C5 pts is out (well was out yesterday, didn't get to now).
Anyways, gotta say i'm impressed. I was going to leave retail at first (too much downtime on my spellhowler) but than I decided to try the PTS today, for fun.
Gotta say i'm hooked again. Made a 75 TH and checked out the new areas and everything. A lot of the changes are still good, and helps PvP as well.
Tanks can now root, I got owned by a tank more than once. They also are realy valuable now in pvp partys.
Mages got their sleep nerfed to hell
. Ah well...
Archers are still about the same, still freakng own people
Daggers got a nice boost, and are doing realy nicely now
Other classes got boosted as well. (I.E Paladins are actualy worth a damn now).
I wish my dwarf had nukes.
Aye. But I would also have to have no life :-]
Or bot
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."