hey, i just started playing wow, and i noticed that when i alt-tab out of the game and then in again, i see some glitches in the screen, sometimes small ones, and some times allover the screen! Like when you have a very overclocked card and it cannot take it anymore and i saws glitches onscreen! and one other, as i play the client has a fatal error and it says wow was unable to write something in memory!
my pc is brand new, only 2 days, my vga is ati x1900xtx 512mb ram, 1gb system ram, intel core 2 duo e6600 at 2.4
i shouldnt have any problems with this system!
has anyone else experienced anything like that?
I did not have any problems like that when I played, and my PC is custom built.
That might be your ATi GPU (even worse if it's a Dell), there's a reason NVidia > ATi. Other than blatant descrimination on my part, Blizzard is also a little biased on GPU driver support. You might have to wait until next patch or something to get it to work right, or just post it on the official technical support forums (they'll eventually get to you with some archaic and fruitless solution).
Check for drivers and stuff... also disable any over-clocking programs, that tends to cause shader problems which results in artifacts and tearing.
i cant post it on wow europe forums cause it says when i try to post something that i dont have a character selected when i log in!
how can i create one?
Few questions come to mind;
1 - Have you run the WoW repair utility to check that there is not a problem with the application itself?
2 - Have you both completely wiped your Graphics drivers and re-installed, plus tried installing an earlier version of the drivers in case the latest have an incompatability issue?
3 - Have you checked your motherboard drivers?
I know they are all obvious, but i have found in years of support that the simplest solutions seem to work the best.
After asking one guy the other day whether he had re-installed drivers, to which he answered "yes" i went through a painful process of elimination with all other possible problems before having to give up and look up some more references. I received a call the next morning from the same guy telling me that he had 'now' re-installed the drivers and everything was now working fine. (wow that story went on a bit, eh!)
The only other final piece of advice i would add is to always run a general health check on your HD and Windows, including a defrag (whether it says you need it or not), malware check and windows update to make sure you are working in the best environment possible to start with.
Good Luck.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
as about the simple solution you advice is the first thing i check when i encounter a problem, and then i look for something more complicated! i dont thing though that its a driver incompactibility because a friend of mine with the same drivers and an ati x1600xtx has no problem, not alt-tab problem not crashes problem! in a search on google for error132 i get, i see that other people are having same problems with me and the all semm to have noticed them on patch 1.12! since the 1.12 is the first build i run on, maybe this is the problem and a minnor patch would fix it! still ill try to find out whats going on...
I have the first problem too, but it never get's really big, I have some minor corruption here and there after alt + tab.
I don't know what exactly causes it, but I think there is something wrong with the Ati drivers. It can be resolved (I think, long since I tested this) by turning off the "bloom" effect in the game. You can do that through the video options.
The other problem sounds like a RAM problem, or some sort of corruption of you patch/game data folder. I would recommend to run a memory check, if all is ok then, I would try to reinstall the game, or follow the guide on Blizzards forums.
This tends to happen if you're using custom UI's in WoW. Are you using anything like CTMod, Cosmos, or Ultimate UI?
If so, delete both the Interface and WTF folders in your Program FilesWorld of Warcraft directory. They'll be created again with the default settings (and files) when you launch the game next.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.