Originally posted by maxanto Originally posted by LilT Originally posted by SirDiesalot I see the Rebel propaganda got to you people first. Let me say this: The Empire stands for order, and when order has been established comes justice, and from the safety of order and justice comes peace. We Imperials aren't the bad guys. You lying Rebel scumbags are. You started the Galactic Civil War, and the blood of all the men that have died is on your hands.
lol see, when it comes to war and politics, good and bad are a matter of perspective. Each side relies on killing and deception to win.
I personally dont like playing on the "good" side because it just seems really corny and unrealistic. In most stories, the good side is completely righteous and the bad side is completely evil. I like how in Wow, they dont call the horde evil, they simply say that both sides are fighting for survival, each thinking they are right. That to me is more realistic than the premise of the good rebels fighting the evil imperials. So, I think the reason i chose to play Imperial is because Im rebeling against the notion that the other side are in the right completely. I think im a good person, and i think good people will be on either side, so its kind of like proving a point almost lol. It's not because i want to act "evil" lol.
I don't know about WoW but I know the story line with warcraft (1-3) The horde are evil and the undead masses controled by the liche king are even more evil. I guess that isnt the same in the new game eh?
Actually in WC3 the Horde were not evil, since they had come under Thrall, who had outlawed necromancy, demon-worship, etc. I actually think they did the best job with the Orcs in WC3. Same with the Frozen Throne to. The orcs weren't evil, if anything Admiral Proudmoore's racism was abhorrent.
Originally posted by iceman00 Originally posted by maxanto Originally posted by LilT Originally posted by SirDiesalot I see the Rebel propaganda got to you people first. Let me say this: The Empire stands for order, and when order has been established comes justice, and from the safety of order and justice comes peace. We Imperials aren't the bad guys. You lying Rebel scumbags are. You started the Galactic Civil War, and the blood of all the men that have died is on your hands.
lol see, when it comes to war and politics, good and bad are a matter of perspective. Each side relies on killing and deception to win.
I personally dont like playing on the "good" side because it just seems really corny and unrealistic. In most stories, the good side is completely righteous and the bad side is completely evil. I like how in Wow, they dont call the horde evil, they simply say that both sides are fighting for survival, each thinking they are right. That to me is more realistic than the premise of the good rebels fighting the evil imperials. So, I think the reason i chose to play Imperial is because Im rebeling against the notion that the other side are in the right completely. I think im a good person, and i think good people will be on either side, so its kind of like proving a point almost lol. It's not because i want to act "evil" lol.
I don't know about WoW but I know the story line with warcraft (1-3) The horde are evil and the undead masses controled by the liche king are even more evil. I guess that isnt the same in the new game eh?
Actually in WC3 the Horde were not evil, since they had come under Thrall, who had outlawed necromancy, demon-worship, etc. I actually think they did the best job with the Orcs in WC3. Same with the Frozen Throne to. The orcs weren't evil, if anything Admiral Proudmoore's racism was abhorrent.
Yes and the undead in Wow are free of the lich king and fight against him.
Originally posted by tetsul Originally posted by abbaba Originally posted by jonaku Originally posted by haxxjoo Fictional characters. I hope you dont think because I pretend to be a robber when I roleplay with the wifey that I am an immoral person. I mean I'd be somehow to you violating some morality thing by supporting robbers and rapists. I mean you sir are geninuely I mean how wacked in the head do you have to be to have a moral problem playing a fictional character. I guess Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) is doomed to hell.
i can understand the fun of playing the "bad" guy from a generic perspective. like being a rogue that ganks newbs in WOW. love that. i guess that's what imps find appealing.
from my perspective, imps are a thinly veiled metaphor for nazis in WWII.
to me, the jedi are an allegory for the jews, since several parallels are drawn: (1) they are targetted for genocidal extinction by the nazi-esque empire (2) they are "chosen" at birth by the universal Force (3) they start with "je" in their names (4) Luke and Anakin are speculated to be the "Chosen One" (5) even in their heyday, the Jedi are a small minority group in a large universe of beings (6) but despite their size, they are considered to wield disproportionately great political power (7) the head of the empire tryng to exterminate them is in fact a jedi (just as Hitler and a few of his higher ups were in fact part Jewish).
so to me, the Imp-Jedi conflict is a transparent representation of the horrors of the Nazi gassing of Jews. in a WWII MMO, you would never see players being allowed to RP a nazi operating a gas chamber, or a japanese soldier commiting rape in Nanjing.
i guess what i am missing in my OP is that i assume that everyone else sees the imps as i do. i guess they don't. they see the imps as a generic facist force divorced from the nazi-jewish origins. which is fine with me. i just wanted to understand it, that's all.
I think you're reading too much into Star Wars. Jedi do not = Jews. Jedi were peacekeepers and soldiers, not an ethnic group. You are not born a Jedi, nor can anyone simply join the Jedi. There was no "Chosen" Jew who betrayed the Jews to the Nazis (Vader/Anakin). Almost all known Jedi were quickly and efficiently killed. There were no extermination camps, no long persecutions, etc. Palpatine is a Sith, not a Jedi. The average Imperial soldier probably has only the vaguest idea what a Jedi is, and he has certainly never seen one.
Got to give him credit though, that had to be the first story I've ever seen talking about Nazis that made me laugh. Now all I can think about is the ending to History of the World.
Though as a Catholic, I do have a special place in my heart for the Inquisition rofl.
My main character Tortia Quinn of Corbantis stayed neutral for a long time, but eventually sided with the Empire. She was a firm law-and-order type... and she dispised Imperial Intelligence for being a lawless pack. She didn't think too highly of stormtroopers either, as they were overly repressive and exploited the law for personal gain: "OK I'm fining you for that, with a little extra for me." This was in her bio, if you ever ran into her. When running faction missions, she avoided any that seemed morally questionable like assassination, attacks on refugees or medical facilities, etc.
You know, there seems to be people that either get RP, or don't get/hate it. Far too often there's no middle ground. For some the game's about the social connection of immersion and for some it's the social connection of achievement. (Killing 17,000 quenkers/pikets to get to MS/TKM, whatever.) But, whichever, it takes a village supposedly. (No pun intended )
On Starsider, my MBH/MP, Altre, was intended by me to be a ruthless BH that occasionally dabbled in field work for the Empire. I don't think she was a maniac or genocidal, mostly because that would involve showing emotion.
I think that the way some of us write about our toons in the 3rd person show that it was just a way to immerse yourself in a different world, have a Walter Mitty moment, and have a good time.
Too bad the NGE too that all away. I was one of those psychos that cancelled my $60 worth of 4 accounts after the NGE. Farewell fond memories of Altre (MBH/MP), Aaden (Jedi), Tyke (MSW) and Borrola (MBE).
P.S. The reason we all still harp on the NGE is because no game design team has come up with a suitable replacement. Can this be that hard? WoW, EVE Online, DDO, etc, I tried and nothing comes close.
Altre Monserrat - MBH/MP Aaden Monserrat - Elder Jedi Starsider - <DFC> - Dark Force Clan
Raphe/Ralp Galland, or better known as RK-31(RK-XXXI or RK-ThreeOne).
He was born on Corellia, he's 30 years old, wich is old enough to remember both the republic(Ep 4 is aprox 20 years after the Emperor seized power) and the Empire. His father, was a soldier in the republic, and later in the Empire.
He witnessed the corruption and inability to get anything done in the republic, he witnessed aliens and humans walk free from starting wars, armed corporate conflicts, invasions and exterminations. Everything that happened in the Republic on a daily basis, because instead of acting, they made commitees that took years to even reach a conclusion.
Most of this, he did not however witness first hand, but by his father, who as an officer in the Republic, often had his hands tied, and could only sit and watch the galaxy tear itself apart.
Piracy, wars, corruption, crime, drugs, murder, pillaging of whole planets, everything was on a all time high by the time the Emperor started his "evil scemes".
Raphe watched the Republic transformed into the Empire, and watched how the galaxy got safer by the minute. People could go to work again, without fear that another corporation would bomb their factory, or that their planet would be invaded by some war mongering alien specie.
He saw what the order the Empire brought was worth to the galaxy and its people, and when he was old enough, he enlisted.
It is true that there are corrupt officials in the Empire, it is true that the Emperor might not be the "nicest" of guys, but rather a man who's obsessed with power.
Those corrupt officials, often has huge mechanics in place to hide their corruptness from the Empire itself, and most of them when caught.....dies by the hand of the Empire. This is a thin line often overlooked by those that read the news(books/comics/guidebooks/etc), since the news most of the time are tilted towards the rebellion and the "do gooder jedi".
As for the Emperor, Raphe see it rather simple. A man who wants power, and would not do anything that would lessen his power. It simply means, that if he destroys a factory, his power is lessened. But if he builds a factory, he gains power.
As long as the Emperor strives power, the galaxy will expand, grow and prosper. And one day, the Emperor will die, and by then, the order of the galaxy has been restored, and have the needs to keep it in order.
So Raphe, serves the Empire as a Stormtrooper, and you will never find him commit acts of crime, you will never find him disrespect anyone who's on the side of restoring order and prosperity to the galaxy.
But if you are one of those that want the anarchy that existed to return, if you're one of those that would prey on others vie piracy or petty crimes, if you're one of those that want the republic committees to return, or simply one of those that would rather sit in your cave doing nothing while the world falls apart around you... He will be the first to give you the justice you deserve.
(Most of what my character believes in, and past/future, you can find in the books and even movies. If you can read past the "jedi/rebellion/republic" propaganda, you'll find that the galaxy before the Empire were a chaotic and deadly place. There were barely any order outside of Corruscant. You'll also find that the galaxy after the Empire falls, with the republic being reborn, falls back to the same patern of chaos and disruption. Pirate lords, war lords, inability to act, commitees and corruptness...returns in full force. Except for a small area in the galaxy, known as Imperial Remnant space.)
I personally dont like playing on the "good" side because it just seems really corny and unrealistic. In most stories, the good side is completely righteous and the bad side is completely evil. I like how in Wow, they dont call the horde evil, they simply say that both sides are fighting for survival, each thinking they are right. That to me is more realistic than the premise of the good rebels fighting the evil imperials. So, I think the reason i chose to play Imperial is because Im rebeling against the notion that the other side are in the right completely. I think im a good person, and i think good people will be on either side, so its kind of like proving a point almost lol. It's not because i want to act "evil" lol.
I don't know about WoW but I know the story line with warcraft (1-3) The horde are evil and the undead masses controled by the liche king are even more evil. I guess that isnt the same in the new game eh?
Actually in WC3 the Horde were not evil, since they had come under Thrall, who had outlawed necromancy, demon-worship, etc. I actually think they did the best job with the Orcs in WC3. Same with the Frozen Throne to. The orcs weren't evil, if anything Admiral Proudmoore's racism was abhorrent.
I personally dont like playing on the "good" side because it just seems really corny and unrealistic. In most stories, the good side is completely righteous and the bad side is completely evil. I like how in Wow, they dont call the horde evil, they simply say that both sides are fighting for survival, each thinking they are right. That to me is more realistic than the premise of the good rebels fighting the evil imperials. So, I think the reason i chose to play Imperial is because Im rebeling against the notion that the other side are in the right completely. I think im a good person, and i think good people will be on either side, so its kind of like proving a point almost lol. It's not because i want to act "evil" lol.
I don't know about WoW but I know the story line with warcraft (1-3) The horde are evil and the undead masses controled by the liche king are even more evil. I guess that isnt the same in the new game eh?
Actually in WC3 the Horde were not evil, since they had come under Thrall, who had outlawed necromancy, demon-worship, etc. I actually think they did the best job with the Orcs in WC3. Same with the Frozen Throne to. The orcs weren't evil, if anything Admiral Proudmoore's racism was abhorrent.
Yes and the undead in Wow are free of the lich king and fight against him.
For the Horde!
i can understand the fun of playing the "bad" guy from a generic perspective. like being a rogue that ganks newbs in WOW. love that. i guess that's what imps find appealing.
from my perspective, imps are a thinly veiled metaphor for nazis in WWII.
to me, the jedi are an allegory for the jews, since several parallels are drawn: (1) they are targetted for genocidal extinction by the nazi-esque empire (2) they are "chosen" at birth by the universal Force (3) they start with "je" in their names (4) Luke and Anakin are speculated to be the "Chosen One" (5) even in their heyday, the Jedi are a small minority group in a large universe of beings (6) but despite their size, they are considered to wield disproportionately great political power (7) the head of the empire tryng to exterminate them is in fact a jedi (just as Hitler and a few of his higher ups were in fact part Jewish).
so to me, the Imp-Jedi conflict is a transparent representation of the horrors of the Nazi gassing of Jews. in a WWII MMO, you would never see players being allowed to RP a nazi operating a gas chamber, or a japanese soldier commiting rape in Nanjing.
i guess what i am missing in my OP is that i assume that everyone else sees the imps as i do. i guess they don't. they see the imps as a generic facist force divorced from the nazi-jewish origins. which is fine with me. i just wanted to understand it, that's all.
I think you're reading too much into Star Wars. Jedi do not = Jews. Jedi were peacekeepers and soldiers, not an ethnic group. You are not born a Jedi, nor can anyone simply join the Jedi. There was no "Chosen" Jew who betrayed the Jews to the Nazis (Vader/Anakin). Almost all known Jedi were quickly and efficiently killed. There were no extermination camps, no long persecutions, etc. Palpatine is a Sith, not a Jedi. The average Imperial soldier probably has only the vaguest idea what a Jedi is, and he has certainly never seen one.
Hitler was not part Jewish.
Got to give him credit though, that had to be the first story I've ever seen talking about Nazis that made me laugh. Now all I can think about is the ending to History of the World.
Though as a Catholic, I do have a special place in my heart for the Inquisition rofl.
You know, there seems to be people that either get RP, or don't get/hate it. Far too often there's no middle ground. For some the game's about the social connection of immersion and for some it's the social connection of achievement. (Killing 17,000 quenkers/pikets to get to MS/TKM, whatever.) But, whichever, it takes a village supposedly. (No pun intended )
On Starsider, my MBH/MP, Altre, was intended by me to be a ruthless BH that occasionally dabbled in field work for the Empire. I don't think she was a maniac or genocidal, mostly because that would involve showing emotion.
I think that the way some of us write about our toons in the 3rd person show that it was just a way to immerse yourself in a different world, have a Walter Mitty moment, and have a good time.
Too bad the NGE too that all away. I was one of those psychos that cancelled my $60 worth of 4 accounts after the NGE. Farewell fond memories of Altre (MBH/MP), Aaden (Jedi), Tyke (MSW) and Borrola (MBE).
P.S. The reason we all still harp on the NGE is because no game design team has come up with a suitable replacement. Can this be that hard? WoW, EVE Online, DDO, etc, I tried and nothing comes close.
Altre Monserrat - MBH/MP
Aaden Monserrat - Elder Jedi
Starsider - <DFC> - Dark Force Clan
Let me tell you about my character.
Raphe/Ralp Galland, or better known as RK-31(RK-XXXI or RK-ThreeOne).
He was born on Corellia, he's 30 years old, wich is old enough to remember both the republic(Ep 4 is aprox 20 years after the Emperor seized power) and the Empire. His father, was a soldier in the republic, and later in the Empire.
He witnessed the corruption and inability to get anything done in the republic, he witnessed aliens and humans walk free from starting wars, armed corporate conflicts, invasions and exterminations. Everything that happened in the Republic on a daily basis, because instead of acting, they made commitees that took years to even reach a conclusion.
Most of this, he did not however witness first hand, but by his father, who as an officer in the Republic, often had his hands tied, and could only sit and watch the galaxy tear itself apart.
Piracy, wars, corruption, crime, drugs, murder, pillaging of whole planets, everything was on a all time high by the time the Emperor started his "evil scemes".
Raphe watched the Republic transformed into the Empire, and watched how the galaxy got safer by the minute. People could go to work again, without fear that another corporation would bomb their factory, or that their planet would be invaded by some war mongering alien specie.
He saw what the order the Empire brought was worth to the galaxy and its people, and when he was old enough, he enlisted.
It is true that there are corrupt officials in the Empire, it is true that the Emperor might not be the "nicest" of guys, but rather a man who's obsessed with power.
Those corrupt officials, often has huge mechanics in place to hide their corruptness from the Empire itself, and most of them when caught.....dies by the hand of the Empire. This is a thin line often overlooked by those that read the news(books/comics/guidebooks/etc), since the news most of the time are tilted towards the rebellion and the "do gooder jedi".
As for the Emperor, Raphe see it rather simple. A man who wants power, and would not do anything that would lessen his power. It simply means, that if he destroys a factory, his power is lessened. But if he builds a factory, he gains power.
As long as the Emperor strives power, the galaxy will expand, grow and prosper. And one day, the Emperor will die, and by then, the order of the galaxy has been restored, and have the needs to keep it in order.
So Raphe, serves the Empire as a Stormtrooper, and you will never find him commit acts of crime, you will never find him disrespect anyone who's on the side of restoring order and prosperity to the galaxy.
But if you are one of those that want the anarchy that existed to return, if you're one of those that would prey on others vie piracy or petty crimes, if you're one of those that want the republic committees to return, or simply one of those that would rather sit in your cave doing nothing while the world falls apart around you... He will be the first to give you the justice you deserve.
(Most of what my character believes in, and past/future, you can find in the books and even movies. If you can read past the "jedi/rebellion/republic" propaganda, you'll find that the galaxy before the Empire were a chaotic and deadly place. There were barely any order outside of Corruscant. You'll also find that the galaxy after the Empire falls, with the republic being reborn, falls back to the same patern of chaos and disruption. Pirate lords, war lords, inability to act, commitees and corruptness...returns in full force. Except for a small area in the galaxy, known as Imperial Remnant space.)
The last of the Trackers