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priest on sunstrider EU

aregatoaregato Member Posts: 29
Hi all! =)

5 month ago mom forced me to stop playing WoW, but finaly I have convinced her to let me start play again.
Now I am looking for a nice guild to join…

I was a quite good healer before I quited but was most doing 5-man instances, didnt have the time to join a big guild.

Character name: Aregato
Race: Night elf
Class: Priest
Level: 60
Professions/Tradeskills: herb 300 / alch 295
Onyxia keyed? (yes/no): no
Attuned to Molten Core? (yes/no): no
Attuned to Blackwing's Lair? (yes/no): no
Attuned to Naxxramas? (yes/no): no
Do you have CTRA installed? (yes/no): yes

Here is my gear/talent/rep (aslo got some newbe fire ress stuff in a bag):

Do you have experience with ZG / AQ20 / MC / BWL /AQ40? Please explain.
I have been in ZG and seen outher done MC... lol

Do you enjoy raiding?

Are you willing to change your talent spec to help the guild?

I am probely not going to be able to play more then 2-6 hours a day (can maybe play more if the raid times are right..) and I will not be able to play on Friday and Saturday.

/w me ingame or mail ^^

Going to activate my acc now, cya

// Aregato

A life? Where can I download one of those?

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