Since we all know sword and Board fantasy is here to stay and there seems to be a bit of futuristic FPS style MMOS here or around the corner, which new idea do you think will take hold.
Here are a few of the ones i would like to see:
A. Western themed mmo.
b. 17th Century mmo (Sort of dueling with rapiers)
C. X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter mmo (Upgrade your Tie!)
D. Kung Fu hand to hand mmo.
These are 4 off of the top of my head that if implemented right could be very fun. I think there are too many games using prelicensed material that get hamstrung by lore and whatnot and aren't using full creative capability. Either that or the are so afraid of being formulaic that they cannot or willnot do something new.
You seriously misunderstood what i said. Why would i want to do something like that on a console? this is after all. I'm just talking about a fresh new take on the old rehashed-one thousand times fantasy setting.
There are plenty of MMOs where you control your ship with a joystick as the option. Vendetta online, Jumpgate.
As for option C, It would be nice though it needs to be 100% original rather than seeing X-Wings and Ties.
For those on the foot FPS mmos, I thought there were plenty of those(see Neocron, Planetside).
Give me lights give me action. With a touch of a button!
I would love to see a present time MMOFPSRPG. Something like a civil war with mercenairies, freedom fighters, criminals and dictator guards. A jagged alliance mmo.