#1 thing they can do to make this game do better then SWG is do not release the game until it is ready. SWG released way to early and that game forever felt like it was in Beta. There was always everything broke, never a solid balance to gameplay and they constantly kept changing the whole style of the game. All things that should have been decided and finished during Beta.
Im hoping its not like wow or SWG im hoping its more like WWII online because Guilds are gunnu be very imprtant in SGW. Games that are constantly going and not just "frozen there so all players follow the same story line" are better. Im right arent i?
I don't think this will be anything like a SoE release. (Gawd I hope they don't screw up Vanguard) SoE has always had a very bad habbit of releasing things that were not complete. Look at EQ Gates of Discord expansion. They actually screwed this one up so badly, that 2 months after release they figured out the lvl cap of the game was set too low for the expansion. Which made it almost impossible to progress if you were in a normal guild. And, even in the high end the events they had were not even finished. I mean c'mon.. If the PC level cap is 65, and all the mobs are 70+. How could you screw something like that up.
The PS3 *rolls eyes* What a blunder this is. There are so many unfinished, and not tested things on this system that make it a headache. To me, the PS3 is a very powerful DVD player with some video game functions tossed in. Granted give them another year to work out the crap that should have been fixed upon release. But the point is, they put this thing out way to early.
The game needs to stay fun. That is the most important thing. There has to be goals set, that carrot needs to be held over our head to make us want to run after it. Something to look forward to progressing. And not just in the "end game" There needs to be content for all who play. For the hard core and average player. Because there is no denying that those two factions of people require two different things to drive them. It's a matter of balancing it out so both have a fun environment to play in.
There are so many different routes that they can go with this game. The PvP aspect alone would be awesome. "You exit the Stargate with your party on a Go'ould occupied planet to start an uprise to rid them from the planet. And you have to take out Jaffa, Go'ould, Supersoldiers, Death gliders, Al'Kesh, Ha'taks. And all of these being controlled by other PC (Kinda like a Go'ould guild, where the one with the most power would be a system lord, and those that don't have as much power in the service)" I don't know.. LoL.. I'm just rambling.. I just see so many ways to go with it, that it could be a really great game.
And don't substitue graphics for games play. Yes, please make the environment pleasing to the eyes, but make the content of the game the key focus. Don't go hollywood and make this great big SFX movie, that lacks a story line and character development. EQ2 did this, and it did not work out well for them.
Take ideas from all of the games, and toss some new ones in there. But just keep it fun. If they keep it fun, people will play. It's as simple as that.
Do not copy the wow formula- do some closed beta testing with core leaders of fan sites to get input from them. They do have some great names working on this game. Stick to the lore.
Well, I can tell you all that we have a fantastic team working on the game who know and love Stargate. The last thing that they want to do is create a game that doesn't feel like Stargate.
We also listen to our community. Our community forums are quite active and many of the dev team members participate in those discussions. I might also mention that I'm hear and reading these forums as well, but that woulud be redundant.
Keep an eye out. We're going to be providing a lot more details about the game in the coming months and you can judge for yourselves.
BTW if you guys and gals didn't know the personal whos posted I'm quoting here is one of the lead devs at SGW
Well since Lucas Arts was the biggest problem with SWG i doubt they'll have much problem avoiding the same issues. Lets just hope the game gets made and doesn't turn to vapor.
Im sorry i think SOE was the problem SOE was the problem THEY SUCK!!!!!!!!!
Good things come to those who wait. With so many new MMO"s coming out in 2007 we the mmo players will have plenty of choices and games to try for a while. Release the game in a nice finished state. WoW put out a nice polished game that was enjoyable from the start. And easy to jump right into an play. But I'm not saying make a WoW clone. Far from it. We need diversity in our MMO's. Don't be scared to take a chance and shake up the industry a little.
Good graphics are important. Especially if you aren't going to release the game for a couple years. I'm not talking bleeding edge graphics just up to date graphics. I envision a colorful world when I think of Stargate.
I've been wanting to play a good MMO that's has an outerspace element to it that is different than Star Wars Galaxy or Eve online. And making it different than Star Trek online should be important as well. If your going to have space combat make your game stick out from the crowd. Having to invade a large spaceship or a world through a Stargate I would think would be important to a Stargate Game.
But don't make the huge Stargate fans mad by ignoring the 2 series storylines. And with one move out and more planed (or so I read at scifi.com) there should be plenty of source material to draw from. If you anger the Stargate fans they will light up the forums and a negative buzz will stay with this game for a long long time. Hopefully your dev team is full of Stargate fans like the forums here say. I myself am not a huge Stargate fan. But nonetheless, I'm looking forward to this game anyway.
Here's hoping for a well polished, stand out from the crowd MMO. Make us say mmmm, that looks very new and very interesting.
i started to think of what was the One major factor in SWG demise. VISION, one a few had it and overall there was no real vision for the game. Sure they know that they had to put out more content etc, etc, monthly subscription fee's. But they had no true Vision for the game. Sure the dev's that worked on the game from the early development had a unified vision for the game. This vision vanished after several key Developers, production staff and LA decided that they needed more money.
Having a unified vision and sticking to it will ensure the success of SGW. Also it would help if you didn't split the
Dev team in 2 and have the 2nd team work on a different version of the game like they did with the NGE. If they would have had those Developers work on the live game instead of creating a new game they would have surpassed the 1.5 million subscription mark. If they had the tutorial available when the game launched instead of creating one for the NGE, Sub numbers would have been allot higher and account retention % would have increased substantially.
i started to think of what was the One major factor in SWG demise. VISION, one a few had it and overall there was no real vision for the game. Sure they know that they had to put out more content etc, etc, monthly subscription fee's. But they had no true Vision for the game. Sure the dev's that worked on the game from the early development had a unified vision for the game. This vision vanished after several key Developers, production staff and LA decided that they needed more money.
Having a unified vision and sticking to it will ensure the success of SGW. Also it would help if you didn't split the
Dev team in 2 and have the 2nd team work on a different version of the game like they did with the NGE. If they would have had those Developers work on the live game instead of creating a new game they would have surpassed the 1.5 million subscription mark. If they had the tutorial available when the game launched instead of creating one for the NGE, Sub numbers would have been allot higher and account retention % would have increased substantially.
I have a somewhat different take on why SWG has fallen in popularity...I'm not a an avid gamer, neither is my wife. The game, as introduced, represented an unique kind of escapism that, as a result of it's depth and complexity, appealed to so many casual gamers, and non-gamer 30-somethings, looking for an emersive experience. Moreover, running around shooting/bashing/stabbing things and other players was initially only one of MANY angles from which the game could be enjoyed. In my wife's case, the exploring/scouting/camping/survival aspect of the game with it's vast canvas was most appealing. For me, the intricacy, depth and complexity of the crafting game was most appealing. For my teenaged son, mastering the complicated aspects of the game's quirky but very diverse combat system was engaging. And for our younger daughter, the ease with which one could, if so inclined, just run around 'bashing' things on the head fit with her attention span. In short, the game appealed to gamers of all sorts and levels of intellect and attention span. The game's downfall came when they neglected to recognize that as developers, they are really 'governing' or engineering an on-line community. I doubt any real insight, from a social science perspective, was applied to the developing social structure of the game world and more importantly, the real-world demographics and psychology of the community of players. By this I mean the developers listened exclusively to only a small subset of players who happened to be most vocal in their complaints and responded like amateur politicians pressured by special interest groups (always makes for a bad outcome.) Those most vocal players were also most likely to exhaust content and move to another game regardless of what changes were made. As changes were afoot, I recall reading the boards and seeing endless strings of such complaints as....it's too complicated....it's too hard....I can 'win' fast enough...making 'stuff' takes too many parts and takes too long...Waaa! So, like amateur politicians SoE responded to the vocal minority (again likely to jump ship regardless of any changes made) and dramatically dumbed down the game. They shifted the focus from emersion in, and interaction with, a complex and vast game universe based on the PLAYER defining his or her adventure, to simple (read instant gratification) combat. As a result, many would-be long term players like my wife and I frankly lost interest as the game was no longer entertaining for players who enjoyed the other 4/5 of the game that was non-combat. Looking back, I think players like us may have actually been the majority and the drop in player numbers would support that. Even from a business stand point, as a game developer who wants a sustained player community paying the bills, I would definately think twice about dramatically narrowing the scope of my game based on the transient frustrations of the instant gratification crowd. I might venture a guess that the loudest complaints about complexity and the "time invested vs reward" came from players who would not have been able to pay for the 4 characters that I maintained for my whole family to enjoy, hence the desire for instant gratification...quick my game card is running out!
So, that's my take...they pandered to the wrong crowd and lost the 30-somethings who are more likely (and can afford) to stay with a well designed, complex game with a deep, multi-layered gaming experience; one in which an inter-dependent player community could develop. As this pertains to SGW, my interest was peaked because the intro for this new game actually mentions non-combat play and complex crafting.....my fingers are crossed!
2. dont freakin change gameplay just to compete with game "X"
3.And for petes sake dont listen to every carebear cry baby on the forums who wants balance..
4.Balance is boring and offers no challenge
5.Bugs kept to a few to none
6.Solo classes and Do not force grouping down our throats-I hate forced anything makes me feel like im playing a game not being part of it..
7.Nerf doesnt =fixed
8.Make player crafting produce the best stuff in the game
9. Keep a Tef system like galaxies had...be repercussion for you actions.dont want pkl'd then dont kill the opposite faction NPC's ect
10. Keep players informed with honesty reguardless of what it may bring..
11. FOr the Love of my sanity Dont copy WOW or the 10000000000000000 other clones..be original for petes sake..
12. Make alot of professions to choose from-IE Heavy Gunner/Medic/ give the classes some thought...add professions as the game goes along..32 would be nice
13. Combat setup like precu galaxies but smoother
14.Combat animations galore-Eye candy keeps my attention
THey definately need to listen to the opinions of their potential playerbase... Definately stick to the storyline liek alot of other people have said. Initially any MMORPG is gonna have bugs when it is first launched simply because it is a massive amount of code, with so many things that could go wrong. If they work on solving those bugs right away, and have testers make sure everything is great before an update, along with great gameplay and an awesome storyline like the stargate universe has, i think they will do extremely well.
Skill based, alot of interdependancy, crafting system was freaking awesome, player housing, HUGE HUGE maps with lots of room, EVERYTHING in game was crafted by the playerbase, space was well done, it never took a REAL long time to change professions if you wanted .. maybe 3-4 weeks, didn't have to start a new toon to change professions, Lots of professions to choose from.
I can go on and on ... SWG offered more flexibility and versatility than any other MMO in existance to date. It will be this flexibility and versatility that will make any new MMO a success.
Don'ts ...
-Don't try to copy Wow. WoW has been around for 10 yrs in various forms (3 version of Diablo and 3 versions of Warcraft and servers in 13 countries)
-Don't listen to people complaining. Identify if a problem is due to something broken or is just someone complaining for no real reason or thru a bad experience that was only cause by themselves.
-Do NOT nerf anything. If a weapon or profession is too strong, then make small suttle tweaks to bring it into line. OR increase same if it is too weak.
-Don't try to compete with WoW. Make a solid game. Word of mouth KILLED SWG ... but word of mouth will also DRAW many people to a good well run game.
I played SWG when it rolled out, the programmers started constantly fiddling with combats stats. It became
what combat skill is the flavoer of the week, and what has become nerfed. There was hidden challenge to unlock a jedi slot, but after i quit i heard they nerfed that and everyone has a jedi running around lol
I remember seeing screenshots the day they released the little floating cars, the streets were pretty much flooded with them.
I also played warcraft and am still confounded that they do not allow people to trade items on ebay or purchase gold ect, yet it flourishes anyway. If it was my game i would offer players the ability to buy gold and items for cash just for the extra income, why let it go to korean farmers? One of my favorite things to do wen i played Untima Online was watching Tradespot boards for ingame trades and whatnot. I spend more time doing that than playing the game.
So, that's my take...they pandered to the wrong crowd and lost the 30-somethings who are more likely (and can afford) to stay with a well designed, complex game with a deep, multi-layered gaming experience; one in which an inter-dependent player community could develop. As this pertains to SGW, my interest was peaked because the intro for this new game actually mentions non-combat play and complex crafting.....my fingers are crossed!
(The above is quoted from that wall of text on Page 4. Go back and read it for a good post.)
This is exactly why I loved Star Wars Galaxies. It's the non-combat experience that makes an MMO an RPG. Sitting in a cantina and watching an entertainer while waiting for your fatigue to fade away, then going to a doctor or sitting in a hospital for your wounds to heal....it was really just a glorified chat-room but that's what made the community. That's what brought us closer together.
I don't mean to sound dorky, but if they made a Star Trek: DS9 MMO that'd be along the lines of what I'm looking for. Imagine having a space station as your base, choosing your crew to go on combat missions in the Delta Quadrant or on simple trade missions, then coming back to relax in a bar and/or play mini-games in the holo-suites. (I just got the idea because I'm watching it on TV now )
Like someone else said earlier (not sure how to post multiple quotes)...
"Skill based, alot of interdependancy, crafting system was freaking awesome, player housing, HUGE HUGE maps with lots of room, EVERYTHING in game was crafted by the playerbase, space was well done, it never took a REAL long time to change professions if you wanted .. maybe 3-4 weeks, didn't have to start a new toon to change professions, Lots of professions to choose from."
THAT'S what made SWG great.
Let's hope for the same types of ideas in SGW...
And another thing...let's not be able to choose different races...we'd all be human, but on different homeworlds. Not sure if this ties in with the show, since I rarely watch it........*ahem*.....
Everything said above - plus don't allow devs to play untitled characters - strive to maintain the integrity of the game and be open with the playerbase.
Everything plus, I loved the versatility of swg pre-nge with the options and customization of the clothes and armor with colors and the same with the customization of the characters (every character made was unique, can have fatter or skinnier lips or body, diff tattoos available, diff makeup and so forth). I would really love to see that with the Stargate Worlds game.
once game is released, then listen to what the community wants, and then i beleive you have a good game...
I don't think this will be anything like a SoE release. (Gawd I hope they don't screw up Vanguard) SoE has always had a very bad habbit of releasing things that were not complete. Look at EQ Gates of Discord expansion. They actually screwed this one up so badly, that 2 months after release they figured out the lvl cap of the game was set too low for the expansion. Which made it almost impossible to progress if you were in a normal guild. And, even in the high end the events they had were not even finished. I mean c'mon.. If the PC level cap is 65, and all the mobs are 70+. How could you screw something like that up.
The PS3 *rolls eyes* What a blunder this is. There are so many unfinished, and not tested things on this system that make it a headache. To me, the PS3 is a very powerful DVD player with some video game functions tossed in. Granted give them another year to work out the crap that should have been fixed upon release. But the point is, they put this thing out way to early.
The game needs to stay fun. That is the most important thing. There has to be goals set, that carrot needs to be held over our head to make us want to run after it. Something to look forward to progressing. And not just in the "end game" There needs to be content for all who play. For the hard core and average player. Because there is no denying that those two factions of people require two different things to drive them. It's a matter of balancing it out so both have a fun environment to play in.
There are so many different routes that they can go with this game. The PvP aspect alone would be awesome. "You exit the Stargate with your party on a Go'ould occupied planet to start an uprise to rid them from the planet. And you have to take out Jaffa, Go'ould, Supersoldiers, Death gliders, Al'Kesh, Ha'taks. And all of these being controlled by other PC (Kinda like a Go'ould guild, where the one with the most power would be a system lord, and those that don't have as much power in the service)" I don't know.. LoL.. I'm just rambling.. I just see so many ways to go with it, that it could be a really great game.
And don't substitue graphics for games play. Yes, please make the environment pleasing to the eyes, but make the content of the game the key focus. Don't go hollywood and make this great big SFX movie, that lacks a story line and character development. EQ2 did this, and it did not work out well for them.
Take ideas from all of the games, and toss some new ones in there. But just keep it fun. If they keep it fun, people will play. It's as simple as that.
Don't get the wow bug and lose all sense of self.
le sigh..
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy
Good graphics are important. Especially if you aren't going to release the game for a couple years. I'm not talking bleeding edge graphics just up to date graphics. I envision a colorful world when I think of Stargate.
I've been wanting to play a good MMO that's has an outerspace element to it that is different than Star Wars Galaxy or Eve online. And making it different than Star Trek online should be important as well. If your going to have space combat make your game stick out from the crowd. Having to invade a large spaceship or a world through a Stargate I would think would be important to a Stargate Game.
But don't make the huge Stargate fans mad by ignoring the 2 series storylines. And with one move out and more planed (or so I read at scifi.com) there should be plenty of source material to draw from. If you anger the Stargate fans they will light up the forums and a negative buzz will stay with this game for a long long time. Hopefully your dev team is full of Stargate fans like the forums here say. I myself am not a huge Stargate fan. But nonetheless, I'm looking forward to this game anyway.
Here's hoping for a well polished, stand out from the crowd MMO. Make us say mmmm, that looks very new and very interesting.
Having a unified vision and sticking to it will ensure the success of SGW. Also it would help if you didn't split the
Dev team in 2 and have the 2nd team work on a different version of the game like they did with the NGE. If they would have had those Developers work on the live game instead of creating a new game they would have surpassed the 1.5 million subscription mark. If they had the tutorial available when the game launched instead of creating one for the NGE, Sub numbers would have been allot higher and account retention % would have increased substantially.
I have a somewhat different take on why SWG has fallen in popularity...I'm not a an avid gamer, neither is my wife. The game, as introduced, represented an unique kind of escapism that, as a result of it's depth and complexity, appealed to so many casual gamers, and non-gamer 30-somethings, looking for an emersive experience. Moreover, running around shooting/bashing/stabbing things and other players was initially only one of MANY angles from which the game could be enjoyed. In my wife's case, the exploring/scouting/camping/survival aspect of the game with it's vast canvas was most appealing. For me, the intricacy, depth and complexity of the crafting game was most appealing. For my teenaged son, mastering the complicated aspects of the game's quirky but very diverse combat system was engaging. And for our younger daughter, the ease with which one could, if so inclined, just run around 'bashing' things on the head fit with her attention span. In short, the game appealed to gamers of all sorts and levels of intellect and attention span. The game's downfall came when they neglected to recognize that as developers, they are really 'governing' or engineering an on-line community. I doubt any real insight, from a social science perspective, was applied to the developing social structure of the game world and more importantly, the real-world demographics and psychology of the community of players. By this I mean the developers listened exclusively to only a small subset of players who happened to be most vocal in their complaints and responded like amateur politicians pressured by special interest groups (always makes for a bad outcome.) Those most vocal players were also most likely to exhaust content and move to another game regardless of what changes were made. As changes were afoot, I recall reading the boards and seeing endless strings of such complaints as....it's too complicated....it's too hard....I can 'win' fast enough...making 'stuff' takes too many parts and takes too long...Waaa! So, like amateur politicians SoE responded to the vocal minority (again likely to jump ship regardless of any changes made) and dramatically dumbed down the game. They shifted the focus from emersion in, and interaction with, a complex and vast game universe based on the PLAYER defining his or her adventure, to simple (read instant gratification) combat. As a result, many would-be long term players like my wife and I frankly lost interest as the game was no longer entertaining for players who enjoyed the other 4/5 of the game that was non-combat. Looking back, I think players like us may have actually been the majority and the drop in player numbers would support that. Even from a business stand point, as a game developer who wants a sustained player community paying the bills, I would definately think twice about dramatically narrowing the scope of my game based on the transient frustrations of the instant gratification crowd. I might venture a guess that the loudest complaints about complexity and the "time invested vs reward" came from players who would not have been able to pay for the 4 characters that I maintained for my whole family to enjoy, hence the desire for instant gratification...quick my game card is running out!
So, that's my take...they pandered to the wrong crowd and lost the 30-somethings who are more likely (and can afford) to stay with a well designed, complex game with a deep, multi-layered gaming experience; one in which an inter-dependent player community could develop. As this pertains to SGW, my interest was peaked because the intro for this new game actually mentions non-combat play and complex crafting.....my fingers are crossed!
1. Skill based system setup similar to SWG precu
2. dont freakin change gameplay just to compete with game "X"
3.And for petes sake dont listen to every carebear cry baby on the forums who wants balance..
4.Balance is boring and offers no challenge
5.Bugs kept to a few to none
6.Solo classes and Do not force grouping down our throats-I hate forced anything makes me feel like im playing a game not being part of it..
7.Nerf doesnt =fixed
8.Make player crafting produce the best stuff in the game
9. Keep a Tef system like galaxies had...be repercussion for you actions.dont want pkl'd then dont kill the opposite faction NPC's ect
10. Keep players informed with honesty reguardless of what it may bring..
11. FOr the Love of my sanity Dont copy WOW or the 10000000000000000 other clones..be original for petes sake..
12. Make alot of professions to choose from-IE Heavy Gunner/Medic/ give the classes some thought...add professions as the game goes along..32 would be nice
13. Combat setup like precu galaxies but smoother
14.Combat animations galore-Eye candy keeps my attention
Come check out Entropia Universe!!! @ http://www.entropiauniverse.com or http://entropiaforum.com - Thanks - Zippo
SWG did ALOT of things right in game.
Skill based, alot of interdependancy, crafting system was freaking awesome, player housing, HUGE HUGE maps with lots of room, EVERYTHING in game was crafted by the playerbase, space was well done, it never took a REAL long time to change professions if you wanted .. maybe 3-4 weeks, didn't have to start a new toon to change professions, Lots of professions to choose from.
I can go on and on ... SWG offered more flexibility and versatility than any other MMO in existance to date. It will be this flexibility and versatility that will make any new MMO a success.
Don'ts ...
-Don't try to copy Wow. WoW has been around for 10 yrs in various forms (3 version of Diablo and 3 versions of Warcraft and servers in 13 countries)
-Don't listen to people complaining. Identify if a problem is due to something broken or is just someone complaining for no real reason or thru a bad experience that was only cause by themselves.
-Do NOT nerf anything. If a weapon or profession is too strong, then make small suttle tweaks to bring it into line. OR increase same if it is too weak.
-Don't try to compete with WoW. Make a solid game. Word of mouth KILLED SWG ... but word of mouth will also DRAW many people to a good well run game.
I really do miss the early days of SWG. I don't chime in on the SWG debate much as I left before NGE, but they really destroyed the game with that.
Maybe SGW could pick up where SWG began?
I played SWG when it rolled out, the programmers started constantly fiddling with combats stats. It became
what combat skill is the flavoer of the week, and what has become nerfed. There was hidden challenge to unlock a jedi slot, but after i quit i heard they nerfed that and everyone has a jedi running around lol
I remember seeing screenshots the day they released the little floating cars, the streets were pretty much flooded with them.
I also played warcraft and am still confounded that they do not allow people to trade items on ebay or purchase gold ect, yet it flourishes anyway. If it was my game i would offer players the ability to buy gold and items for cash just for the extra income, why let it go to korean farmers? One of my favorite things to do wen i played Untima Online was watching Tradespot boards for ingame trades and whatnot. I spend more time doing that than playing the game.
If I killed it, it must taste like chicken.
need good rvr battles , taking over ships , cities and planets.
(The above is quoted from that wall of text on Page 4. Go back and read it for a good post.)
This is exactly why I loved Star Wars Galaxies. It's the non-combat experience that makes an MMO an RPG. Sitting in a cantina and watching an entertainer while waiting for your fatigue to fade away, then going to a doctor or sitting in a hospital for your wounds to heal....it was really just a glorified chat-room but that's what made the community. That's what brought us closer together.
I don't mean to sound dorky, but if they made a Star Trek: DS9 MMO that'd be along the lines of what I'm looking for. Imagine having a space station as your base, choosing your crew to go on combat missions in the Delta Quadrant or on simple trade missions, then coming back to relax in a bar and/or play mini-games in the holo-suites. (I just got the idea because I'm watching it on TV now )
Like someone else said earlier (not sure how to post multiple quotes)...
"Skill based, alot of interdependancy, crafting system was freaking awesome, player housing, HUGE HUGE maps with lots of room, EVERYTHING in game was crafted by the playerbase, space was well done, it never took a REAL long time to change professions if you wanted .. maybe 3-4 weeks, didn't have to start a new toon to change professions, Lots of professions to choose from."
THAT'S what made SWG great.
Let's hope for the same types of ideas in SGW...
And another thing...let's not be able to choose different races...we'd all be human, but on different homeworlds. Not sure if this ties in with the show, since I rarely watch it........*ahem*.....
2. Let us meet the #@$ furlings. I.E expand on the stories the shows cant.
3. Smart A.I
4. Skill based rather than class based system.
5. No player cities unless there are very few and confined in size. I.E build up!
6. A player based economy. Similar to SWG.
7. Awsome PvP
Thats all I can think about right now .
#1 Do not release early !!!.
#2 Dont lie to ur fans. Like meaningless running around looking for bogus clue to become a Jedi which was a lie.
#3 Epic quests , We want to save the galaxy..... SWG didnt even have any.
#4 pvp/rvr.....taking over city, planet, space station.....
#5 Casual leveling
I don't think that'd be a pretty sight these days. Now, when episode 1 air'd sure.
Vala, now she's aged a lot better =0