It seems like everyday there is at least one thread abotu why Eve is great or something concerning Eve in the general section of this board. There are 6 threads alone in the first 3 pages of the forums. It's getting to the point where I'm loosing interest in coming to this site because there seems to be so much dicsussion about Eve and so little about other games. Can you please either start moving the thread to the eve section, combine them into one thread or deleting/locking repeat subjects?
I understand that people love (and hate Eve) but when it gets to a point where there are multiple posts on the same subject something should be done.
this is a thread about EvE and should in my opinion be locked.
On a more serious note. I agree to a certain extent. But there is no hope that the "eve" banter will ever go away. The main reason it has flaired up again so much recenlty is because of the recent "re-review" that MMORPG.Com gave it.
It's really not as bad as you think. Up until yesterday the general forum had been realtively quiet with regards to the EVE posts. You can look back on the last 2 weeks of topics to verify this. The current EVE controversy is, as the Editor correctly prophesized, due to the re-review that was published yesterday.
Have patience and give it a few more days before this renewed controversy dies down.
BTW, I think Eve Rocks.
When I think about it, it is kinda funny. If this forum war was occuring on the EVE's forums then a war declaration would have been issued right about now. Another day or two of chest-beating would be followed by 3 or 4 days of complete silience on the forums as both sides slugged it out in space and blowing each other up and smacking each other in local.
Those that were the most vocal on the forums inevitably got called Primary in all the engagements as pilots went out of their way to blow up the forum whores' ships/pods and be the one to collect the kill mail as a trophy to display their might.
Then suddenly, out of the blue, someone would make a post on the forums whining about how the otherside is the aggressor and how they used questionable tactics. The whining would go on for days as they died a slow and horrible death, beaten into submission with the victors claiming their rights on the forums...
You know what's funny is I'm not even playing Eve right now and had to take a break from the game (like I do for all MMO's). Although I have played Eve long enough to know how good the game is and understand why some liove it.
The OP is right.
It isn't about EVE specifically either. The moderation on these boards sucks of late.
The general forum is supposed to be "general" therefore not geared to a specific game(they each have their own forum for that), and about MMOGs, not about anything under the sun.
I don't understand why threads are not moved to the appropriate forum. I see game specific topics in general as well as off topic, not MMOG related, threads sit in general forum also. Wake up staff.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but most of these threads are either from people bitching about other people posting about EVE, or some random preaching in all caps about how EVE RULZ. Normally threads like these would go away in a matter of hours, but for some reason, here on the MMORPG.COM forums, people feel the overwhelming need to bitch about EVE more than any other topic. Looking into any previous thread you will see amongst the trolling and the flaming, that over *60% of the posts are whines about people always posting about EVE. See the problem here? If it were possible for people to not reply to these threads - that in the end, no one cares about - rather than trying to choke everyone else with their opinions, then the problem will be solved to everyone's mutual satisfaction.
The Short of It: Stop posting, you are only making it worse!
I know I kind of go against my own advice here, but someone has to state the obvious it seems.
And yes, I have seen a recent lack of moderation on these forums. Though, if something is really bothering you, you can always you that little report button and take the issue into your own hands. In my experience, the post will get moderated in minutes if the report is legitimate.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Dunno what to say.. maybe you were 'abusing the system'..? But in my case, I have reported dozens, and have never gotten an actual reply from a mod. I just come back to the forums to see the reported post deleted and then notice a sudden lack of posts from SirFlamesAlot.
Maybe I just think like a mod... hmmm, any positions open MMORPG.COM?