I've been googling for a solid hour with no results so I thought I'd come ask here...
Watching a video interview from the Leipzig convention with some industry reps about 'the future of MMO's' Zack Karlsson (formerly of SOE? Sigil now?) mentioned a group of students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) building a MMO around a real money transfer (RMT) concept of having 1 dollar = 1 credit for their graduates project. The bastard didnt mention the name or anything but "their dot-com said this and that...go check it out".
Here's a link to a post he made restating the same thing and a little more in the Vangaurd forums.
I'm curious if anyone here knows the name of the project or any links related to it that may be helpful.
~Thanks in advance
No, but who in their right mind would play that?
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