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this game is better!

killerx73killerx73 Member Posts: 12
can we all plz stop spamming that WoW is better then guild wars or guildwars is better then WoW there is not a war going on agenst ea other! its so stupid that the guildwars forum is spammed with it like we getting better too hear that sombody says WoW is better or another person says that guildwars is better!


  • BentBent Member CommonPosts: 581

    Yeah it’s like comparing Burger King to Taco Bell. 
    They do compete but one will never put the other out of business simply because
    they don't feel the same niche.  Trying to say GW is better or worse then
    WoW is like saying Water skiing is better than snow skiing.  They are completely
    different things, which require completely different equipment, completely
    different skills and completely different personal preferences.  A person
    that hates cold weather isn't likely going to like Snow skiing and a person
    that hates jelly fish isn't likely going to like water skiing.

    Saying people only play GW because they can't afford WoW is like saying people
    only snow ski because they can't afford a boat to water ski.  Yet plenty
    of rich people don't water ski but do snow ski.  And plenty of average
    people don't snow ski but do water ski.

    Coming to this forum and saying GW sucks compared to WoW.  Is like going
    to a snow skiing club and saying Snow skiing sucks compared to water
    skiing.  It's pointless, idiotic, and demeaning to American society.  These are international forums.  People from other countries do read the stuff
    on  I’m sure they must beside
    themselves in awe seeing American youth at it’s finest moments.  Knowing that the same people that post here
    are going to be the ones running the county in 10-20 years probably just gets
    them halfway giddy with excitement.

    So I guess ended up venting that not only do these people that make senseless agruements and comments make themselves look like fools that make the society they represent appear less than inspiring.

  • DuraheLLDuraheLL Member Posts: 2,951
    Let the idiots find it out themselves. One day they'll go "Aaahhh so THAAT's what everyone was talking about..."

    $OE lies list
    And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "

  • VGJusticeVGJustice Member Posts: 640

    I somehow doubt that, DuraheLL, but whatever.

    Play Guild Wars? Go here -
    And go here for the new official Guild Wars Wiki!

  • ADM_ANADM_AN Member Posts: 23

    GW is in my opinion the best out of all Free 2 Play games (I mean games without any monthly fees).   And it outshines many Pay 2 Play games too.

    It has the quality and design of many P2P games, just look at the graphics.

    Sure it has some negatives aspects, but can we really compare GW to other games like WoW.  As others have already stated, they are 2 very different forms.

    In the end, it all comes down to if you enjoy it or not.

  • exanimoexanimo Member UncommonPosts: 1,301

    ive been in this war since the start , some wow players must feel the same as me , but i have a feeling that is wow fan boys coming here all the time and not the other way around.
    i sometimes get pissed off and flame wow fans , but its not the game that boders me , its really the wow fans coming to gw forum that pisses me off.
    i even got baned from guildwarsguru forum becose of that. witch ended to be a good thing becose i found another fan site much better.
    im not going to say that if i had all the time in the world i would play both games , but i can say that if guildwars didnt exist , its possible that i would be playing wow , i tryed the trial and it was fun comparing to other classic kind mmos ive tryed.
    but i think what makes me really love guildwars is the fact that it isnt a classic kind mmo , all the new/diferent game system is what made me adicted to it.

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