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I am posting this due to a rediculous argument that is raging in the office I seem to work at. The argument is only rediculous because the superiority of having your very own monkey ever came into question. Well, that and I am bored out of my friggin mind at work today.
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Support Independent Game Developers
Where as a robot would just scare the crap outta me, I've seen Irobot...i know the future!
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
Therefore Robot > Monkey
Well, I suppose such a function could be programmed into the robot, however, monkeys can fling poo. This does not cause the destruction of the target, however, it does provide much entertainment and will certainly cause the target much grief in the way of ridicule and unsightly odor.
Of course... monkeys can be deadly as well...
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Support Independent Game Developers
Best of both worlds.
Killer-robot monkey
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
if the robot cleans the house on its own, robot.
If not, monkey, cause that'd be a fun pet.
-virtual tourist
want your game back?
Yes, and when every single person has a monkey in their home, it will begind . . .
The Planet of the Apes!
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
Monkey would be rather cool to have. Now you just need to get some ferrets and have a war! Why ferrets, I dont know.
The only primate I would want to have is a personal gorilla, so I could sick it on people. But since a gorilla is an ape and not a monkey, I'd have to go with a robot. I'd like my own personal Ahnuld to go around shooting people in the kneecaps at my request. I'd just have to carry around an EMP gun in case it became self aware and wanted to terminate all humans.
i said monkey cuz i think having a monkey would be bad ass
but have you guys seen that robot rapter thing...i was in radio shack and i was screwing around with this robot rapter and it was sweeeeet
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
trust me. having a little monkey as a pet seems cool as hell.
until you actualy have one.
smelly, disobediant, and hella lot more money than you can immagine in diapers. its cool for the first time you introduce it to your friends and what not , but the novelty go's away very quick and your left with bills and stink and not really wanting him around and its not exactly welcome in friends houses a second time.
same as a pig, there was a fad a bit back where alot of people started having pigs as pets. it ended pretty quick as the bills started piling up.
i sort of have half a robot. few years back me and a couple friends started building one wanted to get on robot wars. figured out later that we weren't very smart and now all it does is shoot tennis balls at my dog
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
I put monkey I'd likle one as a pet but TBH if i could have anything at home i wanted either pass time or clean the house it would be a 25yo 36DD pornstar/cleaner/cook that way i could have hours of fun plus food on the table and a clean house to come home too after work
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy