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looks like if you telll it like it is you get banned from swg forums
you want the truth i dont think you can handle the truth
anyone else get banned for telling the truth about the game
Me me me me me!!!
Do not write posts that link to a certain site that talks about replacing a certain game, and you should survive here. Otherwise we seem to have much more freedom.
Welcome, and please post intelligently.
I realize I said I quit. I never said it was forever
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
Never used SWG forums so can only presume account perma ban means forums too.
I am the king of the premaban for alleged forum misuse. The SWG forums is a police state and the penalty is prema game ban. No other company would be stupid enough to lose your in-game bussiness over it, no other company could be so arrongant not to care or reconsider. Better documentation of this fact is on my blog.
Unaware of the Jestor?
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I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
You are not suprised, pirrg? You are just as aggessive in your postings here but you are entitled to your opinion of my post.
If you seek further criticial power of judging forum posts , please get a job as a CSR at SOE ( what a nasty job that must be , working a McDonalds who take on a whole new appeal in comparision.)
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I would have to compare notes with him before I would agree.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
I would have to compare notes with him before I would agree.
He has had more forum accounts than I think I have posts here .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
2 Perma Bans, both Fat Fingered around when the NGE launched. The funny thing is they admitted I should have NOT been banned, and said they'd reverse it... riiiiiight....
A ban is a badge of honor here...
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
I would have to compare notes with him before I would agree.
He has had more forum accounts than I think I have posts here .
lol is Vas still useing that Carrol account? He gets banned more than anyone I've ever seen on those forums, next to J-Timberlake guy.
You see, people can post "fsuck you" type trolls and flames against each other and especially against those who disagree with the NGE (see crap that Badger and other "senators" post almost daily), but if you make an argument against NGE, or explain how and why the game has failed because of it, you WILL be banned, especially if it's well written and the argument persuasive.
I would have to compare notes with him before I would agree.
He has had more forum accounts than I think I have posts here .
lol is Vas still useing that Carrol account? He gets banned more than anyone I've ever seen on those forums, next to J-Timberlake guy.
Yep he sure is , Think that has got to be his longest standing forum account hahha .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I have had more threads closed or deleted by careful trolling and flaming but I always managed to avoid bannings... Trolling and flaming within the RoC is an art form and I am an artist.
I did get one of my alt accounts banned a couple of times though on purpose. I just couldn't resist being overly rude to a couple of the old correspondents and to the red names.
Former SWG beta tester and player
Speaking as someone that avoided the ban so many times (if you know) I can tell you that if you stick to facts, quotes or they know you are more angry or mad that the changes ruined the game for you they are somewhat forgiving.
I have had more PMs I think from the MODS going back to Jeassa all the way to swgMOD (crap) ...
The real bad thing is this... when they had MORE people in the game, they did not need as many mods, or actually have to get some from EQ2 or even name some of them as dummy accounts, hence "swgmod" in fact they did not need to police the forums near as much as they do now.
In short, they have pissed on so many people that they come there to vent and the Devs/Mods know it. The bad part is that at one time you went there to get help or learn somthing, now all you learn is more about how bad they have treated thier customers and game.
The Mods will delete things, but if you quote a Dev, or LEC Exec -- it's harder for them to delete it or argue it... Pictures, screen shots.. all of those sometimes just make them eat crow plain and simple. If anything try to stick to what people promise and then exploit it. If they tell you they are going to *Cough* -- Finally fix smuggler and since they have said this now at least 4 times that I know of, you can almost insult them based on the fact they insulted you by telling you time and time again they were doing this.
I can tell you that at the summit when people called a Dev out, it was great... so much back pedaling you would have thought you were at a circus. (I actually think we were).
Debating somthing on the SOE boards cost you 15.00 a month.. some of us for months only used them and not the, not sure if that is just sad but when you pay in advance thinking you were getting a Corvette when you paid up, only to get a Edsel to drive I feel you should be able to say pretty much what you want.
I do miss some of the people and debats, JemyM was a easy one, so many more... in the end they got what they want... less of us, more of the NGE support glee club.
Brias boards were great though, every morning we could troll with the
(So everyone knows, I was not always this pissed off, or hateful... the NGE and SOEs lies can change a gamer thats for sure)
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I still say SWGMod001 and SWGMod002 are used by more than one person. I bet it's one that anyone can use to delete threads after work hours without making it look like they are trolling.
Once I got banned by 001 for laughing at some stupid question someone idiot asked on the forums. I gave a suggestion and got a smart ass response. I think it was either swgmod001 or someone who knew them because my post got deleted twice and then I was swiftly banned shortly after. I have a feeling I was being followed thru the forums sicne I was in the middle of making another post and got hit the ban once I hit post. The only thing that led me to believe SWGmod knew who this person was is because the email in their profile was something like texaslilly@msn . Location being Austin Texas. Weirdest banning I ever got. I think it was a SOE employee.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
ITA-lion, is waiting for Star Trek online last I heard. I havn't seen him in like a year. I think he left before I joined. I remember him being in VoD for a while if I remember. I think anyways.
Awhile back I did get a 2 week suspension for making a thread about how much money SOE has been losing since the NGE went live. It seems you're much more likely to get banned for starting a new thread they don't like rather than posting replies to a thread.
SWG Tempest: Cardo Dycen RIP
Eve: Cardoh Dycen
I support random drug testing for all SOE employees
It's not to gather information from customers. It's most CERTAINLY not to disseminate information to customers. It is to make promises about how great things will be and ignore any opinion to the contrary. Anyone who tries to treat the forums as a place for an honest discussion of the game's problems will be shown the exit, they're scaring would-be customers away and have no place there.
It's really that simple. Don't bang your head against the wall trying to make the forums something they're not: interested in the customer's opinion.
On a serious note , good post .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Vicktore said " have quit SWG my account ends 8/24/06 i dont feel i will be going back anytime soon i have also moved to FF11 a game think is done very well and i wish the devs would have made changes to SWG more like FF11 the cut seens are to cool and the combat is fast aslong as you are in a good group so i am going to stay there till STO comes out "
Then I said
"The change in gameplay cause by SWG is infamous fom the ultmate premagame ban suffer by myself and a handful of others to those who are force to quit due to the often alter game mechanics by SOE ,this game will be remember, unfortunatley not for the right reasons. SWG has been a game that I gave up on since the NGE even since being prema-banned. Since SOE has never forgave me , i will never forgive them. SWG is dead, I am more concerned about other beloved franchises that SOE may screw up - the first that comes to mind is The DC universe."
Unaware of the Jestor?
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