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News from the boards. Looks like the guys at RB have chased the lag monster down a deep hole, flushed him out, and broken his back. He may still be around somewhere, but all indications are he crawled off and died under a rock somewhere. This, along with the patch thats suppose to come out today, are the best news I've heard since launch. With the lag more or less gone (cant say for sure, but everyone seems to be saying they're not seeing it anymore), we can finally focus on getting out more features, expanding the map, tossing in more animals, and fixing the remaining login issues.If some of you havent seen KFR's update from last week I'll repost here:
Well, just over a month has passed since Roma Victor officially, albeit rather quietly, launched to the general public. Sadly the launch brought no holidays or relaxation time for us. In fact it's fair to say that the whole development team has been working even harder since launch than it was before! We're only now beginning to take stock of the progress that we've made during that month and it's certainly about time I brought the community up to date on a few things!Server tracking / bottlenecking / lag build-ups Needless to mention this has been our prime focus since the memory leak fix. It turns out that a set of bottlenecking conditions could cause a cumulative build-up of delays, which has become known as the infamous "server tracking" problem. DGH has been working pretty much exclusively on this problem since launch with the odd bit of help from me. He's made some excellent progress and you should have noticed things gradually getting better throughout the post-launch month. It'll continue to get better and we're hoping to have got completely on top of the problem in September. By that I mean that we should be getting back to our original load-per-server capacity and it should free things up quite considerably.
New servers When we encountered the tracking problem one of the first things we did was order another couple of servers. We shouldn't have needed them so soon after launch but it's a real help while we're killing off the last of the tracking problems. RJH and I took a trip up to Telehouse to install them and I thought you guys might like to see a picture so I snapped one while I was there.
The Roma Victor servers in all their glory:Loginhandler You probably don't need me to tell you that there's a problem with logging in. It's intermittent but it's fiendishly frustrating. What happens is that sometimes login attempts are blocked when the server is handling several other logins at the same time. This shouldn't have been a problem - but it turns out it is. So I've spent the last week or so putting together a loginhandler process that is separate to the main server process tree. As soon as DGH is a bit happier with the 'server tracking' bottleneck we'll get to implementing it straight away.
Terrain & Content You may recall we had some terrain-related nightmares at launch. Well since then EGH has been spearheading a team to resolve our terrain difficulties once and for all. The net result is that we have a new method - several new methods actually - of importing, adjusting and processing real world terrain. We'll be patching the changes out within the next couple of weeks and as well as providing a much, much larger playable area (including new starting locations) it'll also mean the original 10x10 gets a bit of a cosmetic overhaul too. The odd edges of waterways will be gone, along with those rare unnatural terrain spikes. After that harrowing experience of coming across a field of those things at the last minute during the first launch attempt they still give me nightmares so I'll be particularly glad to see the back of them - even if they have already become an endangered species. You'll also notice more ground surface variation - if you've got the graphics hardware of course - and more liberally placed flora and fauna.
Graphics Despite being under pressure from all sides to tell everyone what we're up to with regards to graphics, I'm still going to keep some secrets. I'll simply say that several graphic features that didn't make launch - and some amazing new ones - have got quite a bit of attention during the last month. Without giving away the details I think you're all going to be really impressed with the textures, lighting and effects that we'll be introducing very soon. One thing that I will say openly is that we're in the middle of a user interface redesign. We're unlikely to be getting around to implementing it until around October but nevertheless we're keen for your feedback as always so do please let us know how you'd like to see the interface change and we'll see what we can do.
Ballistics This is the generic term we use to describe all sorts of projectiles in the game from bows and arrows through javelins, slings right up to siege equipment missiles. It's a complex feature and one that has presented us with a broad range of challenges, most of which we're now well on top of. There is still work left to do at both client and server side but it's certainly not too far off now.
Skin tone This will be fully implemented in an imminent patch. One day soon you'll log on and your character - and all other characters for that matter - should have varying skin tones. Your character's should match the tone selected when you created it, which you may well have forgotten! So for a short while we'll run a kind of skin-tone amnesty where people can change it if they find it's not to their liking.
Hair & Beards This should follow fairly shortly after the skin tones take effect. Hair and beards just grow. You'll need to find characters with the appropriate skills to help you keep all groomed and tidy. This is pretty important for Romans and Romanised characters since, much like bathing, some NPC relationships will be adversely affected if you don't keep on top of it.
Uncraftables & unrepairables There's still a significant list of objects that can't, for one reason or another, be crafted. For some things it's because of a lack of vital resources or components and for others it's a lack of player skills. In some cases it's simply because noone has worked out how to craft them yet but for everything else I'm on the case. I've had a hard time keeping up since launch to be honest, having been even busier than usual (!), but I've set aside some time this week to go through the entire class list and make sure that any vital missing resources are present in the playable areas of the SEC playfield and that all the relevant NPC teachers etc. are available. I'll go through the repair tables at the same time and make sure that some things that should be repairable are in fact repairable.
More mails There's still not enough feedback from the game itself in terms of informative and helpful game mails. I've written some but not all and only a few have actually made it into the game so far. I'm hoping to wrap most of that up by the end of August.
Animals Animals in particular have been exacerbating the 'server tracking' problem and DGH is fixing that particular issue right now as it happens. As soon as I have confirmation from him that the subsystem is working correctly I'll increase the wild spawns and people can start hunting and domesticating animals much more than they have been able to thus far.
Carcass processing Most of the animal carcasses can not currently be correctly processed. For some it was good old fashioned bugs but for others it was missing table data, which I'm hoping to fill in during the week while I'm going through the 'uncraftables'. By the time animals are becoming more common I'll be sure that all the corresponding carcasses yield the right meats, hides, furs etc. to those player characters with the appropriate skills.
Swimming The swimming skill will soon be implemented in an upcoming client patch. If you don't have the skill you can walk into water but your vigour does not recover at all while in the water. If your vigour runs out completely while you're in water, your character will drown and be on its way to Elysium before you can say 'gbbubbbblebebggble'. If your character does have the swimming skill then your vigour recovery rate while swimming will depend upon your swimming skill so wide bodies of water can still be pretty intimidating - but so long as your vigour doesn't run out you'll just bob along the water surface, animating appropriately of course.
Maintenance schedule Towards the end of this month we'll be introducing a regular maintenance schedule, which will let us bring the servers down for tuning, updates and backups. The servers will be taken down once a day every week day early in the afternoon (UTC/GMT). I expect they'll usually only be down for less than half an hour but it's nevertheless sensible for us to officially declare the daily downtime to be two hours. There will be no maintenance downtime during weekends.
Monthly SotW Starting at the end of next month we'll be posting a regular monthly State of the World update. It'll be brief and probably fairly nebulous on occasion but it'll appear regularly at the end of each month and will ensure that we're all kept up to date with changes, feature lists, updates, patches and the like.
I'm sorry I haven't been my usual active self on the forums since launch but to be honest I have an aversion to talking when there's much doing to be done. However as I say the team has been working virtually non-stop since launch and I'm now feeling a bit happier about the changes, fixes and improvements that we've got lined up. Besides, it's my birthday today so surely I can take a minute to myself to bring you guys up to date! Anyway, we've made some excellent progress this month and I'm really proud to be a part of this team. The veterans amongst you should remember various quiet spells during development that were inevitably followed by a slew of new features and improvements. Well, our chief focus has been the server problems of course, but nevertheless we've also spent a lot of time since launch addressing as many concerns and criticisms as we possibly can. And that will continue of course. With your guidance and support we'll continue expanding and improving Roma Victor month after month after month. But right now you can expect some of those things to begin to make it into the game this week!
"Rome wasn't coded in a day"
- Kanoth
Another update from KFR:
"Rome wasn't coded in a day"
- Kanoth
In summary, the lag has been drastically reduced, fewer attempts are required to login, usually one now, and the developers are hard at work on improving the virtual world and servers.
The sweet is never as sweet without the sour, and I know the sour.
"Rome wasn't coded in a day"
- Kanoth