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Why do so many people want to be able to jump in an MMO?
Three possible reasons I can think of:
1. To be able to pass obstacles without taking the time to go around.
2. A desire to jump all over the place in some subconscious imitation of Tigger.
3. A strange, fetish-like fascination with watching a little character jumping on the screen.
Jumping around is an excellent PvP strategy as well.
god damn I love jumping in MMOGs!
The End.
It makes the character feel more and look more alive, its good for pvp situations and its also damn good fun to jump all the way up to the top of a very high object and then go jumping down it .
"once upon a midnight dreary, while i porn surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of 'hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, "give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404."
(I'd forgotten that would kill me. It doesn't in CoH)
Well from personal experience when i played EQ1, being able to leap an obstacle rather than have to run around it was very useful, not just a convenience.
Especially when you had bumbled into a camp of reds and you had to run for your life, the time saved going over rather than round could be your salvation from a CR.
Plus i guess it adds a little more realism to your character, you may as well ask why should a character need to sit or have any physical emotes at all
Siehst du mich
Erkennst du mich
Ganz tief in meinem Herz
ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
Theres also navigating terrain, jumping with wasd controls is alot smoother and just better then trying to click over a mountain etc. And i dislike following preset paths(as in guild wars)
Two words:
Unreal Tournament.
No longer visiting
However in Auto Assault I don't really care because you can do all sort of cool things instead. Actually Auto Assault has a jump when you are in town your humanoid can jump, out in a car you can periodically bump up (helps you to get off obstructions so its actually useful too). I admit I jump around in the town alot in AA for absolutely no good reason. In AA they have taken care to put ramps and stuff all over the place and any time you get significant hangtime they will actually post your hangtime and height in the UI. They even give you medal for getting 5 second and 10 second hangtimes. I never miss the jump when You driving around in my motorocyle cause I can run over people and jump over hills and destroy buildings. Bascially its all about a getting a little thrill. If I'm in town I jump out in my car/bike it doesn't even occur to me to miss it cause I have much cooler stuff Ican do, but when I play Guild Wars I miss the jump.
I dunno normal running in most MMOs is boring and kinda bland I guess. When I gotta travel across two zones in AA I can break the monotony by jumping a couple jumps, checking out my hangtime and doing head on collisions with patrollers or blasting some buildings along the way, in WoW I used to jump.
It's entirely destructive to the sense of immersion if your character can't do so basic an action as jump.
How many freakin' people are actually able to just leap up to their shoulder's height in the real world?
The damn immersion excuse for everything from you twits is getting old.
Jumping to get around things is cool, a lil' leap over a fence rather than run it's course is actually helpful, but do I leap fences in real life to get to the office quicker? Or to get into the court house to turn in my quest to get my papers to the notaries and back to my quest giver so it's all legal? Yeah, I leap all the time in real life and if a MMO doesn't allow me to hop like I do in real life I lose my sense of immersion into the game world...
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
Jumping is fine... The same reason why you can run in extremely heavy armor, same reason why a meteor can hit you in the face and you stand back up. Jumping over a above average irl amount is put in simply to be easier to do for jumps,
So therefore jumping has nothing to do with immersion. That's all I was saying.
That's became the dumbest assed thing critics of MMOs have to say. It's a video game before it's much else, and 90% of you probably think FFVII was the most immersive thing you've ever picked up. And it's liner as hell. So please, don't use immersion as your primary post count excuse.
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
FFVII was garbage =P
The day i have to play a game called "Secretary Magic 3: Curse of the jammed printer?" or "College Studen 6: Night before the Final". Is the day i quit gaming.
It can break immersion if its too unrealistic, but if its too realistic its boring. Heck even look at the popular GTA games, they are almost as unrealistic as you can get while being set in the real world.
You gotta make some exceptions in order for the game to be enjoyable. Immersion is great and all, but if the sacrifice for total immersion was fun. then no thanks.
But immersion doesn't require total realism
"We'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere... and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
Who said anything about jumping shoulder height?
Stop being a jackass.
Greetings twit, who said anything about jumping shoulder height? I did, did you not see what I posted?
Log into EQ 2 or WoW, you seem the type already, hit the jump button. Where does the heels of the character go? I was just giving an average. So stop being a dumb ass.
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
When you compare WoW and EQ2 they both have griffins. However in EQ2 you can actually jump off the griffins in midflight (although this is actually useful). One is just more than the other.
Being unable to make even small jumps feels constricting to me, too.
In most games I don't need to be able leap tall buildings in a single bound. But I'd rather not be anchored to the dirt like a slug, either.
Furthermore, a game that's designed to offer players some freedom along the Z axis on the ground might allow them to swim, too -- and that does offer considerable opportunities for interesting gameplay.
P.S. Speaking of being able to jump around like a human jackrabbit, when is some developer finally going to license the Barsoom universe from Edgar Rice Burroughs's estate? I need to be able to leap to the tops of buildings as I fight off hordes of four-armed green Tharks to rescue various princesses of Helium!
You just graduate from the third grade?
You just graduate from the third grade?
Another constructive post by the most constructive poster in the world.
/sarcasm off
Can't WAIT!
So let me're tweedledee to eburn's tweedledum.