I play carpe diem 1 month ago in korea server. when i go in to the game, the first thing doesnt impress me is the whole screen. more like 2D to me.
after when you manage to get your house and those rare box run away from you(thats smething interesting), i have this addiction to this game.well the graphic may not be nice, but the whole gameplay jus connect with each other.
Carpe diem try out smething other MMORPG doesnt have. thats wat make Carpe Diem so success in korea and china.
i make a fansite to show my passion to this game
hope u guys like it
Socom 3 fourms @ www.gamingzhubz.com, not Carpe Diem related.
i agree the game setup is good they thought allot of the game out...But if ur paying for this u would think the graphics would be better