Before you vote, please read this.
I have played pretty much every final fantasy and i love pretty much all of em and beaten most.
I was a hardcore diablo 2 fan and played it for 3 years.
Now, I am stuck with a dead heat between these two. Please give me your opinion.....but ignore the point about the monthly cost.
Also I do not want a bias answer, so please only vote if you played both games for quite a good amount of time.
Thank you
Currently Trying out:
EVE Online
Waiting For: Granado Espada
World of Warcraft it's a fun game, but you're only leveling so you can buy better equipment, do instances, getting a horse or whatever, and the raids. No end game what so ever.
Final Fantasy XI it's a fun game too. You're paying for leveling up forever, good community, the end game is awesome, and the quests are fun to do with others.
Both are pretty much the same, you level to do stuff. Both games take time and commitment. People will most likely vote for WoW as I vote for Final Fantasy XI because....
I Have A High Level Character.
Most people play FFXI till level 20-30, quit, and say WoW is better because you can do the fun stuff at the beginning, but it pays a toll when you hit level 60.
Higher level you go...., the better the game gets.
Play WoW and have 7 level 60s.
I played WoW and got a level 60..., and quit because all I could do was PvP.
Enjoy all the WoW votes.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
Personally, I dont like either, but if I had to pick I'd go FF
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Currently Trying out:
EVE Online
Waiting For: Granado Espada
In FFXI, I hit 13th lvl NINE TIMES in a day. I'd get 13th lvl, die shortly after, LOSE 13th lvl, re-ding 13th some time later, rinse and repeat. I really wanted to get into FFXI, but simply couldn't get past that idiocy.
So many games, so little time!
take my advice, go for World of Warcraft.
unless you prefer to wait for 2~3 hours for a group in FFXI, because its forced grouping.