First off, I have to admit I started DAoC the trial the other day and just couldn't tolerate the PvE to grind my way up, but I did get to level 4 and saw the earliest BG and very impressed with what I saw. It gave me an idea what the realm vs realm thing was like, I don't know how much more advanced it is than the earliest BG though? But anyway, the realm vs realm dungeon. Presumably most of the realm vs realm things revolve around the keeps. How do the realm vs realm dungeons work?
The newbie RvR dungeons 1-4 and 5-9 have a very simple layout and no siege at all. The BGs all have a central keep which 1 realm owns and the other 2 realms can try to conquer. The BGs start simple and get increasingly complex. First a central keep without gate or obstacles, then they add a gate, then some water, then some bridges, then a couple of extra towers you can try to conquer, ... all this to prepare you for the end game RvR with heaps of keeps and vasts amount of land.
Unfortunately, not all BGs are active.. the most active BG is Thidranki (20-24) since most people can create a level 20 toon, so it's very easy to try different things in. Then it's a grind to level 35-39 for the Molvik BG, which usually has some action in it.. next stop Leirvik (40-44) which has died down a bit since the introduction of the new BG Cathal Valley (45-49). (on a positive note: you don't have to wait in a queue for 8 hours to enter :-)
Beside the BGs there's also an RvR dungeon, Darkness Falls, which you can enter at any level (mobs start at around level 20 in there). But the entrance for your realm only opens if your realm has the most towers in the end game RvR area (New Frontiers). The money drops in that dungeon are better, so it's a good place as a new player to level.. but you risk getting ganked by a level 50 that was still down there when your realm opened the entrance to it.
Anyway the level 1-4, 5-9 dungeons have the same look as Darkness Falls.
TIP: if you select an underpopulated realm, you will get bonus XP and the time between free levels will be shorter. (usually you get a free level every 6 days.. some realms get one every 3 days) The login screen has a column next to the server name with the letters A H M as title, those stand for Albion, Hibernia, Midgard.. the ones with an asterix in the column are underpopulated and thus get a bonus.
At the Classic Cluster you will find people in all the BGs most of the time and if you don't, just go in and wait a few minutes (you can grind meantime by killing mobs there). Someone will tell you asking if there is any action... invite people in LOL
Shame you didn't feel like leveling all the way and try it out more.