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As you guessed, we have been watching you very closely since the beginning of the contest. As a consequence, this week's reporter will be mostly about the enigma but also about the release of version 1.84.
Report on the Atlantean Tablet Enigma Contest
Those of you who played or read forum posts today probably know that the Atlantean Tablet enigma has been solved Thursday night, about 30h after the start of the contest. Congratulations to the hardened players who have thought intensely, explored Atlantis and crossed the numerous obstacles that were between them and the solution.
We now know the Las Vegas trip winner whose name will be revealed beginning of next week. He will be contacted very soon so that he can prepare for the trip but we are currently unable to list the names of all the winners since we are still checking the data. All we can tell you right now is that there still are statues waiting to be carved.
An additional difficulty appeared involuntarily in the decoding of the text, at the 11th stage. There were a few mistakes in the French text and language specificities that couldn't be taken into account like the « Y », which we considered as a vowel in every language whereas it's not the case in German for example. We do apologize to all of you who tried bravely to decipher the code. This was not essential to continue and solve the enigma. We wish to those of you who are still working on it to enjoy it !
Version 1.84 progress
Version 1.84 tests are under way in every language now and we are satisfied with the progress. The release should take place within two weeks, as announced in the previous Camelot Reporter, but the exact date will not be revealed until next Friday.
Meanwhile, you can check the release notes in the Test Version section and if you have not done this yet, download the first part of the updated files for which you have been notified in game on Wednesday. These files, which you can download but not install before the 1.84 version release, are still available in the Download section.
New Valley 45-49
One of the big items in the 1.84 version is the implementation of Cathal Valley, which will be restricted to 45-49 level players of below Realm Rank 4L9 and Master Level 5. This Battleground is very different from the others since there is no main keep. Battles will take place anywhere but most probably in the narrow valleys leading to a wall whose gate can be easily assaulted or in a valley with a mysterious bright aura that will be replaced by a keep in version 1.85.
"Classic" server poll
If you have been playing recently you have probably noticed a poll concerning Glastonbury and Salisbury players. Since there have been some requests to allow players to craft legendary weapons, Mythic decided to conduct a poll to know your opinion.
So please let us know what you think, and if you do not play on these servers, just tick the "I do not play on a Classic server and it does not affect me" answer.
Have a nice week end, and good luck to the ones still trying to resolve the enigma.