See, OP, the key to a good troll is that there should be a scintilla of fact buried somewhere in the rant, something that those of opposing viewpoints would latch onto and say 'ah, there's a reason to actually discuss this with this fellow.'But when the whole thing screams 'learned everything I know about history from cereal boxes and hate radio' ..... no point.
Liberals love America .... they just don't love what the incompetent boob sitting in the big chair is doing to it and with its military.
"In America, anybody can be President ... that's one of the risks you take." Adlai Stevenson
Originally posted by scaramoosh I find it weird how America is split into 2 :S Why dont they just split America up into 2 and have new goverments, one republic the other liberal.
Historically, attempts at secession have been met with a rather violent response.
We're waiting for the White House to completely piss off and alienate every SINGLE person in the military with extended call-ups, re-deployments and Elmer Fudd strategic thinking .... then they'll be with us when we secede. Our state (Washington) has two liberal Democrat female Senators and all the geeky money of Microsoft, so we must be pretty liberal ..... but we've got 2 nuclear aircraft battle groups, the west coast missile sub base, and huge Army and Air Force bases. So, we gotta clear secession with them. But hey, once we're out, we should get a permanent seat on the Security Council, our state by itself would be the 3rd most powerful nuclear state in the world. (Maybe No. 2, I think we can take the Russkies.)
Most of you have been using the word "catholic" as if catholics as right: but like any Christian branch you have right(and exteme right) like roman catholics and the bunch (k, which is practicly all of USA) and you have normal catholics (then left catholics of course)
For all you I'm Christian and I'm proud of it: I'm proud because our religion is a great one if you dont start yelling crap because of ignorance, fear, ego and/or anger (I guess this is 98/100 christians sadly)
Anywas just wanted to clear that out.
((I guess it also gets me sad that many dont even know what religion is about...or even know what religion is.))
Originally posted by leshtricity You know, the funny thing is that most of the members here are most likely between the ages of 13 and 18. You have no right to discuss or debate politics until you're at least 20. I don't know what you're talking about. At 13 you can watch the same news and read the same articles, and research the same issues as you can at 20. Nevermind at 18-19 when you're in college and can at 17 you can join the military and fight for the country....but apparently can't have an opinion because leshtricity will think you're anti-american.
I'm probably falling for some more flamebait....sue me. You don't know shit about the real world until you're on your own. Actually you can know a lot of shit as long as you have internet. I assume that's where you get you're information? When you're on your own, do you get to talk to the politicians in person or read top secret documents...or something? I think once you're on your own then you can't spend as much time researching political issues. You're probably wasting your time at 7-11 making $8 per hour. And I think it is absolutely ADORABLE that people are actually quoting V for Vendetta. Yes, V will come to save you from our tyrannical president! How cute is that?!
And really, if you're so ashamed to be an American, Maybe someone said they are ashamed..I dunno. I can tell you pretty much everyone loves America or Americans and you can tell because they don't like how President Bush is leading America. They care just like a mother loves her child; but that mother will be furious if she catches her child smoking. please, get the fuck out, because I sure as hell don't want you here. Go to France, that seems suitable for punkass kids...they riot since an employer can fire them! OMG LEIK WTF HOW CAN I GET TEH FIRED?!?! JE N'AIMES PAS L'AMERICAINES! Obviously you're not a big fan of free speech; maybe America isn't your cup of tea?
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
Liberals like you [Vanillacream] need to be castrated. They had the capacity to make WMD's, which is a WMD in my book. Proof isn't what pre-emptive war is about. He has gotten plenty of jobs done: No Child Left Behind is a job he has done. It hasn't accomplished anything, but it took work. Being a good public speaker shouldn't make you a president. It's not like you talk in front of millions of people a day, only a few thousand watch Fox News, and we like him regardless of how he talks. Censorship needs to be implemented to shut left wingers like you up. Your anti-patriotism is disgusting. Christians more power? Talk about more oppurtunity for soul saving.... Like I said before, young muslim terrorists should be beaten upon sighting. Brute force is necessary when 100% of people with dark skin who follow a religion are terrorists. We may convict more innocent people, but those innocents that are squandered are alongside plenty who committed crimes. I think a true patriot would "take one for the team" if he got falsely accused of a crime. I know I sure would. Contacts are important in every profession, inculding leader of a country. Americans should be ashamed of left winging idiots like you, who fight for what is right. Who are you to question your governments illogical behavior?
You know, if you replace "They [Muslims]" with "Jews", and "Fox News" with "HJ RADIO", you'd make an excellent model Nazi citizen. It's actually scary how similar your point of view is with theirs.
I love your eagerness to castrate Liberals, it really does show off your loving, compassionate, Christianity. Lemme ask you a question: "How do priests and missionaries (let alone Jesus himself and the apostles) try to convert others to agree with their point of view?" Threats of gruesome violence? Or quiet, persuasive debate against the opposers, with valid, sound reasons to choose Christianity? Let it be known that I am a Christian, but I do not at all support our lemming of a president. Would you castrate me too? A fellow worshipper?
No Child Left Behind is a horrible waste of resources: it doesn't accelerate the learning of the "learning impaired" (I'll stick to overly political correctness to avoid changing the subject) but it actually slows the learning of advanced students until the majority of the slower students have acceptable grades to move on. You even said so yourself "it didn't accomplish anything" if you think expending effort regardless of outcome makes a good leader, you could elect any man (I'll say farmer, no offense to them, but I assume they're less competent to run a country than a political science Ph.D) with a great work ethic, but if he doesn't get anything done, what has all the effort been for? Simply digging our once-great country into a deeper pit of debt. Plenty of jobs you say? That was one, one that shouldn't even count, do you have number two brewing?
I agree with your point on the lack of charisma our Sheep in Cheif has, but you'd think that a man so capable of leading a third of a billion people to war and back (/sarcasm off) would at least think things out before he says them instead of stuttering, mumbling, and goofily smiling his way through a speech.
Censorship of speech? Have you ever read the Constitution? Or to make it easy for you, at least the Bill of Rights? Open demonstration and verbal/written debate of the government is one of the first rights explicitly defended by our forefathers. You cannot, in my opinion put "Censorship" and "America" constructively in the same sentence. Anti-Patriotism you say? I hardly agree that Americans who support the Constitution are anti-patriotic.
Giving Christians more power is also a direct violation of the Constitution, while it is entertaining tearing apart your Racist, Theo-phobic (that means fearing other religions, just so you don't get confused) argument, I will spare everyone from reading the previous paragraph over again.
Brute force against criminals? Man, that's hardcore totalitarian prison policy right there. Not to mention worse than many modern POW camps (exception of, of course our very own). Would you "take one for the team" if it meant losing your friends, family, spouse, job, and any taken-for-granted freedoms for 20-30 years? I see you say you would, but when reality hits you harder than a crashing plane, (no pun intended) I believe you'd change your statement. I know I wouldn't and I'd plead "Innocent until proven [beyond doubt] guilty." The way our American justice system was originally set up to be. I know this is beginning to sound old-fashioned, but thats why DNA testing, and forensic detectives have come into play to calculate a more precise verdict to any and all crimes committed, but unfortunately our courts have become a sceptical, cynical "Prove your innocence" system.
Who's to say that Liberals aren't American either? Maybe it's they that pity you? I feel sorry for anyone who will blindly follow every word spoken by a man on the television wearing a suit, you are no exception. I will not sit by idly and watch a superpower nation rush blindly headlong into dead-ends and dig itself deeper into corruption and debt. If the government is acting illogically, true Americans shouldn't stand there and support this degenerating behavior, but take action as peacefully as possible to change the government and steer it in a more productive direction. Our government is set up this way because it is too much hassle to have a direct democracy such as the ones that smaller civilizations like Athens had. This government is supposed to be a convenient substitute for direct population rule, not a hierarchy of bureaucrats spending OUR money on reasons unfit. Ideally, the population (as a whole) should vote on every single issue, but seeing as it would slow us down immensely, this system was implanted and has now grown into something other than what it was intended to be. I can go on, but I beleive I have countered your points sufficiently and await your counterattack as more ammunition to awake the slumbering beast that is the power of, so far, ignorant citizens (or at least the ones who visit this website).
kimosabe you have a wonderful reply there, unfortunately (or fortunately) modjoe was being sarcastic.
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
Originally posted by modjoe86 Originally posted by AlexAmorekimosabe you have a wonderful reply there, unfortunately (or fortunately) modjoe was being sarcastic. The hell I was...Oh, and @ this thread, mission accomplished.
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Originally posted by modjoe86 Originally posted by AlexAmore kimosabe you have a wonderful reply there, unfortunately (or fortunately) modjoe was being sarcastic.
The hell I was... Oh, and @ this thread, mission accomplished.
Now you went and spilled it Joe. We were being oh so covert, and you fuggled it up. That's it, since we're divulging information, Joe is Bush's bastard son! Joe is Bush's bastard son!
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign." -baff
Originally posted by Xexima ... Why do canadians take sides on political issues in the U.S.? It doesnt affect you. Stop now.
LOL...for the same reason illegal immigrants feel they have a right to protest our national policies, because can't do it to their own government, so they decide to take it up with our government because we cherish the ability to speak out for or against whatever the government does. Now, they may be able to protest their government in Canada, but you never hear of them doing so. Why is that? Are they just so pleased with everything their government does they have nothing to protest? Or is it the media there down plays the significance of any of the political decisions that are made? Curiouser, and curiouser...
LOL...for the same reason illegal immigrants feel they have a right to protest our national policies, because can't do it to their own government, so they decide to take it up with our government because we cherish the ability to speak out for or against whatever the government does. Now, they may be able to protest their government in Canada, but you never hear of them doing so. Why is that? Are they just so pleased with everything their government does they have nothing to protest? Or is it the media there down plays the significance of any of the political decisions that are made? Curiouser, and curiouser.
Your ingorance, coupled with your overbearing arrogance, make you probably the most adorable expample of American failure I've encountered in a long time. I've enjoyed laughing at you, thank you ever so much for the entertainment.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign." -baff
LOL...for the same reason illegal immigrants feel they have a right to protest our national policies, because can't do it to their own government, so they decide to take it up with our government because we cherish the ability to speak out for or against whatever the government does. Now, they may be able to protest their government in Canada, but you never hear of them doing so. Why is that? Are they just so pleased with everything their government does they have nothing to protest? Or is it the media there down plays the significance of any of the political decisions that are made? Curiouser, and curiouser.
Your ingorance, coupled with your overbearing arrogance, make you probably the most adorable expample of American failure I've encountered in a long time. I've enjoyed laughing at you, thank you ever so much for the entertainment.
Now whether or nor you what the admit this as a Canadian, you as a part of the North Amercan Continent. That makes you American inturn you make me laugh too...LOL.
Now whether or nor you what the admit this as a Canadian, you as a part of the North Amercan Continent. That makes you American inturn you make me laugh too...LOL
Congratulations on your lovely butchering of the English language. I look forward to any further pearls of ignorance, pardon me, wisdom, you may have to share.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign." -baff
i'm just wondering...why is everything on here about the US? I mean half the people that posted on this one topic aren't even from the US. I don't hear about politics of Canada, or Sweden, or the UK. can we have more posts about other countries instead of just the US?
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Canada is a socialist state! The Bolsheviks have infiltrated both the Liberal and the Conservative party! Welfare is up, income tax is up, wages are down! Red Ontario is driving the Canadian economy into the ground, while defrauding the Canadian people of billions of tax dollars and eliminating our freedoms and liberties in the meanwhile. Down with the Bolshevik multi-party dictatorship. Sovereignty for Alberta! Sovereignty for Quebec!
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign." -baff
Originally posted by modjoe86 All I can say is: God Bless America and God Bless George W. Bush.
He may not be the best public speaker, he may not have the best agenda, he may have invaded Iraq with no connections to 9/11, he may have had hidden agendas, he may put the country in debt, but without people like George W. Bush, Snakes on a Plane would be Snakes on a Reality. Let's just say we don't have enough Samuel L. Jacksons to be on every plane, so we will have to rely on racist stereotyping to keep snakes off planes. If they are young muslims, they are terrorists, and they should be treated like enemies of our country. The melting pot image is a thing of the past, and so is questioning your leaders. All you George W. Bush haters can go to hell, where Born-again-christians like our president will throw stones at you from the pearly gates of heaven. Have you seen those 9/11 coins they are profiting from? I bought the maximum number to support my country. Freedom of Speech, along with left wingers, should move to Canada.
Yeah, I went out and started shopping for democracy too when George W. Bush told me to. I got me a new suit and shoes that I have been saving for when we catch Bin Laden. I want to dress nicely on that day because I plan to go to church and thank the Lord for giving us St. Bush to do his bidding. I think he's got the right plan. It's either bomb or don't bomb. People are going to have to learn to understand that. There is no in between or room for innovative problem solving when it comes to this war on a philosophy (that philosophy is terrorism you stinking hippies, but you would only know about that when it comes to your movements like the "Weather Underground Organization", huh?) So many people have forgotten that we were attacked on 9/11 by a group of muslims. And now muslims have to pay. And God for sure is on our side. Praise Jesus!!! Why else would he be working through President Bush, the Great Decider. I get goosebumps when I think of the demolitions that are going on in Iraq in the name of democracy. Whatever muslims are left after this war will have no choice but to see the joys of democracy and bow down to the only heavenly form of government. And soon they will also be priviledged to find the way to Jesus.
Originally posted by mozis The way I see it the Liberals need to take their heads out of their asses, the way they are trying to run things the world is going to burn up sooner than later. Now, although everything Bush does may not be perfect at least he knows how to get the job done. I mean hell, if he hadn't decided to invade Iraq they could be dropping weapons of mass destruction on us right now. I also think that the only way to truly start working things out in the world is to give the christian activists more power and authority and allow them to have influence on the way things are run. I also think it is time the government uses a more strict form of punishment for criminals, they should be allowed to use full force on anyone they see necessary. If these things don't happen we are headed for complete and total anarchy and ultimately the destruction of democracy.
love it
might want to be careful though...a thread like this got rid of britoca. although i agree with pretty much everything you said
Now whether or nor you what the admit this as a Canadian, you as a part of the North Amercan Continent. That makes you American inturn you make me laugh too...LOL
Congratulations on your lovely butchering of the English language. I look forward to any further pearls of ignorance, pardon me, wisdom, you may have to share.
No, I haven't butchered the English language, just your concept of American. No, no, no let me thank you for your "enlightened wisdom" .
Yeah, I went out and started shopping for democracy too when George W. Bush told me to. I got me a new suit and shoes that I have been saving for when we catch Bin Laden. I want to dress nicely on that day because I plan to go to church and thank the Lord for giving us St. Bush to do his bidding. I think he's got the right plan. It's either bomb or don't bomb. People are going to have to learn to understand that. There is no in between or room for innovative problem solving when it comes to this war on a philosophy (that philosophy is terrorism you stinking hippies, but you would only know about that when it comes to your movements like the "Weather Underground Organization", huh?) So many people have forgotten that we were attacked on 9/11 by a group of muslims. And now muslims have to pay. And God for sure is on our side. Praise Jesus!!! Why else would he be working through President Bush, the Great Decider. I get goosebumps when I think of the demolitions that are going on in Iraq in the name of democracy. Whatever muslims are left after this war will have no choice but to see the joys of democracy and bow down to the only heavenly form of government. And soon they will also be priviledged to find the way to Jesus.
Praaaaise Jeeezusah! Preach it brother Reavo! Can I get an amen my brothers? I said, CAN I GET AN A-MEEENAH?!
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign." -baff
Originally posted by mozis The way I see it the Liberals need to take their heads out of their asses, the way they are trying to run things the world is going to burn up sooner than later. Now, although everything Bush does may not be perfect at least he knows how to get the job done. I mean hell, if he hadn't decided to invade Iraq they could be dropping weapons of mass destruction on us right now. I also think that the only way to truly start working things out in the world is to give the christian activists more power and authority and allow them to have influence on the way things are run. I also think it is time the government uses a more strict form of punishment for criminals, they should be allowed to use full force on anyone they see necessary. If these things don't happen we are headed for complete and total anarchy and ultimately the destruction of democracy.
Originally posted by Theodoryk Suuuuure....Canada is a socialist state! The Bolsheviks have infiltrated both the Liberal and the Conservative party! Welfare is up, income tax is up, wages are down! Red Ontario is driving the Canadian economy into the ground, while defrauding the Canadian people of billions of tax dollars and eliminating our freedoms and liberties in the meanwhile. Down with the Bolshevik multi-party dictatorship. Sovereignty for Alberta! Sovereignty for Quebec!
I guess you guys are the complete oppisite of what the US is drivin at right now...
Ha every time i think of canada i think " Blame Canada, Blame canada...." from the southpark movie. I think Southpark is brainwashing us to believe that you have beady little eyes and flappy heads...
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
See, OP, the key to a good troll is that there should be a scintilla of fact buried somewhere in the rant, something that those of opposing viewpoints would latch onto and say 'ah, there's a reason to actually discuss this with this fellow.'But when the whole thing screams 'learned everything I know about history from cereal boxes and hate radio' ..... no point.
Liberals love America .... they just don't love what the incompetent boob sitting in the big chair is doing to it and with its military.
"In America, anybody can be President ... that's one of the risks you take."
Adlai Stevenson
another political troll thread
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I find it weird how America is split into 2 :S Why dont they just split America up into 2 and have new goverments, one republic the other liberal.
Don't click here...no2
We're waiting for the White House to completely piss off and alienate every SINGLE person in the military with extended call-ups, re-deployments and Elmer Fudd strategic thinking .... then they'll be with us when we secede. Our state (Washington) has two liberal Democrat female Senators and all the geeky money of Microsoft, so we must be pretty liberal ..... but we've got 2 nuclear aircraft battle groups, the west coast missile sub base, and huge Army and Air Force bases. So, we gotta clear secession with them. But hey, once we're out, we should get a permanent seat on the Security Council, our state by itself would be the 3rd most powerful nuclear state in the world. (Maybe No. 2, I think we can take the Russkies.)
just wanted to rectify a point here.
Most of you have been using the word "catholic" as if catholics as right: but like any Christian branch you have right(and exteme right) like roman catholics and the bunch (k, which is practicly all of USA) and you have normal catholics (then left catholics of course)
For all you I'm Christian and I'm proud of it: I'm proud because our religion is a great one if you dont start yelling crap because of ignorance, fear, ego and/or anger (I guess this is 98/100 christians sadly)
Anywas just wanted to clear that out.
((I guess it also gets me sad that many dont even know what religion is about...or even know what religion is.))
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
You know, if you replace "They [Muslims]" with "Jews", and "Fox News" with "HJ RADIO", you'd make an excellent model Nazi citizen. It's actually scary how similar your point of view is with theirs.
I love your eagerness to castrate Liberals, it really does show off your loving, compassionate, Christianity. Lemme ask you a question: "How do priests and missionaries (let alone Jesus himself and the apostles) try to convert others to agree with their point of view?" Threats of gruesome violence? Or quiet, persuasive debate against the opposers, with valid, sound reasons to choose Christianity? Let it be known that I am a Christian, but I do not at all support our lemming of a president. Would you castrate me too? A fellow worshipper?
No Child Left Behind is a horrible waste of resources: it doesn't accelerate the learning of the "learning impaired" (I'll stick to overly political correctness to avoid changing the subject) but it actually slows the learning of advanced students until the majority of the slower students have acceptable grades to move on. You even said so yourself "it didn't accomplish anything" if you think expending effort regardless of outcome makes a good leader, you could elect any man (I'll say farmer, no offense to them, but I assume they're less competent to run a country than a political science Ph.D) with a great work ethic, but if he doesn't get anything done, what has all the effort been for? Simply digging our once-great country into a deeper pit of debt. Plenty of jobs you say? That was one, one that shouldn't even count, do you have number two brewing?
I agree with your point on the lack of charisma our Sheep in Cheif has, but you'd think that a man so capable of leading a third of a billion people to war and back (/sarcasm off) would at least think things out before he says them instead of stuttering, mumbling, and goofily smiling his way through a speech.
Censorship of speech? Have you ever read the Constitution? Or to make it easy for you, at least the Bill of Rights? Open demonstration and verbal/written debate of the government is one of the first rights explicitly defended by our forefathers. You cannot, in my opinion put "Censorship" and "America" constructively in the same sentence. Anti-Patriotism you say? I hardly agree that Americans who support the Constitution are anti-patriotic.
Giving Christians more power is also a direct violation of the Constitution, while it is entertaining tearing apart your Racist, Theo-phobic (that means fearing other religions, just so you don't get confused) argument, I will spare everyone from reading the previous paragraph over again.
Brute force against criminals? Man, that's hardcore totalitarian prison policy right there. Not to mention worse than many modern POW camps (exception of, of course our very own). Would you "take one for the team" if it meant losing your friends, family, spouse, job, and any taken-for-granted freedoms for 20-30 years? I see you say you would, but when reality hits you harder than a crashing plane, (no pun intended) I believe you'd change your statement. I know I wouldn't and I'd plead "Innocent until proven [beyond doubt] guilty." The way our American justice system was originally set up to be. I know this is beginning to sound old-fashioned, but thats why DNA testing, and forensic detectives have come into play to calculate a more precise verdict to any and all crimes committed, but unfortunately our courts have become a sceptical, cynical "Prove your innocence" system.
Who's to say that Liberals aren't American either? Maybe it's they that pity you? I feel sorry for anyone who will blindly follow every word spoken by a man on the television wearing a suit, you are no exception. I will not sit by idly and watch a superpower nation rush blindly headlong into dead-ends and dig itself deeper into corruption and debt. If the government is acting illogically, true Americans shouldn't stand there and support this degenerating behavior, but take action as peacefully as possible to change the government and steer it in a more productive direction. Our government is set up this way because it is too much hassle to have a direct democracy such as the ones that smaller civilizations like Athens had. This government is supposed to be a convenient substitute for direct population rule, not a hierarchy of bureaucrats spending OUR money on reasons unfit. Ideally, the population (as a whole) should vote on every single issue, but seeing as it would slow us down immensely, this system was implanted and has now grown into something other than what it was intended to be. I can go on, but I beleive I have countered your points sufficiently and await your counterattack as more ammunition to awake the slumbering beast that is the power of, so far, ignorant citizens (or at least the ones who visit this website).
Until then I'll wait.
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Well then I guess that settles the first paragraph, but still, that's my two bits. It just goes to show how crazy any extremist argment is.
Proud to be Communist. (I await your flame)
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
Oh, and @ this thread, mission accomplished.
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I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Oh, and @ this thread, mission accomplished.
Now you went and spilled it Joe. We were being oh so covert, and you fuggled it up. That's it, since we're divulging information, Joe is Bush's bastard son! Joe is Bush's bastard son!
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
Your ingorance, coupled with your overbearing arrogance, make you probably the most adorable expample of American failure I've encountered in a long time. I've enjoyed laughing at you, thank you ever so much for the entertainment.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
Your ingorance, coupled with your overbearing arrogance, make you probably the most adorable expample of American failure I've encountered in a long time. I've enjoyed laughing at you, thank you ever so much for the entertainment.
Now whether or nor you what the admit this as a Canadian, you as a part of the North Amercan Continent. That makes you American inturn you make me laugh too...LOL.
Congratulations on your lovely butchering of the English language. I look forward to any further pearls of ignorance, pardon me, wisdom, you may have to share.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
i'm just wondering...why is everything on here about the US? I mean half the people that posted on this one topic aren't even from the US. I don't hear about politics of Canada, or Sweden, or the UK. can we have more posts about other countries instead of just the US?
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Canada is a socialist state! The Bolsheviks have infiltrated both the Liberal and the Conservative party! Welfare is up, income tax is up, wages are down! Red Ontario is driving the Canadian economy into the ground, while defrauding the Canadian people of billions of tax dollars and eliminating our freedoms and liberties in the meanwhile. Down with the Bolshevik multi-party dictatorship. Sovereignty for Alberta! Sovereignty for Quebec!
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
love it
might want to be careful though...a thread like this got rid of britoca. although i agree with pretty much everything you said
Congratulations on your lovely butchering of the English language. I look forward to any further pearls of ignorance, pardon me, wisdom, you may have to share.
No, I haven't butchered the English language, just your concept of American. No, no, no let me thank you for your "enlightened wisdom" .
Praaaaise Jeeezusah! Preach it brother Reavo! Can I get an amen my brothers? I said, CAN I GET AN A-MEEENAH?!
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
What democracy?
I guess you guys are the complete oppisite of what the US is drivin at right now...
Ha every time i think of canada i think " Blame Canada, Blame canada...." from the southpark movie. I think Southpark is brainwashing us to believe that you have beady little eyes and flappy heads...
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people