any word of when we will be able to play a beta or trial for this game?
Also, am i to understand that with the hire and train your own army feature, it could be something simular to the movie TROY, where Achillies (Brad Pitt) was a warlord and had his army of 40 men, The Mermadens?
Just trying to put a face on the feature to better understand it.
Soon! I hope.
I dont even want to say this -outloud- but i really like the way this game is looking. (crosses fingers)
The community site has a lot of info and videos etc.
Not really sure, guessing either the end of this year or Q1 next year.
You can only have up to 8 minions in an instance and 4 in the world. Keep in mind the ability to have minions grows over time. You don't start off with 4 minions for example.
I don't work for PE and I'm not in beta, I'm just a fan and I hope this game delivers.