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I for one would rather have the standard WSAD or arrow movement config. I dont like PnC movement in a MMORPG at all and it puts me off even playing that game long term. What about you all?
definately, i will never play another MMO that has only PnC (if keyboard movement is there also then thats fine). PnC completely takes away from the immersion.
It feels to much like an RTS with PnC. Like im telling him to move there, instead of moving him myself.
PnC? nope.
Although it would be good for running if you could hold down the right mouse button to run.
Other than that i just stick with WASD
I don't mind it, I kinda liked the ShadowBane interface. So, I can play either way. Doesn't bother me. Get a MS Strategic Commander and a good mouse and you can play either style with ease.
Outkast Studios
Mystic Online Community Forums
In standard 3D games I typically prefer keyboard movement, but PnC sometimes works.
Depends on how it's setup really but usually I prefer the keyboard over the mouse.
I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring
- Richard P. Feynman, 1988
IMO the more aspects of your character the game lets you control the better. In fact pretty much any game that isnt mouselook full range of motion twitch combat besides whatever special attacks spells etc then I get bored of it really fast. Im not much of a sandwich type guy.....
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I have played/tested games where PnC movement was the control method(lineage 2, shadowbane, Wish to name 3) out of these i would say WISH is by far the best..But saying that its by far NOT perfect in its present form.
Theres so many times that you press to go Back but for some strange reason it just runs off forward into mobs, or into a building(dont start me off on trying to get out of buildings). You want to go back with WSAD controls and its a simple press of a button and off you go in the direction you want to go in.
PnC method of moving is by far the worst type of movement for a MMORPG. For many reasons. You need control to be there when you need it to be, immersion of the game, PnC will lag sometimes and you wont move at all, inside of buildings PnC is awekward, PnC you nearly alwasy spend time zoomed way out of your char view therefore missing many nice graphics.
PnC is nowhere near as good as normal WSAD or arrow movement.
Omol da'Ox
The Blooded
Omol da'Ox
I would sooner choke on my own vomit while shoving a walrus up my ass than use a point and click system. Honestly the closer mmorpgs get to fps in reguards of targeting and attacking that happier I'll be. But I know I'm in the minority in that boat.
MR. Vice
PS: Lineage 2 is point and click? God Thanks, you've stopped me from making a huge mistake. I was going to buy to stupid thing.
I don't mind point and click if the implimentation is good. If it's done poorly and I feel like I'm trapped in a 2D world, I personally will not like it.
-=MMORPG.COM Staff=-
Lineage 2 is PnC yes but its done very well... not to mention there IS keyboard movement for those who prefer non PnC...
thing is NC did a good job of it tho... its one of the only MMORPG i can play almost completely with one hand and still pull of tons of skills and run around in war's... i can actually eat soup and play at the same time ^^ kidna handy actually...
also makes it ALOT easier for traveling... just click as far as u can on the horizon and then u can type to ur friend while ur running ^^...
oh ya and as for "PnC in a pvp based game sucks because u cant target" thats complete BS... i was invloved in MANY war's and PvP situations and not once did i ever have a problem targeting... makes it easier too seeing as its not a twitch fest seeing who can strafe and jump the most...
as for PnC turning me off games thats going to have to be a no... i actually prefer PnC over key controlls because i like to have my other hand free for typing, eating, etc...
its all about how its implemented... keyboard is just too old school... u kinda forget the keyboard came years before the mouse and the mouse was invented to make things easier
"oh ya and as for "PnC in a pvp based game sucks because u cant target" thats complete BS"
How is that BS, so say i am not a good player with PnC and i cant target as well as you...does that make my opinion "BS" I dont think so.
Also how is a player destined to play a game that is not "fun" no "content" "gameplay" and shity "graphics" So your saying DAOC and EQ are all of those things..I ask you to name 1 game that has all the things you mentioned that is PnC.
I couldn't agree more. And as Mr. Vice pointed out this saves me from making the mistake of buying Lineage 2 only to find out it is PnC when it's too late.
I despise PnC and a game would have to be absolutely amazing for me to want to play it. It's constant aggravation/annoyance and it deters from my gameplay.
Incase your wonderng why a little thing like point and click bothers me so much I think that I should justify my reasoning.
Firstly I agreee with Sutex, point in click makes things:
1. Harder to target.
2. Decreases the fluidity of movement.
Secondly Pnc, because it's not an active control, causes me to loose a sense of emersion. I find it's hard to get into a game where I"m not activly at the helm of my own persona.
In addition I feel that interfaces such as pnc rely much more heavly on camera angels more so than dirrect keyboard controls. I'm the kind of person that likes to leave the camera where it is, and the only time a monkey around with it is when I'm taking a screen shot, or am just plain board. Most PNC games, assuming they're not overhead, involve a contantly moving camera, something to which I find appaling. And as someone as already pointed out makes the whole thing a lot more acword inside of inclosed areas.
Finaly any pnc mmorpg I've everplayed, UO and Shadowbane where, at least in my opinion, horrable games. So perhaps thats another reason I'm biast.
Mr. Vice
PS: Is it true about Lineage 2 having alternative keyboard controls? Because if it does I might rethink my previous statement.
Wow... This thread went way above what I expected.
Why is it that people always start trying to persuade others that their way is better.
This thread is a "which way do you like it thread", not a "Which way is the best? And lets make everybody agree with us" thread.
Like almost everything in life, we all have our own opinions and one is not right while another is wrong.
PnC vs. WASD
PvP vs. PvE
Intel vs. Athlon
PC vs. Mac
etc., etc...
There is no right or wrong, just what people like or not like. Why do some people always feel that other people's opinion should be the same as theirs? And if you are not the same as me, I should try to persuade you to be...
To me it just depends on how efficient and precise the movement is. In Wish, there was some kind of bizarre pathfinding that I really didn't care for. When I click somewhere, I want to go in that direction, not somewhere else randomly to get to that spot. That along with narrow narrow city streets resulted in nothing but sheer frustration (which at least was consistent with the rest of their "gameplay"). In UO the point and click was very frustrating because of all the groundclutter that you could get stuck on.
Lineage2 and Shadowbane were totally different. The system is easy. It lets you move the camera around with very little effort. And it doesn't prevent you from using the rest of the interface.
And having experienced laggy battles in DAOC, I would say that PnC probably is better for large battles, which is of course why Lineage 2 is using it.
You may say I'm a dreamer
I'm not the only one
I hope some day you will join us
And the world will live as one
Thinking of strange days
And wet-dream escapades
Oh this summer is sweet sleep
Because we are living day dreams