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Avatars of Fear, a brand new PvP guild is looking for players that plan to play on a PvP server. Originally organized under the name Clan LORE, Avatars of Fear plans to be a strong PvP community of new and old MMORPG players.
Currently we are recruiting all Horde races them being, Orc, Tauren, Undead and Troll. At this time the PvP info that Blizzard has granted us is rather bleak. Because of this, there is little to no knowledge of what type of PvP server blizzard plans to provide us with, if any that is.
We will open up recruitment to Alliance races if the PvP server that Blizzard provides us with is an all vs. all server, meaning every player can engage in combat no matter the race or team. However for now, we are under the assumption that the server will be a teams server, with Horde vs. Alliance. So at this time we are only going to be recruiting players that plan to play on the Horde team. If Blizzard does not provide any PvP server, then we will play on a normal server on the Horde Team.
Community is very important to us, and we will strive to create a community on our Forums and a strong community in-game. Currently because we re-organized under a different name, and re-created our web site, our forums are rather empty. Our site just went public today, so there are very few posts on the forums to take part in.
I didnt want to make this too long, a lot of our information is up on the web site.
If your not interest in joining us but would still like to participate in a PvP community, then please come over to our Forums and post.
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Will any game ever equal the rampant pking fun of the good ole' dreadlord days of UO 98?
Will any game ever equal the rampant pking fun of the good ole' dreadlord days of UO 98?
Will any game ever equal the rampant pking fun of the good ole' dreadlord days of UO 98?
I want to cast magic missle. go there for Naruto episodes!!
Will any game ever equal the rampant pking fun of the good ole' dreadlord days of UO 98?
Will any game ever equal the rampant pking fun of the good ole' dreadlord days of UO 98?