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Emperium Online update.

Just wanted to let all the scifi ( space based mmorpg ) ppl here know that its been confirmed on the Emperium Online forums that there going to begin the game engine testing at the end of the summer - the Dev's have stated that they will hand pick the people that get in on the engine testing, the forums are small so I'm thinking that if you get on it now and are knowledgeable about space shooters and post topics that catch there attention ( the Dev's are always on the forums daily checking and replying to posts ) then i would think there going to have to pick from the people that show real interest in the game.

If you want to get in on the ground floor of what might just be the next best scifi space shooter thats very *unique then theres no better time, and you can bet if your active in the Emperium Online forums you'll get into the beta an maybe even the alpha.

This games Unique as in there is multi player capitol ships, space station that allows FPS  many " Scripted "  programmable objects  such as mining Bots and much more.

Game Link & info --->  Emperium Online  <--- good luck getting in on the testing.

Ill try and refer back to this thread for all updates. 

You cant win if you don't play

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