As one who has his own solar panel/or frier Tuck thing going on, on the back of my head, I have chosen to embrace the baldness and shave my head. There are those unfortunate souls that choose to deny the fact that they have lost their quiff or tuft of hair. There are other alternatives to shaving the, but I don't think the comb-over is ever a good idea. What to you say?
I don't have to worry about that but if I did I would just shave it. It looks better to be completely bald rather than have a few hairs trying to cover a huge bald area.
Congrats man you should feel very liberated having embraced your baldness and shaved your head.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
I remember seeing a little kind in a store with a comb-over. It was crazy, and I'll admit; I stared. I mean, it might've just been that he had really thin hair, but I swear to me it looked like a comb over. I giggled, and in doing so, I lost a little bit of myself.
My dad's been bald up top for quite a while now. He only recently got a hair cut. Now his hair's just short around the back with some stubble up top, before it was long in the back with a big, awkward poof up top. Bald is better unless you have some kind of a funky looking head, or something.
Show the skin. If you got the baldness, flaunt it.
Head shaves are for Chav's and the BNP.
-- signed --
Mr. Potato Head
TBH imho
I've got a cone head, so I'd get implants before I shaved my head for sure. Luckily though I have no signs of baldness yet.
And for the record, 9 times out of 10 comb-overs are a bad idea.
Now you see why I shaved my head! Damn I miss that baby poop green suit.
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
Now you see why I shaved my head! Damn I miss that baby poop green suit.