Gameplay still doesn't deserve anything above a '2'. Tell me that you enjoyed the grind to 60 and you're still fascinated with the many choices you have when you're a High Warlord and have the best equipment known to the server. It's like my old job: a grind to a reasonable salary with all the same crap, just with varying amounts of it.
Can't say that 6.5 million players is a reason to give the Community an '8'. There aren't very many people on (compared to EVE and EQ2) until the schools let out, then you're in trouble when the witless spambots and adolescent hackers overrun Orgrimmar and your gold grinding turf outside instances... the game ends for me when the clock hits 3:00pm.
Not to mention the teen angst... so... much... childhood trauma!
Right, sorry for criticizing the review. My opinion and experience of the game at 60 kind of conflicts with the "sunshine and daisies**" described in the review. Running MC or AQ * 20 = !fun. I happily left this game.
May the community stay there and not pollute my current game.
** Idiom for everything being good and going well, this reference is for those of you not out of the 4th grade yet.
It took me about 3 months to go from level 1, to a lvl 60 in fully decked out epic - and I wasn't even in the most 'hardcore' raiding guild. I spent 3 more months doing the same raids to help others in my guild get their gear. And some time in between raids grinding out max faction with everything that you needed to (oh, millions of dark iron bars...). I then levelled a second character to 60 and participated - again - in the same 4 or 5 'big' raids done on a weekly basis, and in between hundreds of trips through scholo, strat, diremaul, ubrs, etc. After what really was about 4 months of the same. exact. dungeons. over. and. over. ...I left WoW. The raids were routine, there was no challenge, only 'farming' of gear, once you knew who had to stand where and do what.
Don't get me wrong, WoW has a LOT to offer - but the end game is not something I would highlight, it was very dull and probably one of the most repetitive. Raid bosses behave predictably and once mastered, the end game instances were no challenge whatsoever. That combined with a crafting system that allowed you to advance from 1 to 300 skill in a single day provided you had enough money, and the general immaturity of the playerbase - didn't keep me there long after I'd gotten all the gear I could get. Because WoW really is all about gear - the differences in talent trees really are minimal in the grand scheme of things (and you could completely reset these as many times as you wanted to and it was not very expensive to do so ). So once you have your gear, then what?
Gaming? That's not gaming! That's just people sat 'round in costumes drinking...
Originally posted by dwnmp3 Originally posted by Bigx Originally posted by Minsc Originally posted by dwnmp3I do not agree with the majority of this thread. It seems like the whole spin on this is your complaining about the grind at least 12 or more times. For the pvp grind you can get almost instant ques during that battlegrounds double honor weekend. I myself went from honored to exalted this weekend with AV. And quite simply if you want any gear in the game you have to repeat all the instances its nothing really only 60s have to deal with. At least with the end game instances there are more bosses such as Black Rock Spire having almost literally two parts. Black Rock Depths itself is quite a large instance. I mean what do you expect? Just because your level 60 all your gear is going to drop all at once so you never need to do the instance again? That kinda ruins the whole idea of the gear being wroth anything.Also you complain about the 40 man raids. I somewhat feel you are not qualifyed to attempt to review them at all basically from your screenshots it looks like you have never done them. The 40man raids are a testament to a guilds power and teamwork and cohesiveness. And off course if all the gear were to drop at once then whats the point. It makes you feel good when you can say you have 4/8 prophecy knowing how hard it can get. The 40 man raids promote teamwork and just plain skill I mean wow is not hard to play but to do some of the encounters you do need to pay attention.I think the basis for this review was pretty much a bad player who could not get into a raiding guild having to attempt to tarnish World of Warcraft. I' am assuming in order to review something you have to experience it so please don't review a game you haven't finished yet.And the graphics considering we are comparing World of Wacraft to other games not just in general. First thing that comes to mind is CoV which if we were comparing graphics in general while taking the customization into consideration I belive World of Warcraft makes CoV and the majority of other mmos look like an early version of Crash Bandacoot in comparison.Not to mention in one of his screenies he says "How do you get a screen without the bars is it tab" with tab being a very important button to get to the next mob and him not knowing what it does. And considering that almost everytime you log in it may say hey press and hold alt z for a cool pic. Just further proves this is just a noob complaing about not being able to get into a raiding guild and getting any good gear. The problems is that they made the gear so all-important in the first place. It's bad for gameplay, especially PVP.I have to agree. They made gear number one thing to get. Wow is a awesome game from 1 to 59 then the game takes a turn. The pvp is so basic and they seem to lack the ability to do it. Game been over 1.5 years and still the same 3 bg. I am exualted in AB and WSG and revered in AV. Even the rep rewards lack what pve end game instances do. Blizzard seems to care about the end game instances and everything else is 2nd. World pvp was a joke. I dont know anybody that even does it. 4 basic towers to defend and a buff for a reward. Even with low lvl bg 10 to 19 is all about who has the best enchants. Lvl 19 can wear a lvl 60 enchant. The saying is wow is Raid or Quit. I do like the game but I do not raid and therefore have to relie on gear from rank and rep rewards. There is no real compatition for wow as of yet. Mid next year I can see that changing and infact I will leave as well to do the WAR thing. If you have ever seen some pvp movies such as World of RogueCraft or World of Paladincraft or Seksi's priest video they do pvp with no gear on at all and still kick ass. Gear is not important folks! It just helps. Once more its all about skill.
Yes, I've been on my rogue naked with no gear and a couple of grey daggers as well. Sure, you can get a few kills, but I don't necessarily target those in full AQ40 gearsets either.. Those videos I assure you took a while to make. On the average WSG/AB run I'd get about 8ish kills, and those are only if I can get them wide open for a 1v1, and get the jump on them. Not to mention that if I do this, I'm in no manner assisting with the outcome of that battleground. So yes, you can fight naked if you care to.. But gear is what makes the world (of warcraft anyways) go 'round.
As for the Actual review. I'd have to agree with the majority of the thread here. I thought the guy was dead on with every word, and then he goes and rates it at least +3 points higher than I would have in any category. I mean this is for obvious reasons I guess. There are too many other games out there with high scores, and for wow to get the score it deserves as the #1 top MMORPG on the market, it would need a comparitive score. Just know that as gamers ourselves, what needed to be said, WAS SAID! Doesn't matter what the rating is, people will take heed of this. And I'm sure Blizzard already knows all of this. I just doubt that they'll bother doing anything about it until future competition such as Darkfall or Warhammer Online step in at which time it'll be too late for blizzard.
To make things clear, I do not care for the 40-Man raiding part of this game in the slightest. All 3 of my roomates all participate in WOW Raiding. From 20-Man ZG/AQ to NEF, and most of the way through Naxx. They come home from work EVERY NIGHT, EVERY FREAKING NIGHT, ALL THE FREAKING TIME, and jump into a raid group and head out to some mind numbing instance. This is so mind numbing that it's DRIVING ME CRAZY and I'm not even the one playing it! I can't go out to eat with them, I can't go see a movie, I can't go bowling, or play tennis, basketball, NOTHING! Why? Cause if they don't go on these stupid runs, they lose their place in line for gear, and even risk being terminated from their guilds. WTF is that? They try to get me into these guilds too. I don't even have a response for that. Why the hell would I want my entire life to be void just so I can have a higher repair bill? Why do I want to run the same freaking instances every night for months and months just to maybe get something that could upgrade my character? I'm not the quite type either. If I were there in those runs and people were going afk or waiting 15 mins before a boss fight FOR NO APPARENT REASON, I'd be going off! SEriously, how can they just stand around so much? Hell it takes them 30 mins just to get to the damn instance... Hello? I've got better things to do... I can't spend 3-8 hours a night doing damn instance runs with complete morons, or people that are "supposed" to be funny, but annoy the hell out of me. I have absolutely zero interest in that crap. I'd barely be willing to do it if the gear was guranteed to all drop in one run for me. The only reason that I still play this game is to play with my UI.. Period! I love pvp, but I'm not going to devote my life to it. I love 5-Man instances, but I'm not gonna wait 30mins-2hours waiting on a group. And I sure as hell am not going to join a guild, do the runs, get my gear, AND THEN KEEP DOING THE RUNS? WTF! I didn't even want to do them to begin with.. And now that I don't need them anymore, I have to keep it up? Screw That! WTH are you think'n? I could care less how much "Strategy" it takes, or how we must be a good guild to be able to do what we do, BLAH BLAH BLAH! I don't care, get me the hell out of it. And then what? If I get the gear, what now? Oh wow, now I can raid just that tiny, non-existant touch of a stat better. Who cares? I don't wanna raid to begin with. Oh, PVP? Yeah, that's great.. I used to actually have to use skill and wit to overcome my ememies, but now I can just stand there and spam a few buttons? NO! I don't want to be a god on the battlefield, I just want the freaking gods to stop their "elitist" attitudes. You are not "the best" player of your class in all of time just because you do well in BG's. You just may be the most geared. Wow, way to totally show how little you really are. I don't care. People can do what they want. I don't need a bigger sword, or a suit of impenetrable resistance to own your ass, and I never will. Because when it comes down to it, you're just a loser that thinks he's all that because you have no life elsewhere so it just has to be!
I will be getting the expansion for no other reason than to be able to play with my friends, or at least dream of doing so if they are ever not raiding. I am observing both Darkfall, and Warhammer Online, and both interest me greatly. I'll be getting both of them when they release, and I pray that darkfall actually does release because it seems to have the most potential in my eyes.
I have to admit though, the best thing wow has over anything else, is customizable UI. I know that no other game will probably ever have that and it does make me a sad panda, but I guess I can come to terms with that.
"Can't... Sleep... The Carebears... Will get... Their way..."
Originally posted by vinylnomiko Simply put, it is all about your gear. A player who is all geared up in epic armor and carrying an epic weapon will crush their opponents whether PC or NPC.
According to the producers of the game only 15% of the playerbase actually raid dungeons such as MC, BWL, and now Naxx. I'm assuming these dungeons they've carefully crafted are now worthless. What a waste.
They've invested all their resources into more end game instances so people can raid all over again to gain "Super Man" power suits. No focus on community - you're still forced to join a guild regardless if they're a bunch of idiots or not to get what you need.
I spent years raiding in other games... so I can't help but think you are fools for thinking this is what end game is supposed to be. Raiding just for gear is boring compared to what's out there. What do you do when your guild isn't raiding?
The reviewer said a lot of people only log on to raid. WTF? Where IS the end game? What keeps them playing? You answered it reviewer... NOTHING.
My advice to anyone playing WoW is go out there and play a few more games. Learn what you are missing and how you've been cheated.
There isn't even any real PvP in WoW. PvP = Player vs Player... not Faction vs Faction. And excuse me... but capture the flag is for kids... you play games like that at lvl 20 to learn PvP in other MMOs.
Imagine, if you will.... stats that are pretty much the same across the board at lvl 60. That it takes skill rather than "power overwhelming" to win at PvP combat- where combat isn't over so quickly. Oh, sorry... that would ruin the ganker's fun. That idea wouldn't fly. They will continue to mess up PvP and FvF even with the expansion.
If you weren't pressured to join a guild after 60 levels of soloing... to learn overnight how to work with others. Where getting to 60 wasn't so easy an 8 year old can do it in 2 weeks (there is one in my guild who did his family are friends in RL).
All the good PvP guilds are on other games... WoW is useless PvE raiding and watered down PvP. To be a pure PvPing guild on WoW means you get rolled in BGs by people with raiding gear.
There are a bunch of things that sound a big gong in my head that say WRONG ... but it's easy to play and has the Blizzard name behind it... so it's popular.
Starcraft was the best 50 bucks I ever spent... but now that the old WoW, Diablo, and SC developers are gone and Vivendi owns Blizzard... I can totally see why the game is starting to suck. I played beta and it wasn't this bad. They hired Tigule and Forer... I remember them from EQ - anything they touch is sullied by their "raid or die" (Tigule's sign over his work desk) and "pallies should heal me not tank" (Forer - a warrior in EQ) mentality. If you played EQ you'll remember.
I registered just to give props to this poster and say: QFT! WoW strayed far away from the originally promised content. The promised World PvP and storming of cities and hero classes did not come to fruition. WoW has devolved into EQ . An enormous accent has been put on gear, which in turn is repeatedly trivialized with new dungeons and expansion and force continuous grind. Small guilds have difficulty surviving because of enourmous raiding parties that are necessary for end game PvE. So forget playing just with your friends, unless you have 40+ of them and they are all on the same schedule.
I will give kudos to WoW for great class balance, given there are only 9 classes total. Wich will become identical across both factions, come Burning Crusade. Unfortunately the PvP setting is very restrictive and lacks any sense of adventure or purpose, other than same grind for alternative set of loot. WoW is a repetitive gear grind at nauseum. The game takes advantage of those with the obsession to have the best gear. To keep that crowd occuppied raise level bar ever so oftern, apply higher coefficients to generate latest FOTM gear loot and slap new color coding on it, if necessary. I can't stop thinking of it as raiding clothing stores. One starts raiding Ross, then moves to Broadway, and later graduates to ransacking through "Sax Fifth" for that neat pair of pants that "you never knew you always wanted".
Current state of affairs is not enough to keep me as a paying customer. I am genuinely disappointed.
Originally posted by Moondrip Let's keep it simple.. People are addicted to wow, not because it's a good game, but because of the lack of other mmorpg's. World of warcraft is the new trend.. People get hooked on it quite easy.
Wow's popularity is due to it's simplicity, low learning curve [dumbed down for the masses - which isn't necessarily a bad thing considering how many subscribers there are], and name brand recognition. I doubt WoW would be as popuar if it wasn't developed by Blizzard.
I had fun playing WoW [my 3rd MMO - SWG, EQ2, WoW, and now DDO] until the end game = raiding, pvpng, "gathering/crafting", and "chinese farmers". Raiding - too repetitive and by my calculations would take me about 6 months to a year to get a full raid set. PVP - AV was fun as it prevented premades and everyone wasn't running around in epic'd gear. Didn't enjoy AB/WSG - encountered too many premade epic geared teams. Gathering / "grind spots" = a huge letdown on the fun factor. End game add-on quests = one huge grief-fest [ie: Horde or Alliance purposely being pvp flagged waiting for someone to accidentally tab/attack them for griefing purposes].
The one thing that I enjoyed about WoW - the quests UP TO about level 58/59. There was allways something new to do that I could either solo or easily find a group for. Post Level 60 the game started becoming more of a 2nd job [scheduled 3+ hours raids, gathering, waiting on pvp ques] than a game.
Originally posted by scaramoosh Never review games again please!
7 is not low :S 10 = perfect 9 = amazing 8 = great 7 = good 6 = above average 5 = average 4 = below average 3 = poor 2 = horrible 1 = worst thing ever ever ever!
As you see you've rated things you thought wernt good at a 7 :
What he said.... Saying that 7 is low is stoopid and made me dismiss most of the review. ;p
<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a wounded man shall say to his assailant: "If I live, I will kill you, If I die, you are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
I started playing WoW on the first day of release and must admit that the only reason that i keep up my account is because my husband encourages me to keep up my account and because im hoping that Blizard will put more into its game.
I personally would very very very much like to see a proper guild system in the game, the ability to individualise characters, and player housing. These things can not and should not be ignored by blizard especially as they promissed to include a guild system and housing from the very start! however now they refuse to even reply to the many many player requests for such.
I dislike the repetative instancing very much, and I refuse to do them, REPETATIVE INSTANCING IS NOT FUN BLIZARD....
MMORPGs strife to offer their players various gameplay goals and experiences. Some play the game just to solve all quests and reach highest level, some play the game just to participate in guild- and group play, some play the game to actually "live" in the perspective of a fantasy character, some play it to contest with other players in PvP.
Depending on where your own focus lies at, your gameplay experience can greatly vary. We all know there are MMORPGs out there that many would consider "poor quality", and yet they have a small but loyal player base loving to play it.
Furthermore, everything people keep doing over and over gets boring sometime. Who'd play Half-Life for the fifth time and still have the same fun as the first time? MMORPGs are the same for many people: once you've seen all the dungeons, bosses and items and you have nothing new left to explore, the game loses the thrill of new discoveries to you. In particular if you've already informed yourself of all the items you're trying to farm for. Killing the same boss 30 times over for one particular item that you want, is boring. Killing him 30 times and not knowing what you might get next, is a bit more exciting. But true, it's hard not to learn about loot tables if everyone in the game is basically chatting all over about it. MMORPG bosses shouldn't have such things as loot tables, I suppose. But making everything random isn't exactly so much better either.
Bottomline: let's not argue about ratings. If you want to know if WOW is fun or not, give it your own try and judge for yourself. Good if it is - no catastrophe if it isn't.
Originally posted by NeoTiger Bottomline: let's not argue about ratings. If you want to know if WOW is fun or not, give it your own try and judge for yourself. Good if it is - no catastrophe if it isn't.
we are not aguing about ratings. we are almost arguing about semantics. we all agree that wow-endgame is boring, has no value and no roleplaying. that is something we all know, accept and agree. even the reviewer. the problem is that although he says that there is no roleplaying, he rates "roleplaying" with a 7. then he says that wow endgame has a very low value, and scores "Value" with another 7. and he then says that gameplay is repetitive, that there are queues and that the only endgame options are raiding or battlegrounds, and after sayin that, he givs "fun" an 8.
that is the problem. that he knows how boring and poor wow-endgame is. but he seemed afraid to rate it accordingly.
It's confusing anyway. Reaching level 60 is not "endgame" in Wow. I just reached 60 a month ago and I have the feeling that there's even more for me to do now than when I was still level grinding.
Being 60 and having done all there is to do, is endgame perhaps - and boring. But until you reach that point, I'm pretty sure it takes almost as long as it took you from 1 to 60.
So if the review was about the game "after you've reached level 60", there's no reason to call it completely boring. It depends how far you are into your life as 60. Or how often you've been to each single raid instance.
And if the game would be so boring above level 60 - how come that more than half of the online population on an older server are level 60 characters? Are they really spending their time to do boring stuff? Apparently they must be enjoying something of it or they wouldn't waste their time with it. If you keep on doing something and call it boring at the same time, I'd say your actions betray your words lying.
The review touches on some important points but what should be kept in mind at least World OF Warcraft has an end game. Been playing City of Villains for awhile now- no one has a reason to play their level 50 at all so what they do is make it take 5x longer than it does in WoW to level. WoW is the leading MMO for a reason and I find it ironic it's getting all the bad press it has been getting it.
A well written review that covers all of the bases and is pretty accurate even if some people may disagree about the exact numerical rating that was given.
WoW is a lot of fun it's easy to learn and after a bit at level 60 boring as hell. Look at how many people on every server has numerous alternate characters with many of them at level 60. I'm in a high end raiding guild I don't know anyone in our guild that doesn't have at least 3 level 60 characters.
Personally, I exepect The Burning Crusades expansion to breath a bit of life into the game but once you hit level 60 you are back to what the reviewer stated your character is pretty much defined by his armor. There is no other advancement path. Crafting? That's a total joke. Specialization of skills? Another joke.
I'm just waiting until something better comes along. Hopefully Vangurad will be it but I have my doubts on that one.
WoW may have 6 million players but I think you will start to see a decline in the player base quite soon.
The person writing the review says "If I play an orc shaman with Earthfury gear and a guild tabard; I look like every other orc shaman in Earthfury gear that is part of my guild. Spell effects and scenery are great; it is the lack of customization which takes away from player’s individuality. Despite all this, the game still has some of the most solid art direction around and the new areas like Naxxramas and Ahn’Qiraj look wonderful. That earns it an above-average score."
Why would you not look the same. I don't understand your argument. You said you are in the same guild and have same gear so why wouldn't you look like every other orc shaman in Earthfury gear?
I think the montly charged by Blizzard has been worth it. I game of this magnitude takes $$$ to keep it up and running and for additional developer $$$ for content. I so far am not at all dissapointed that I am paying 15$ a month to play.
It is by far one of the best MMO out there right now and worthy of a pay to play model.
Just curious what online games you've played where a response within a few hours wasnt considered good. Hell in eq it wasnt uncommon to go a week waiting on a response. The only cs ticket i had in wow was addresed in 15 mins. Daoc took about 2-3 hours but never actually helped. It was just sorry we cant do anything about that, is there anything else i can help you with today? havent actually helped me with anything i guess not.
I'm gonna agree with most people. At the current time, the game has no direction and gives me no reason to play. There is no point to raiding and gaining armor, because all there is to do with this newfound equipment is to continue raiding the same dungeons until a new dungeon comes out to get even better gear. What's the point?
I hope the expansion can alleviate some of these feelings, but I still don't see much of a point in playing as they still have no meaningful end-game. They're just adding more of the same with less people needed.
We'll see how it pans out. But anyway, the written review was fine, as most people seem to agree with, but I just can't stand the fact that you think a "7" is "low" -- do you even know how to count? Did you think that 7 was a 1? I can understand if that's the problem, but then you shouldn't be working for to begin with. Or maybe it's how people said, and you need to keep these companies happy for whatever reasons.
Either learn to count, or grow some balls before you write anymore reviews.
Its strange, the reviewer points out several times that he doesn't like the repeatable style of the lvl 60 endgame in WoW, yet he gives it a very high score...
Originally posted by rudols The person writing the review says "If I play an orc shaman with Earthfury gear and a guild tabard; I look like every other orc shaman in Earthfury gear that is part of my guild. Spell effects and scenery are great; it is the lack of customization which takes away from player’s individuality. Despite all this, the game still has some of the most solid art direction around and the new areas like Naxxramas and Ahn’Qiraj look wonderful. That earns it an above-average score."
Why would you not look the same. I don't understand your argument. You said you are in the same guild and have same gear so why wouldn't you look like every other orc shaman in Earthfury gear?
Nothing prevent you, in theory, to add a banner, to be taller or smaller, to wear more secondary stuff to add, weird trinkets. Check out CoH/CoV to get you a good idea of what customisation means. Now it doesn't have to be that good, but it certainly could be a LOT better than been identicals. Not to mention that the pieces doesn't have to be identicals. The most visible aspects doesn't have to be loot, it can be personalised... WoW allows no personnalisation. 2 GIs, even if they belong to the same team can be looking quite different, even while battle geared...and that should be considered a minimum difference, since we are playing in a fantasy world, the difference should be much bigger than 2 GIs.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I would say this was a fairly accurate review of the game. I've been playing this game since it was released and I'm still enjoying it. I've found the different races and professions different enough to keep things fresh. In this time I've taken several breaks from WOW and tried out other MMORGs and most of them don't keep me interested more than a few months.
Now if you have no life and sit in front of your computer from sun up to sun down playing games, I guess you would get bored of just about any game in time.
It is sad to say but EQ2 has a better game and pvp system by far;
1. It doesnt take a raid to get decent gear.
2. It doesnt take waiting around all night to find a fight; but youll need a group of friends.
3. There is advancement for guilds.
4. EQ2 has better pvp simply because fighters can taunt attackers off healers, this makes a fight... become a REAL fight.
We are the Founding Fathers in this virtual world in which we create. As such it seems we must do what our Founding Fathers had to do.. in order to let our fellow gamers have a fair shake.
Different people , different tastes so: WoW has to be titled just MMO not MMORPG, cause its not RPG just if you put elves and orcs in it. Graphix: totaly out-adged, cartoonish graphics. Personally i dont like it. For example, orcs looks like just bomped from old serie "Planet of Apes" Quests are boring, maybe, but just maybe fun to do em for 1st time, and never again. PvP is silly, better play Counter Strike or some other FPS game if u wonna "PvP" like this 1. Crafting = totally pointless Classes = silly. They using very stupid method to make kids playing it. In each makor patch they put 1 "imba" class for dueling or whatever and with that "pull" so much kids to start all over again, so they could be soooo good in duels etc; and nerfing last "imba" class from prevous patch. Community? lol, no comment at all, but author of this topic or has great great luck with his server/guild/people or he hasnt been playing this too much. Who mentioned barrens chat? Sound - they choped lots from WC3, after all these pathes they could implement some more themes, but...maybe in WoW2 in some 20 years Support- what he gave? 8? hahahaha , cmon mate, have you been playing this game at all? End game contest: very poor, its endless repeating of same things, all over again, cause some stupid drops or whatever. Game is same from 1 to 60th lvl: pure grind nothing else Time wasting on each step of the game (for example: Orgrimar - BRM about 20 mins). Or better to say whole game is time wasting. If you wonna to play something that IS MMO-RPG play EQ2. Only 2 things are good at WoW: 1. its retarded version of RPG, so can give a slight view for new players what are RPGs and MMORPGs 2. its magnet for completely idiotic population of gamers, so it keeps em out from other games. Stick to it guys! (this wasnt ment as all wow players are like that, just saying good that those people are in WoW, and not imigrating to other better game-s)
So on the end: Graphics: 7 just cause its not completelly bad, its ok, for game fromabove that years, cmon... Sound: 6 copycat of WC3, nothing new for 2 years (exept for new instances, cause they are forced to put it in) Role-Playing: 2 Can give ya RPG feeling just same as Super Mario Value: 10 or 2 For people that dont like RPGs or dont know what are they its 10, for RPG fans - avoid it cause its brain washer Fun: 5 If u are 100% certain that you can find on 1 server 40 totally normal and at least average smart people, than 9, but thats science fiction for game like WoW. And doing same things non stop? Dunno how can that be funny Community: 2 clean 2, cause only way to have normal community is to join some normal guild with normal people and erase all other channels. Performance or Lag: 1(0) 10 but not for performance, its for latency and lag problems. They made poor multyplayer engine that going crazy if more npc/players doing things in 1 area. They even erased world PvP cause that when game became gold. Raiding BWL could be "sometimes" real pain Customer Service: 1 They maybe have, somewhere, on some server, normal game master. But generally: they have macros for answering, or options like on answering machines, no metter what u saying to them or asking em. Like pure bots, brainless. Whatever is wrong about game: delete 3 folders, whatever is wrong in game: not our fault. Overall Rating: 3.25
Gameplay still doesn't deserve anything above a '2'. Tell me that you enjoyed the grind to 60 and you're still fascinated with the many choices you have when you're a High Warlord and have the best equipment known to the server. It's like my old job: a grind to a reasonable salary with all the same crap, just with varying amounts of it.
Can't say that 6.5 million players is a reason to give the Community an '8'. There aren't very many people on (compared to EVE and EQ2) until the schools let out, then you're in trouble when the witless spambots and adolescent hackers overrun Orgrimmar and your gold grinding turf outside instances... the game ends for me when the clock hits 3:00pm.
Not to mention the teen angst... so... much... childhood trauma!
Right, sorry for criticizing the review. My opinion and experience of the game at 60 kind of conflicts with the "sunshine and daisies**" described in the review. Running MC or AQ * 20 = !fun. I happily left this game.
May the community stay there and not pollute my current game.
** Idiom for everything being good and going well, this reference is for those of you not out of the 4th grade yet.
It took me about 3 months to go from level 1, to a lvl 60 in fully decked out epic - and I wasn't even in the most 'hardcore' raiding guild. I spent 3 more months doing the same raids to help others in my guild get their gear. And some time in between raids grinding out max faction with everything that you needed to (oh, millions of dark iron bars...). I then levelled a second character to 60 and participated - again - in the same 4 or 5 'big' raids done on a weekly basis, and in between hundreds of trips through scholo, strat, diremaul, ubrs, etc. After what really was about 4 months of the same. exact. dungeons. over. and. over. ...I left WoW. The raids were routine, there was no challenge, only 'farming' of gear, once you knew who had to stand where and do what.
Don't get me wrong, WoW has a LOT to offer - but the end game is not something I would highlight, it was very dull and probably one of the most repetitive. Raid bosses behave predictably and once mastered, the end game instances were no challenge whatsoever. That combined with a crafting system that allowed you to advance from 1 to 300 skill in a single day provided you had enough money, and the general immaturity of the playerbase - didn't keep me there long after I'd gotten all the gear I could get. Because WoW really is all about gear - the differences in talent trees really are minimal in the grand scheme of things (and you could completely reset these as many times as you wanted to and it was not very expensive to do so ). So once you have your gear, then what?
Gaming? That's not gaming!
That's just people sat 'round in costumes drinking...
Yes, I've been on my rogue naked with no gear and a couple of grey daggers as well. Sure, you can get a few kills, but I don't necessarily target those in full AQ40 gearsets either.. Those videos I assure you took a while to make. On the average WSG/AB run I'd get about 8ish kills, and those are only if I can get them wide open for a 1v1, and get the jump on them. Not to mention that if I do this, I'm in no manner assisting with the outcome of that battleground. So yes, you can fight naked if you care to.. But gear is what makes the world (of warcraft anyways) go 'round.
As for the Actual review. I'd have to agree with the majority of the thread here. I thought the guy was dead on with every word, and then he goes and rates it at least +3 points higher than I would have in any category. I mean this is for obvious reasons I guess. There are too many other games out there with high scores, and for wow to get the score it deserves as the #1 top MMORPG on the market, it would need a comparitive score. Just know that as gamers ourselves, what needed to be said, WAS SAID! Doesn't matter what the rating is, people will take heed of this. And I'm sure Blizzard already knows all of this. I just doubt that they'll bother doing anything about it until future competition such as Darkfall or Warhammer Online step in at which time it'll be too late for blizzard.
To make things clear, I do not care for the 40-Man raiding part of this game in the slightest. All 3 of my roomates all participate in WOW Raiding. From 20-Man ZG/AQ to NEF, and most of the way through Naxx. They come home from work EVERY NIGHT, EVERY FREAKING NIGHT, ALL THE FREAKING TIME, and jump into a raid group and head out to some mind numbing instance. This is so mind numbing that it's DRIVING ME CRAZY and I'm not even the one playing it! I can't go out to eat with them, I can't go see a movie, I can't go bowling, or play tennis, basketball, NOTHING! Why? Cause if they don't go on these stupid runs, they lose their place in line for gear, and even risk being terminated from their guilds. WTF is that? They try to get me into these guilds too. I don't even have a response for that. Why the hell would I want my entire life to be void just so I can have a higher repair bill? Why do I want to run the same freaking instances every night for months and months just to maybe get something that could upgrade my character? I'm not the quite type either. If I were there in those runs and people were going afk or waiting 15 mins before a boss fight FOR NO APPARENT REASON, I'd be going off! SEriously, how can they just stand around so much? Hell it takes them 30 mins just to get to the damn instance... Hello? I've got better things to do... I can't spend 3-8 hours a night doing damn instance runs with complete morons, or people that are "supposed" to be funny, but annoy the hell out of me. I have absolutely zero interest in that crap. I'd barely be willing to do it if the gear was guranteed to all drop in one run for me. The only reason that I still play this game is to play with my UI.. Period! I love pvp, but I'm not going to devote my life to it. I love 5-Man instances, but I'm not gonna wait 30mins-2hours waiting on a group. And I sure as hell am not going to join a guild, do the runs, get my gear, AND THEN KEEP DOING THE RUNS? WTF! I didn't even want to do them to begin with.. And now that I don't need them anymore, I have to keep it up? Screw That! WTH are you think'n? I could care less how much "Strategy" it takes, or how we must be a good guild to be able to do what we do, BLAH BLAH BLAH! I don't care, get me the hell out of it. And then what? If I get the gear, what now? Oh wow, now I can raid just that tiny, non-existant touch of a stat better. Who cares? I don't wanna raid to begin with. Oh, PVP? Yeah, that's great.. I used to actually have to use skill and wit to overcome my ememies, but now I can just stand there and spam a few buttons? NO! I don't want to be a god on the battlefield, I just want the freaking gods to stop their "elitist" attitudes. You are not "the best" player of your class in all of time just because you do well in BG's. You just may be the most geared. Wow, way to totally show how little you really are. I don't care. People can do what they want. I don't need a bigger sword, or a suit of impenetrable resistance to own your ass, and I never will. Because when it comes down to it, you're just a loser that thinks he's all that because you have no life elsewhere so it just has to be!
I will be getting the expansion for no other reason than to be able to play with my friends, or at least dream of doing so if they are ever not raiding. I am observing both Darkfall, and Warhammer Online, and both interest me greatly. I'll be getting both of them when they release, and I pray that darkfall actually does release because it seems to have the most potential in my eyes.
I have to admit though, the best thing wow has over anything else, is customizable UI. I know that no other game will probably ever have that and it does make me a sad panda, but I guess I can come to terms with that.
"Can't... Sleep... The Carebears... Will get... Their way..."
They've invested all their resources into more end game instances so people can raid all over again to gain "Super Man" power suits. No focus on community - you're still forced to join a guild regardless if they're a bunch of idiots or not to get what you need.
I spent years raiding in other games... so I can't help but think you are fools for thinking this is what end game is supposed to be. Raiding just for gear is boring compared to what's out there. What do you do when your guild isn't raiding?
The reviewer said a lot of people only log on to raid. WTF? Where IS the end game? What keeps them playing? You answered it reviewer... NOTHING.
My advice to anyone playing WoW is go out there and play a few more
games. Learn what you are missing and how you've been cheated.
There isn't even any real PvP in WoW. PvP = Player vs Player... not Faction vs Faction. And excuse me... but capture the flag is for kids... you play games like that at lvl 20 to learn PvP in other MMOs.
Imagine, if you will.... stats that are pretty much the same across the board at lvl 60. That it takes skill rather than "power overwhelming" to win at PvP combat- where combat isn't over so quickly. Oh, sorry... that would ruin the ganker's fun. That idea wouldn't fly. They will continue to mess up PvP and FvF even with the expansion.
If you weren't pressured to join a guild after 60 levels of soloing... to learn overnight how to work with others. Where getting to 60 wasn't so easy an 8 year old can do it in 2 weeks (there is one in my guild who did his family are friends in RL).
All the good PvP guilds are on other games... WoW is useless PvE raiding and watered down PvP. To be a pure PvPing guild on WoW means you get rolled in BGs by people with raiding gear.
There are a bunch of things that sound a big gong in my head that say WRONG ... but it's easy to play and has the Blizzard name behind it... so it's popular.
Starcraft was the best 50 bucks I ever spent... but now that the old WoW, Diablo, and SC developers are gone and Vivendi owns Blizzard... I can totally see why the game is starting to suck. I played beta and it wasn't this bad. They hired Tigule and Forer... I remember them from EQ - anything they touch is sullied by their "raid or die" (Tigule's sign over his work desk) and "pallies should heal me not tank" (Forer - a warrior in EQ) mentality. If you played EQ you'll remember.
I registered just to give props to this poster and say: QFT! WoW strayed far away from the originally promised content. The promised World PvP and storming of cities and hero classes did not come to fruition. WoW has devolved into EQ . An enormous accent has been put on gear, which in turn is repeatedly trivialized with new dungeons and expansion and force continuous grind. Small guilds have difficulty surviving because of enourmous raiding parties that are necessary for end game PvE. So forget playing just with your friends, unless you have 40+ of them and they are all on the same schedule.
I will give kudos to WoW for great class balance, given there are only 9 classes total. Wich will become identical across both factions, come Burning Crusade. Unfortunately the PvP setting is very restrictive and lacks any sense of adventure or purpose, other than same grind for alternative set of loot.
WoW is a repetitive gear grind at nauseum. The game takes advantage of those with the obsession to have the best gear. To keep that crowd occuppied raise level bar ever so oftern, apply higher coefficients to generate latest FOTM gear loot and slap new color coding on it, if necessary.
I can't stop thinking of it as raiding clothing stores. One starts raiding Ross, then moves to Broadway, and later graduates to ransacking through "Sax Fifth" for that neat pair of pants that "you never knew you always wanted".
Current state of affairs is not enough to keep me as a paying customer. I am genuinely disappointed.
Wow's popularity is due to it's simplicity, low learning curve [dumbed down for the masses - which isn't necessarily a bad thing considering how many subscribers there are], and name brand recognition. I doubt WoW would be as popuar if it wasn't developed by Blizzard.
I had fun playing WoW [my 3rd MMO - SWG, EQ2, WoW, and now DDO] until the end game = raiding, pvpng, "gathering/crafting", and "chinese farmers". Raiding - too repetitive and by my calculations would take me about 6 months to a year to get a full raid set. PVP - AV was fun as it prevented premades and everyone wasn't running around in epic'd gear. Didn't enjoy AB/WSG - encountered too many premade epic geared teams. Gathering / "grind spots" = a huge letdown on the fun factor. End game add-on quests = one huge grief-fest [ie: Horde or Alliance purposely being pvp flagged waiting for someone to accidentally tab/attack them for griefing purposes].
The one thing that I enjoyed about WoW - the quests UP TO about level 58/59. There was allways something new to do that I could either solo or easily find a group for. Post Level 60 the game started becoming more of a 2nd job [scheduled 3+ hours raids, gathering, waiting on pvp ques] than a game.
Man what the heck I just wanted to rank the game as you describe it and it says I need more rank to rate stuff.
No customization. Role-Playing so low. Goes down tremendously. Sheer repetition. Very repetitive. Value in the end game is much lower.
Wow nothing below a 7?
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:
"If I live, I will kill you, If I die, you are forgiven."
Such is the Rule of Honor.
I started playing WoW on the first day of release and must admit that the only reason that i keep up my account is because my husband encourages me to keep up my account and because im hoping that Blizard will put more into its game.
I personally would very very very much like to see a proper guild system in the game, the ability to individualise characters, and player housing. These things can not and should not be ignored by blizard especially as they promissed to include a guild system and housing from the very start! however now they refuse to even reply to the many many player requests for such.
I dislike the repetative instancing very much, and I refuse to do them, REPETATIVE INSTANCING IS NOT FUN BLIZARD....
Rating an MMORPG is futile in itself.
MMORPGs strife to offer their players various gameplay goals and experiences. Some play the game just to solve all quests and reach highest level, some play the game just to participate in guild- and group play, some play the game to actually "live" in the perspective of a fantasy character, some play it to contest with other players in PvP.
Depending on where your own focus lies at, your gameplay experience can greatly vary. We all know there are MMORPGs out there that many would consider "poor quality", and yet they have a small but loyal player base loving to play it.
Furthermore, everything people keep doing over and over gets boring sometime. Who'd play Half-Life for the fifth time and still have the same fun as the first time? MMORPGs are the same for many people: once you've seen all the dungeons, bosses and items and you have nothing new left to explore, the game loses the thrill of new discoveries to you. In particular if you've already informed yourself of all the items you're trying to farm for. Killing the same boss 30 times over for one particular item that you want, is boring. Killing him 30 times and not knowing what you might get next, is a bit more exciting. But true, it's hard not to learn about loot tables if everyone in the game is basically chatting all over about it. MMORPG bosses shouldn't have such things as loot tables, I suppose. But making everything random isn't exactly so much better either.
Bottomline: let's not argue about ratings. If you want to know if WOW is fun or not, give it your own try and judge for yourself. Good if it is - no catastrophe if it isn't.
we are not aguing about ratings. we are almost arguing about semantics. we all agree that wow-endgame is boring, has no value and no roleplaying. that is something we all know, accept and agree. even the reviewer. the problem is that although he says that there is no roleplaying, he rates "roleplaying" with a 7. then he says that wow endgame has a very low value, and scores "Value" with another 7. and he then says that gameplay is repetitive, that there are queues and that the only endgame options are raiding or battlegrounds, and after sayin that, he givs "fun" an 8.
that is the problem. that he knows how boring and poor wow-endgame is. but he seemed afraid to rate it accordingly.
It's confusing anyway. Reaching level 60 is not "endgame" in Wow. I just reached 60 a month ago and I have the feeling that there's even more for me to do now than when I was still level grinding.
Being 60 and having done all there is to do, is endgame perhaps - and boring. But until you reach that point, I'm pretty sure it takes almost as long as it took you from 1 to 60.
So if the review was about the game "after you've reached level 60", there's no reason to call it completely boring. It depends how far you are into your life as 60. Or how often you've been to each single raid instance.
And if the game would be so boring above level 60 - how come that more than half of the online population on an older server are level 60 characters? Are they really spending their time to do boring stuff? Apparently they must be enjoying something of it or they wouldn't waste their time with it. If you keep on doing something and call it boring at the same time, I'd say your actions betray your words lying.
The review touches on some important points but what should be kept in mind at least World OF Warcraft has an end game. Been playing City of Villains for awhile now- no one has a reason to play their level 50 at all so what they do is make it take 5x longer than it does in WoW to level. WoW is the leading MMO for a reason and I find it ironic it's getting all the bad press it has been getting it.
It's still a good article though
A well written review that covers all of the bases and is pretty accurate even if some people may disagree about the exact numerical rating that was given.
WoW is a lot of fun it's easy to learn and after a bit at level 60 boring as hell. Look at how many people on every server has numerous alternate characters with many of them at level 60. I'm in a high end raiding guild I don't know anyone in our guild that doesn't have at least 3 level 60 characters.
Personally, I exepect The Burning Crusades expansion to breath a bit of life into the game but once you hit level 60 you are back to what the reviewer stated your character is pretty much defined by his armor. There is no other advancement path. Crafting? That's a total joke. Specialization of skills? Another joke.
I'm just waiting until something better comes along. Hopefully Vangurad will be it but I have my doubts on that one.
WoW may have 6 million players but I think you will start to see a decline in the player base quite soon.
The person writing the review says "If I play an orc shaman with Earthfury gear and a guild tabard; I look like every other orc shaman in Earthfury gear that is part of my guild. Spell effects and scenery are great; it is the lack of customization which takes away from player’s individuality. Despite all this, the game still has some of the most solid art direction around and the new areas like Naxxramas and Ahn’Qiraj look wonderful. That earns it an above-average score."
Why would you not look the same. I don't understand your argument. You said you are in the same guild and have same gear so why wouldn't you look like every other orc shaman in Earthfury gear?
Hey would you guys say that buying the game and then paying to play it is worth it cause it seems a bit much...
I think the montly charged by Blizzard has been worth it. I game of this magnitude takes $$$ to keep it up and running and for additional developer $$$ for content. I so far am not at all dissapointed that I am paying 15$ a month to play.
It is by far one of the best MMO out there right now and worthy of a pay to play model.
$15.00 a month really is not that much. That's roughly .50 cents a day...
I'm gonna agree with most people. At the current time, the game has no direction and gives me no reason to play. There is no point to raiding and gaining armor, because all there is to do with this newfound equipment is to continue raiding the same dungeons until a new dungeon comes out to get even better gear. What's the point?
I hope the expansion can alleviate some of these feelings, but I still don't see much of a point in playing as they still have no meaningful end-game. They're just adding more of the same with less people needed.
We'll see how it pans out. But anyway, the written review was fine, as most people seem to agree with, but I just can't stand the fact that you think a "7" is "low" -- do you even know how to count? Did you think that 7 was a 1? I can understand if that's the problem, but then you shouldn't be working for to begin with. Or maybe it's how people said, and you need to keep these companies happy for whatever reasons.
Either learn to count, or grow some balls before you write anymore reviews.
Its strange, the reviewer points out several times that he doesn't like the repeatable style of the lvl 60 endgame in WoW, yet he gives it a very high score...
Why is that ?
I give him a 0 score based on this article
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I would say this was a fairly accurate review of the game. I've been playing this game since it was released and I'm still enjoying it. I've found the different races and professions different enough to keep things fresh. In this time I've taken several breaks from WOW and tried out other MMORGs and most of them don't keep me interested more than a few months.
Now if you have no life and sit in front of your computer from sun up to sun down playing games, I guess you would get bored of just about any game in time.
WoW puts players in a precarious spot at best.
It is sad to say but EQ2 has a better game and pvp system by far;
1. It doesnt take a raid to get decent gear.
2. It doesnt take waiting around all night to find a fight; but youll need a group of friends.
3. There is advancement for guilds.
4. EQ2 has better pvp simply because fighters can taunt attackers off healers, this makes a fight... become a REAL fight.
We are the Founding Fathers in this virtual world in which we create. As such it seems we must do what our Founding Fathers had to do.. in order to let our fellow gamers have a fair shake.
Different people , different tastes so:
WoW has to be titled just MMO not MMORPG, cause its not RPG just if you put elves and orcs in it.
Graphix: totaly out-adged, cartoonish graphics. Personally i dont like it. For example, orcs looks like just bomped from old serie "Planet of Apes"
Quests are boring, maybe, but just maybe fun to do em for 1st time, and never again.
PvP is silly, better play Counter Strike or some other FPS game if u wonna "PvP" like this 1.
Crafting = totally pointless
Classes = silly. They using very stupid method to make kids playing it. In each makor patch they put 1 "imba" class for dueling or whatever and with that "pull" so much kids to start all over again, so they could be soooo good in duels etc; and nerfing last "imba" class from prevous patch.
Community? lol, no comment at all, but author of this topic or has great great luck with his server/guild/people or he hasnt been playing this too much. Who mentioned barrens chat?
Sound - they choped lots from WC3, after all these pathes they could implement some more themes, but...maybe in WoW2 in some 20 years
Support- what he gave? 8? hahahaha , cmon mate, have you been playing this game at all?
End game contest: very poor, its endless repeating of same things, all over again, cause some stupid drops or whatever. Game is same from 1 to 60th lvl: pure grind nothing else
Time wasting on each step of the game (for example: Orgrimar - BRM about 20 mins). Or better to say whole game is time wasting. If you wonna to play something that IS MMO-RPG play EQ2.
Only 2 things are good at WoW:
1. its retarded version of RPG, so can give a slight view for new players what are RPGs and MMORPGs
2. its magnet for completely idiotic population of gamers, so it keeps em out from other games. Stick to it guys! (this wasnt ment as all wow players are like that, just saying good that those people are in WoW, and not imigrating to other better game-s)
So on the end:
Graphics: 7 just cause its not completelly bad, its ok, for game fromabove that years, cmon...
Sound: 6 copycat of WC3, nothing new for 2 years (exept for new instances, cause they are forced to put it in)
Role-Playing: 2 Can give ya RPG feeling just same as Super Mario
Value: 10 or 2 For people that dont like RPGs or dont know what are they its 10, for RPG fans - avoid it cause its brain washer
Fun: 5 If u are 100% certain that you can find on 1 server 40 totally normal and at least average smart people, than 9, but thats science fiction for game like WoW. And doing same things non stop? Dunno how can that be funny
Community: 2 clean 2, cause only way to have normal community is to join some normal guild with normal people and erase all other channels.
Performance or Lag: 1(0) 10 but not for performance, its for latency and lag problems. They made poor multyplayer engine that going crazy if more npc/players doing things in 1 area. They even erased world PvP cause that when game became gold. Raiding BWL could be "sometimes" real pain
Customer Service: 1 They maybe have, somewhere, on some server, normal game master. But generally: they have macros for answering, or options like on answering machines, no metter what u saying to them or asking em. Like pure bots, brainless. Whatever is wrong about game: delete 3 folders, whatever is wrong in game: not our fault.
Overall Rating: 3.25