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I want to know: What aggravate,
annoy, bother, bug, chafe, exasperate, gall, get, grate, irk, nettle,
peeve, persecute, pique, put out, rasp, rile, vex, make you want to
lose your mind while playing an MMORPG?
Let me give you a few of mine:
- People who send you an invite asking you if you want to party when they don't ask or say "hi".
- When my mom ask me to do somthing in the middle of a big fight and I die.
- When my mom comes into my room and I die.
- When I die.
- Kill stealers when they do it just for the fun of it.
- Saving a stranger's life by healing them when they are about to die in a fight and they don't thank you.
- When my crappy computer lags for 5 minutes in a dangerous area
- Ninja Looters
- Beggers
- Dying becuase Healers are not doing their job.
I have more, but I want to givke you guys a chance.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
-Run on sentences.
Gankers they are the worst scum.
It pisses me off so much , If the ganker was actually standing next to me I would beat him into a bloody pulp.
Good thing they can hide behind their monitors somwhere ...
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Any and all references to Chuck Norris in a mmo piss me off
1337 speaking 12 year old douchebags piss me off
People who want to ask you how to make every action, where to go,etc. instead of even trying on their own piss me off
There are more, but suddenly I'm really pissed off
Originally posted by EvilC The players who spend all their time on a game's forums insisting that their monthly fee entitles them to (re)design the game.
Yes I have to agree with you on the 100%.
What pisses me off the most are rude people ingame as much as in rl
Do I ever sleep?
-People who ask you to join their party,then remain very uncommunicative in the party chat.
-The tedious grinding process of getting rare drops for a quest; backed alongside the knowledge that sometimes people get them fast,and then you're getting them really really slowly.
-Chat spam in any kind of 'global' chat channel.
-When cities lag immensely and you can't see the NPC's due to the sheer amount of shops!
Noisy chat channels full of netspeak, LFG, 1337, etc.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
edit I hate the grind
If I don't know you, I couldn't give a flying truck that you just levelled. People who announce their levelling or other accomplishments on public chat channels look like friendless children begging for attention.
solutions to your anoyances
-my anoyances..starting out in a 20 man group and getting to the location with a 7 man group
-wating to go the the bathroom untill you cant hold it in any longer and it hapens the PvP war just started
-server lag
- roll backs
-getting stuck under the earth
-stupid guild mates
-stupid guild leaders
-WTS WTB spam
- people that jump
-1337 talk
-people who /spit /takedump /urinate on you when they kill you in pvp (faction) (i like it when they /flex /pose /taunt thats some good roleplay.. but spit urinate ... thats just disrespect.
-the abundance of jedi in SWG
people who run in the middle or a mob field slashing anything agroing the whole map and then say " dam why did i diie.. .I NEED A REZ!
*edit* oh i forgot one!!! a spider/ant/animal mobs that drop high quality uber superduper legenrary assault cannon.
Repetative quests. Especially if you're forced to run around to different areas, zoning each time.
Players that don't understand efficiency. Just because you can finish without trying (after a few deaths), doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
Players that abbreviate every word possible, to supposedly save time (but it doesn't, since it takes longer to comprehend).
People who kill steal (usually not a problem in most games) or node-steal.
Elitists. Everyone was a newb at one time, and there's nothing wrong with it. Just because I don't quite know what/where "TC" is yet, doesn't make me a "noob", or an "idiot".
People who invite you to their group to get their quests done, and refuse to help afterwards, or "GTG" as soon as they finish what they need done.
Just a few.
I gotta agree with another person on this thread and say "Forums." Forums are the root of all evil in a game. Without forums, you have a game without constant flaming and bitching and cries for nerfs. Mythic didn't have forums on DAOC and it was great.
I also can't stand people who purposely annoy you just to be a jerk and then act like you're the one being the jerk. I was playing SWG a couple days ago on a low level toon. I was trying to complete a quest that required me to kill a bunch of NPC's, but this maxed out character kept AOEing all the spawns and left none for me to kill. I asked him to stop please, and he just cursed at me and said "bite me." So I tried to kill them before he got to them, but he would then kill steal and I wouldn't get credit for it.
There are other things I don't like, but I can tollerate them, since it doesn't directly interfere with my gameplay. But those two above typically do interfere with my gameplay. The forum goers get my class nerfed or taken away completely and the greifer makes it to where I can't advance my character until he leaves. The CSR's don't do shit about it either.
Whiners will allways be there, better to let them have a forum to cry on then ingame spaming the chat.
Remarks to the OP post.
I dont think I can really be mad at any of the things you mention. Not gankers, not dieing not anything.
You know EXACTLY what you are getting yourself into when playing a MMO esp a PVP one.
If you cant take the heat....
- People who quits groups after they died
- People who whine about getting killed in PvP
- People who whine about getting ganked
- People who always want the perfect group, and doesn't want to experience more interresting(And harder) groups.
What irritates me when playing an mmo is...
Oops... Someone above just beat me to it.
Give me lights give me action. With a touch of a button!
To the guys who said they hate forums: if a game's forums bother you so much just don't read them.
I think you guys are getting the disease confused with the symptoms. You seem to think that forums create complaints just by existing. The reality is that the complaints people have already exist before they ever visit an official forum. The forum just gives them a place to vent and some illusion that maybe the devs might take notice. But if a game didn't have an official forum people would still get upset about things.
And generally speaking most people only complain about complaints when they disagree with the person's complaint. If they disagree they call it bitching and trolling. If they agree they call it insightfull comments.
Back on topic. Most bad behavior by other players has already been covered by previous posters. I could point out some specifics of game mechanics that annoy me...but it might sound like complaining and there are a couple people on this thread who get upset by that so I guess for their sake I will keep quiet about it on this thread and we can all pretend that all mmorpgs have reached a state of perfection.
When I play a priest class, keep everyone alive for hours and never get a single thank you.
When people send you invites, then kick you because you aren't what they are looking for.
People who think it's cool to run around almost naked and dancing.
People who beg.
Raiders. They think they are Gods because they live in their mothers basement and play for hours on end and God forbid that you get any item that is halfway decent from a normal mob because you did not spend 15 hours with 24 obnoxious people getting that item.
Raiders. Because they think that the game company should kiss their ass and change the game to only suit their playstyle.
Raiders. Because if you do not raid they think you are a noob.
Raiders. Because they are the most arrogant self-centered life forms on the planet.
Support Bacteria, its the only culture some people have.
When you play with some friends in a game and your around the same level, then you have to leave to do something in RL and log on the next day, talk to them, and they are 10x the level you are and they don't care about you anymore. (Ya its my fault this always happens that i dont play as much as them but i still don't enjoy it haha)
I also hate when in a game everyone looks the exact same. Or they all look the same besides the avatar, or the armor is all the same looking (lvl 1-15 is the same armor for everyone 16-20 and so on that is annoying).
Or when your playing and forgot that you left AIM on then someone IMs you and is all HEY DUDE SUP? (i hate the word sup in general) and so your game gets minimized or shuts down depending on the game. Hate that
Current: Puzzle Pirates
Waiting: SWTOR,Aion, CO
Played: AC, WoW, SB, EVE
Having people whine that I'm not doing my job because they died when pulling the 40th mob onto them after I clearly explained my heals have a cool-down and I can only handle healing them when there's 20 mobs on them.
Having people whine that I'm not doing my job because they died when fighting because I couldn't heal them BECAUSE THEY DIDNT PROTECT ME.
Dieing while healing a tank because the tank couldn't hold agro.
Believe me, I could go all day with these. I HATE people who don't understand how healers work. All tanks should HAVE to start as healers imho. I won't go any further though. Get the point?
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
Having people whine that I'm not doing my job because they died when pulling the 40th mob onto them after I clearly explained my heals have a cool-down and I can only handle healing them when there's 20 mobs on them.
Having people whine that I'm not doing my job because they died when fighting because I couldn't heal them BECAUSE THEY DIDNT PROTECT ME.
Dieing while healing a tank because the tank couldn't hold agro.
Believe me, I could go all day with these. I HATE people who don't understand how healers work. All tanks should HAVE to start as healers imho. I won't go any further though. Get the point?
Nothing like a tank that doesn't listen. "Can you PLEASE stop rushing in!!! PLEASE"
And they run in, pull another 40 mobs, and you're like "WTF! I told you I have mana, and I only can heal you.... then they die, call you names and spam you because you're running from the 38 other mobs the warrior pulled"
It's the classic, love/hate with priest and warriors. We hate them as much as they hate us.
I do have a list... and I make myself clear about it too. If you're an idiot, I'll just "forget" to heal you.
Mythic DAOC did have a way of communicating with the customers and the best I have seen as well. You had feed back forms that you could submit at any time that the Devs did read. They even selected the most asked questions each Friday and they still do that. It's called the Grab Bag. When they planned on changing things in the game or wanting to add a new server, they put up a log in poll of the most suggested whatever to vote on. The one with the most votes was implemented and that's how we got the classic servers.
So there are ways for developers to get ideas without having to listen to the whine and arguments on the forums.