before he cancelled, I must say this...at what point did anyone with an ounce of sense believe THAT was going to attract new customers?
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
We will probably not see either one for years, if ever. But it's always nice to daydream.
If you like more pain then RV is there to dish it out.Unfinished,choppy,grind galore etc .All the pain you ever need
I think someone hit a spot on when saying play UO with no cost at all with descent population (keeping to rules i cannot tell u anything u got to research it yourself).
For a sandbox UO still does it better and sadly only game to ever do a near enough job was old SWG.
The more that I experience EVE as a sandbox, the more I appreciate the old SWG as a sandbox.
I think its because in the old SWG, the individual was empowered to find his or her own fun. You could participate and really enjoy being in groups, but you came to the group as equals. The strong and varied solo activities meant that no guild, player, or mission group could "freeze" you out of the game. Some of the most successful, polite, and talented players I knew were not in guilds.
I felt so free in the old SWG to be the character I wanted to be, and I felt that I was playing a role that was important, no matter what I did.
I don't get that so much in EVE. The individual is pretty much "free to do what your corp tells you to do," and that's because so much of the game is beyond the scope of the individual alone.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
For the Horde!
That's actually what I like about it most...no more grinding! The time based system gets rid of the grind entirely. And you can switch training and it will remember how much time you have invested allready. So the thing to do is train your shorter stuff while you are on and playing then train the longer stuff while you sleep or are away from the computer. Also you can reduce the training time by training up in your mental skills and/or using cybernetic implants to enhance those skills.
Word has it that they are working on expanding the game to include atmospheric flight and to be able to get out of your ships on planets and do stuff there.
That's actually what I like about it most...no more grinding! The time based system gets rid of the grind entirely. And you can switch training and it will remember how much time you have invested allready. So the thing to do is train your shorter stuff while you are on and playing then train the longer stuff while you sleep or are away from the computer. Also you can reduce the training time by training up in your mental skills and/or using cybernetic implants to enhance those skills.
Word has it that they are working on expanding the game to include atmospheric flight and to be able to get out of your ships on planets and do stuff there.
I have been playing Eve online for the last 6 months and I have to say... the more i play it the more I love it. Yes it is not easy to learn, yea skills are entirely time based and yes its 100% PvP... but to me its relaxing because I don't feel pressured to max out my level (its a completely skill based game) and I can play for an hour or for an entire day and still be active enough to progress...
I honestly hope all games switch to this method of skill training... after all it does take time to learn new things right? Or does killing 8 orks or 12 storm troopers what is needed to learn something new?
Actually the EVE devs debunked that myth a few months back. They have no plans for out of ship content. Unfortunately. They may eventually implement atmospheric flight but I honestly don't see how. The ships currently in game would have the flight characteristics of a brick with jet engines in atmosphere.
EVE is a good sandbox... personally I agree with the other guy.... I don't like the "realtime skill system" at all. It's one of the biggest negatives about the game for me. I like to be rewarded for my efforts in the game. Not for how often I can remember to log in and switch my training to a new skill. I prefer UO's skill system 100%
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas
I've tried looking, have not found anything that comes close. Think about what SWG had:
A skill (not level) based system, freedom to progress across multiple professions, the ability to give up a skill and try something new, 32 professions and the ability to customize creates near infinite customization options, the most advanced toon customization system I have ever seen, an incredibly deep crafting system with shifting resource quality and location, a player based economy; it's UI and movement system were awesome, you also did not get led like a bull with a ring in your nose from sector to sector (read WoW), I could go on and on.
It's just tragic. So much of what they have implemented could have just been added to the old Pre CU game. I played since June 2003 and we all saw the need for a better noob orientation, but they implment it after the NGE, to use one of many examples.
Now, don't get me wrong, there were many bugs (still buggy though, from what I hear), the GCW lacked content, etc, but why not fix all that within the confines of the old game? I will never understand how the NGE became a good idea in their heads. I know the runaway success of WoW changed how people view the industry, but what a colossal mistake. (Rant over... *sheepish*)
To answer your question, EVE came closest for me, but ultimately, I couldn't get over my urge to play a character, not a ship.
Altre Monserrat - MBH/MP
Aaden Monserrat - Elder Jedi
Starsider - <DFC> - Dark Force Clan