Originally posted by nero666 Originally posted by reavo
Originally posted by nero666 Originally posted by reavo Originally posted by nero666 lol i love bushhes a nice dude he helps usa to go down more quikly^^ You're rubbish. No wonder your part of the world is in such turmoil. my personal part of the world is much bigger then urs coz i have alota more money^^ its simple
its not a joke can u be teh president of america if you dont have money?^^
What does that have to do with anything you've said?
I presume he was just asking for an assasination attempt... Maybe he should look at his popularity in the world before traveling out of the U.S
Specifically he was asking for a revolution and a strategic military ally and neighbour of Russia to change sides and team up with America against them. In a country that is traditionally pro Russian, anti western and specifically anti American he was promoting suicide by Russian Army and lying when he said he would help.
Couldn't really ask for an assasination attempt any harder than that.
Originally posted by hazmats jesus you guys are totally disrespectful. Disliking bush is one thing, but wanting him dead? I could guarentee many people very upset if he is killed. Me and my weapons would go to defend him..or any other president. He's commander and chief and deserves at the very least respect.
I'm sure his corpse would be most gratified to be under your protection. His spirit would probably be wishing that he'd selected his bodyguards from amongst the leet ranks of fantasy roleplaying gamers, instead of some ex special-forces patsies. However, I think that the point of the "documentary" is to examine what would occur in the aftermath of the event. I don't think it's intended to be some sort of gratuitous fantasy for Bush-haters, and I imagine that the dramatised repercussions would show that popping a cap in the president's ass would not exactly further the cause of world peace.
I wouldn't cry either, the US can't get any worse. Half the world already hates us.
Most of that half would say that they hate current American foreign policy, rather than America in its entirety. It's difficult to really hate America when you're wearing American clothes, listening to American music before going out to watch the latest American film and maybe grabbing a burger on the way. It is also worth remembering that being unpopular is not necessarily the same as being wrong.
And look on the bright side, most hate Israel much, much more.
I wouldn't cry either, the US can't get any worse. Half the world already hates us.
Most of that half would say that they hate current American foreign policy, rather than America in its entirety. It's difficult to really hate America when you're wearing American clothes, listening to American music before going out to watch the latest American film and maybe grabbing a burger on the way. It is also worth remembering that being unpopular is not necessarily the same as being wrong.
And look on the bright side, most hate Israel much, much more.
So what's all this hate I get from people on Skype, ICQ, AIM, etc? They just start talking crap on me, saying I'm stupid because I like Bush, etc.
And when I actually try to explain myself how I don't like our President, I get call a stupid American pig. So yeah, I know people hate this country just to hate.
The only country I don't like is ours. We think we're better then everyone else.
The folks on the Fox News Morning show were foaming at the mouth about this on their program this morning. One of the retards even suggested that they could have just as easily used a ficitional president. Apparently, like most things they talk about, they don't quite understand.
I personally wouldn't want to see Bush killed. I wouldn't even really want to see him arrested. I just prefer to see all his sins brought to light and his ass thrown out of office for them. Personally I would love to see the true Republicans rise up against the neo-conservatives and take out the trash on their own. This includes those "good family values" bible-thumpers who will over-night become "Fiscally Conservative" Jesus-Who Republicans as soon as the wind changes.
What does that have to do with anything you've said?
Are you high right now?
I presume he was just asking for an assasination attempt... Maybe he should look at his popularity in the world before traveling out of the U.S
Specifically he was asking for a revolution and a strategic military ally and neighbour of Russia to change sides and team up with America against them. In a country that is traditionally pro Russian, anti western and specifically anti American he was promoting suicide by Russian Army and lying when he said he would help.
Couldn't really ask for an assasination attempt any harder than that.
I'm sure his corpse would be most gratified to be under your protection. His spirit would probably be wishing that he'd selected his bodyguards from amongst the leet ranks of fantasy roleplaying gamers, instead of some ex special-forces patsies. However, I think that the point of the "documentary" is to examine what would occur in the aftermath of the event. I don't think it's intended to be some sort of gratuitous fantasy for Bush-haters, and I imagine that the dramatised repercussions would show that popping a cap in the president's ass would not exactly further the cause of world peace.
Not many people would.
Only thing we'd cry about is having Cheney for a president.
I wouldn't cry either, the US can't get any worse. Half the world already hates us.
Yeah I know, things can always get worse, so please don't even spam or flame me with that crap.
Most of that half would say that they hate current American foreign policy, rather than America in its entirety. It's difficult to really hate America when you're wearing American clothes, listening to American music before going out to watch the latest American film and maybe grabbing a burger on the way. It is also worth remembering that being unpopular is not necessarily the same as being wrong.
And look on the bright side, most hate Israel much, much more.
Most of that half would say that they hate current American foreign policy, rather than America in its entirety. It's difficult to really hate America when you're wearing American clothes, listening to American music before going out to watch the latest American film and maybe grabbing a burger on the way. It is also worth remembering that being unpopular is not necessarily the same as being wrong.
And look on the bright side, most hate Israel much, much more.
So what's all this hate I get from people on Skype, ICQ, AIM, etc? They just start talking crap on me, saying I'm stupid because I like Bush, etc.
And when I actually try to explain myself how I don't like our President, I get call a stupid American pig. So yeah, I know people hate this country just to hate.
The only country I don't like is ours. We think we're better then everyone else.
The folks on the Fox News Morning show were foaming at the mouth about this on their program this morning. One of the retards even suggested that they could have just as easily used a ficitional president. Apparently, like most things they talk about, they don't quite understand.
I personally wouldn't want to see Bush killed. I wouldn't even really want to see him arrested. I just prefer to see all his sins brought to light and his ass thrown out of office for them. Personally I would love to see the true Republicans rise up against the neo-conservatives and take out the trash on their own. This includes those "good family values" bible-thumpers who will over-night become "Fiscally Conservative" Jesus-Who Republicans as soon as the wind changes.
Every country does. The trick is not to stick it up other peoples noses.