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Funny eBayer story

RekrulRekrul Member Posts: 2,961
This was during pre-cu.

I was hanging around Eisley cantina as almost everyday. At that time i had TKM/2x2x fencer, xx4x medic, the rest was non-combat.

So I don't remember exactly what we were doing at the time, but I think I dueled one or two people, testing resists or something.

No buffs, no armor, nothing really.

So this guy walks up to me, and challenges me. No word, no nothing. I think funny, probably some weird CM ganker, or exceptional T21, but almost certainly someone with rather impure motives.

So I pop won won, kiwik, one brandy as a precaution, still only melee clothing. I accept the duel.

And the LS ignites. I go "O feck", pop the synthsteak, pixie, second brandy, hit the heal, ...

But my ham wasn't moving. I went down a pixel or two, then regened. So I do /unarmedHit3, and take out a third of his health. Thinking he's messing with me, I decide to wait a bit. But it's still just whack whack whack whack. Then he changes to some other weapon, non LS, but it's still only tap tap tap.

So I do /unarmedKd, /unarmedHit and he's incapped.

Everyone around me was just silent. I end the duel, he gets up and leaves. Nobody said a word after that.

So, 3 minutes pass, and the same guy is running all over Eisley with a BH or two after him. After a few minutes and one clone later, he was in cantina, complaining to the ents how he hates how BH are after him all the time.

But yea, Skill > money. Nobody ever said the e word, but everyone knew it.

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