Valorus has just posted that he has had enough and is in the proccess of claiming a refund.
Today, 07:44 PM
Apprentice |
Join Date: Jan 2003 Location: , FL, US Posts: 83 |
I honestly did not expect myself to be saying this, but I have also put Dark and Light on hold and I'm in the process of applying for a refund. |
This is particularly interesting since he posted the following a couple of weeks ago.
(also posted in in quotes thread - but that is getting a bit cumbersome)
Edit:- really must figure out how to link to thread.
Class action suit....
Views: 1,491
Hell, I successfully disputed the charge to my credit card and got a chargeback against Click'n'Buy.
I'm sure the chargebacks make them extremely happy with DnL.
This is what I find funny.
Valorus has been such a blind fanboi for such a long time.
You can even see his post history here:
He made that last remark attacking refundees on 07-04-2006, 04:55 PM
Yet he managed to somehow state he is thinking about a refund himself on 07-12-2006, 08:44 PM!
Hmm what happened during that week that made him and many change their minds about D&L and stopped being a blind fanboi?
Coincidentally, the 2nd Rollback was made on 07-05-2006 ...
He did pretty much snubbed Sephoroth after Seph finally saw the truth about D&L on 07-11-2006, 02:04 PM
Wonder what made him change his mind in those 24 hours ...
Hmm, how many TRUE Fanbois do we have left?
My Sager 5760 Review
Ztyx maybe, but my vote would be for that snowman guy. His 'I FOUND THE TEMPLE OF THE GODS AND IT'S AWESOME!!!' post was classic.