I enjoyed the trial and thought why not, I didn't even bother reading any player input or recent reviews, so I guess I just went out on a limb with blind faith. What the hell, it was only around $20 from play.com incl delivery with Desert of flames expansion (I've no idea what that is but ok
Now I'm trying to avoid buyers remorse for another "sort of" impulse buy. I mean it's been a while since I really played an mmorpg properly. EVE Online a year ago maybe, a good game but didn't move at the pace I wanted it to, wheras everquest 2 seemed to flow very nicely. I played WoW for a little bit, only 25 levels and got insanely sick of the game.
I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do or what server I'm going to play on as a European. I'd definitely like to avoid german & french players as their broken english drives me mad. In the trial I tried Shadowknight and Rogue(I think it was a Rogue?), I found the latter more fun to play at those low levels. PvP interests me of course, but do you have to be on a PvP server to do some sort of guild vs guild thing? I read something about "raid guilds" I've no idea what that is
I think I want to learnt the hard way and play on PvP server for my first characther because PvP is what I want in the end and I don't want to play several characthers on diff servers. Furthermore I suppose I'll be looking for some guild with ventrilo.
Any inputs for a sheep?
One shall stand and one shall fall.
Welcome to EQ2.
If you would like to play with Americans, you can choose North america from the launcher and then it will shown only the North american servers. However, if you would prefer to play on a European server, select Europe from the launcher to see only European servers.
I have no idea about European servers, but if you want to play on a North American server, I recommend Mistmoore (where I play ), or Nagafen (a PvP server where I play).
You have to play on a PvP dedicated server if you want all out PvP. On PvE servers, there are two ways to do PvP. One way is to duel with another player by clicking on the player and typing /duel on your chat window. If he wishes to duel with you, he can accept the invitation. The other way is the arena PvP. In the city of Maj'Dul there is a PvP arena where you can fight with another player or for group vs group battles. Also winners get some types of rewards but I am not very familiar with them because I haven't done arena PvP.
Of course, PvP servers are much fun. But, I recommend you to first play on a PvE server and get to know the land before going to a PvP server.
There are ton of guilds and the easiest way is press Ctrl+U to bring up the guild window where you will see a list of guilds which are currently accepting players and where one of the guild officers are online with whome you can talk to, and also it gives a brief description of the guild. I think it is a great feature which no other MMORPG has.
Yes I think I want to play a PvP server and learn the hard way. I know the UK one is Darathar and US I spose is nagafen. I'm looking for someone with ventrilo to help teach me though :P
One shall stand and one shall fall.
Well, the only thing i can recomend is to jump on a pvp server then and look for a guild that is recruting. Alot of the recruting messages will say what each said guild is about, and some of them list weather or not they use chat client such as teamspeak, xfire or vent.
As for someone "Teaching you the game" that might be a bit iffy. With any guild, players will usualy be pretty helpful if you get stuck on something, or need help killing a name mob for a quest...but to auctualy find someone to take time out of their play time to walk you threw the game, you might not find this.
One shall stand and one shall fall.
Just stay on the isle till you finish all the missions this should put you at level 8 or 9. The isle should teach you basically everything you need to know about how to play the game.
As far as pvp goes, its really a learn as you go type of situation and can't really be taught. Although the pvp is very exciting.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
One shall stand and one shall fall.