Hi there, I was hoping for a bit of info from the vets of FFXI here... finding info on all that is new in the game is alot harder than I expected. Allakhazam has some info, but not much of what I am looking for (that I have found)
Anyways... I quit around the time when chains of Promathia was released. Recently quit WoW because it inevitably became impossible to progress unless in a elite guild.
So my question is, what besides the obvious stuff like the new classes, has been added and changed to the game through the expansions or patches?
I've heard things about chocobo breeding now and some kind of companion? But not many details.
If someone could help me out, or point me to a website with this info I'd appreciate it...
And yes i have tried google.
edit: obviously theres probably a ton of stuff, but please anything major I'd greatly appreciate some info on.
I'm not playing the game right now but i have friends who still play.There is a companion you have to win some fights/quests to get it.Then you can level it up.I believe you can use the companion to makeup a party if say you had less than 6 in your party.They are kinda weak with no real sense of game knowledge.They will basically start a combo when they get the TP and only heal when you get redlined or near redlined.Sorry for my terminology i havn't played in so long.
i believe they brought in a blue mage plus a puppetmaster class.
Don't know anything about chocobo breeding but ALLAKAHZAM is really big on this game and should have any answer, you just need to find it .
a chinese site>>>somepage.com was really big for this game as well.
I think they also have more advanced armour sets now instead of the one or 2 they had back then.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.