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Just started WoW Sunday, made it to lvl 6 in 2 hours. I'm sure it'll slow down to the usuall grind really soon.
Are there quests that aren't just "kill X bad guys" or "go see some guy"?
There's also reconaissance quests like check Area T, escort quests from A to B and gather quests for C in most zones as well but not in the abundance of "kill X bad guys" or "go see some guy". There's also some other type of quests like a monk only quest to heal someone but ones like those are extremely rare.
The grinding in WoW stays pretty fast, although after lvl 20 you will really feel it slowing down. Mind you, even than you can get to lvl 60 in a month easy. An experienced and determined leveller can get to lvl 20 playing in 1 rainy day, ~14 hours /played if you really set your mind to it.
Quests are mainly a source of easy exp while grinding. Most rewards are generally vendored. Some quest though are linked to instances and even raids. The horrors of Onyxia key for Horde still haunts me......still havent finished it....
60 paladin(beta)
60 shaman/rogue/hunter/warrior/druid/priest/warlock (retired)
28 mage limping along due to boredom
After you do the same quests over and over (Alliance/Horde, different races), they all
seem to blur into the same quest.
I do have to say that the Ony quest lines for both Horde and Alliance are fun.
As long as you have a good group and stick with it through the whole line, it is easy.
(Well LBRS is never easy, nor is jailbreak)