Ok she calls me we're on the phone for like 30 minutes... and she tells me she doesn't want to be on the phone cuz she's been making calls all day.. I tell her i want to go to sleep before 12 cuz i have a big morning tommorow.... So i comply... we get off the phone (the time is then 10:30) at 11:30 i look down pick my phone off the carpet... apparently it was on silent and she had called me 5 times... and was calling me right then... I answer the phone.... she starts cussin me out for taking so long to answer the phone... She continues the onslaught... i tell her something to the extent that I dont really need to go to bed before 12 that was just a tentative deadline... and she says noooo i want you to go to bed (I should have used the female translating machine and deduced that that last statement was a lie)
I do a couple ring-a-round argumentative tactics and get her under control in minutes we have a great conversation for the next 25 minutes... (it's then 11:55) and I'm getting tired and the convo was slowing a bit... So i tell her i wanted to go to bed... She blows up... Starts using expletives every 3 or so words... and continues on about how All men are liars blah blah... about how she cant trust them... I'm like... (i wish i chose better words) Why is tonite's convo of 20 minutes a problem for you when for the past 2 weeks 5 minutes of your time was all i got before bed...... WOW she blew up in a haze of anger and sadness... Tears flying around like deadly projectiles (note: i was on the phone and I almost got hit)
Anyways we argued for abit... until she said dont call her ever again(Dammit I knew i shoulda kept taht female translation machine).... i said fine.. she hung up... I got ready for bed... 2 minutes later she calls and starts getting angry at the fact that i didn't call her... and I tell her i'm really not up for playing her mind games tonite... And she says that doesn't matter cuz you should have called back... we argued alil bit and she hangs up... SO i call back and before she says anything I tell her I just dont want to argue anymore... Then she came to and started being nice to me again..... (it is now 12:39) 40 minutes past what i was trying to accomplish...
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Hey look it's that girl I knew couple years ago. lol not really, most girls are cool I talk to and, I'm the psycho. oh wells time for the CHEESE DANCE!!! dada daah dadadada! DAAAH! I say ignore her a little while let her know somethings are a step to far.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
You have nice topics but your....topic titles.
That is one thing I won't understand about females. I wonder if they ever know what they are saying...becuase it seems they can say somthing stupid that will quite possibly end a relationship or somthing. Hummm....I wonder, if there were a female president....OH NOES!
(JK....but really though...makes you wonder)
I think that could be every man's weakness...except for the nasty ones.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Well, what can you do, dude? If she's on PMS, then you'll just have to wait until she's off it.
*looks at Rufius who's doing the Cheese Dance*
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
And they wonder why there are so many anti-femenists around...
And they wonder why there are so many anti-femenists around...
Take a deep drink of your demon Lad, tonight we tangle with the fire in the gut.
My gf just broke up with me, out of no where he calls me and says that she doesn't want to start a relationship (which we've been dating for 5 months, I dunno what's wrong with her)
It was like 10 p.m. and I was asleep when she called.
All I could say was "Ok....., good night."
I hang up the phone.
Two minutes later the phone rings again, after letting it ring eight times I pick it up.
Her-"Is that all you can say is Ok?!"
Me-"Yeah, because I didn't do anything wrong, so you probably found a good guy with herpies so enjoy I'm going back asleep."
That was a little bit ago......
She was awesome before that happened...., She went to her sisters in California for a couple of weeks. I guess she did something...
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
having a relationship = complicates the shit out of everything until you can cut the tension with a KNIFE
i had the same probs as you..luckily she grew out of being a bitch.
I am not one for phone conversations, but you should have left it on silent after you had seen the "5 times" that she had called; you could have told her that you had gone to sleep and set the phone on silent, since you didn't want to be disturbed.
She could have called you reckless at best. You've got to learn how to lie better.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
"Io rido, e rider mio non passa dentro;
Io ardo, e l'arsion mia non par di fore."
tbh tihs is exactly why i say women shouldnt be allowed into politics. or the work place.
or outside.
Dump her. They key to happy relationships is the willingness to end the bad ones.
Always be prepared to end the relationship, don't be trapped by the "oh but..." and the "its not that bad...".
Can't WAIT!
I am not saying that you should always just END a relationship, just always leave that option open.
Women, like most people in relationships, will do to you what you allow them to. If you allow a woman to walk all over you she will. Same goes for women, if they allow a man to walk all over them, they will.
If your GF can't handle her hormones once a month, tell her that for that period of time you don't want to see her.
If your girlfriend treats you badly, break up with her.
I have had some really crazy relationships, with women I would swear on my life must be clinically insane, and I stayed in them and just took it. That was my mistake. Now I am going on three years with my girlfriend and she isn't crazy, and neither am I.
Can't WAIT!
Originally posted by methane47
Ok she calls me we're ...<SNIP>... what i was trying to accomplish...
Most grow out of it eventually (usually by mid 20s), and those that don't aren't worth pissing with.
Edit: for those who have recent left bad relationships... enjoy!
Meth, honestly, tell her to grow the f%^k up!
Yes, PMS sucks and for sure the first few days of "that time" is an irritation that I really don't think any guy could ever really understand but really, there's no reason for anything that crazy to happen. Your a crazy boyfriend for taking it on the chin like that and all but no one should just take random abuse because she happens to be in a pissy mood.
Although, she could be one of those girls that has a severe medical hormonal imbalance during her cycle, in which case, tell to see a freaking doctor and take it easy on you.
Now, if it has nothing to do with PMS or her cycle, Meth... you've got a drama queen on your hands. In that case run little friend.... run!
Important Information regarding Posting and You
As for the title ... LOL sorry man.. seems like i can't get that right... I thought my title was pretty descriptive..
As for females in power... I think another guy in another thread said it right. He said something along the lines of "I'm Declaring War on you and your whole country.... (five hours later)... I'm sorry i didn't really mean that poopiekins ... you forgive me?" lol..
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
-virtual tourist
want your game back?