I saw a 911 post so i thought i'd throw in another theory just for good measure ;D
It might've involved elements of the Mossad, the us government, and larry silversteins cooperation.
The mossad is the "prime suspect" for the recent german train bomb attempt. I read in this article
http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1308&Itemid=1&mosmsg=Thanks+for+your+vote%21&mosmsg=Thanks+for+your+vote%21Plus i read on the BBC that the "5 dancing arabs" that video taped around 911 were actually israelis.
But who knows really. We all have our theories.
Personally it scares me to death that a conspiracy like this is possible.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.