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John Hinderaker at Powerline writes on the Communist and Left-wing groups behind the pro-illegal immigrant movement in the U.S
This morning's Washington Timesreports the astonishing--to me, anyway--news that last week's massive pro-illegal immigrant demonstration in Los Angeles was organized by International A.N.S.W.E.R. We've written about International A.N.S.W.E.R. a number of times; for example, here. It is a Communist organization and a front for the Workers World Party. The Workers World Party has been around for quite a while. It is one of the last unapologetically Stalinist organizations in the world; it supported the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. More recently, the WWP and ANSWER have supported dictators like Saddam Hussein and North Korea's Kim Il Jong.
These same groups organized or participated in most of the major demonstrations against the Iraq war; the fact that Communist organizations were heavily involved in the antiwar movement was, for the most part, an unreported story.
These same groups organized or participated in most of the major demonstrations against the Iraq war; the fact that Communist organizations were heavily involved in the antiwar movement was, for the most part, an unreported story.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Oh, good Lord. It's the "communists are coming" statements again. I thought we had gotten rid of this after the Vietnam War when the government was trying to convince everyone there was a communist under their beds.
I'm gonna guess you're a Republican. I don't even think a Democrat would be silly enough to pull this old one out of the playbook. Why don't you just go dig up McCarthy, prop him up with some strings and use him as a puppet and we can all live a history lesson on scare baiting.
And no i'm definetly not a republican nor a libertarian nor communist nor democrat nor liberal nor neoconservative.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Not all communists support Stalinism: Go look at Sweden, which is extremely socialistic, but nowhere near as oppressive as Stalinism.
I'm not a communist, but I do think that our government could be a bit more socialistic (if they were to throw out all of the incompetence and corruption in our bureaucracy); because of the brutal, unsuccessful implementation of communism in Russia, the ideology has been given a bad name.
Sorry for being kind of anal about the semantics, but there are some socialistic policies in other countries that are working out quite well that will never see the light of day here due to the remnants of the red scare.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Both parties want and support illegal immigration.
The left wants the votes and the right likes the cheap labor for big business.
The ones that are getting the shaft are the citizens as usual.
*edit for spelling
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
And no i'm definetly not a republican nor a libertarian nor communist nor democrat nor liberal nor neoconservative.
And just what do you propose doing to these Communists in a free country? Are you going to tell them they can't spend their money where they want to? Are you going to tell them that they have to shut up?
Instead of trying to use those silly old scare tactics why don't you jump on this President who can't seem to get the nuts up to do something about the illegals. Those communists you point to have about as much influence as dropping a pebble into the ocean. They're just loudmouths that no one listens to.
Start getting this administration to do something about illegal immigration if you want to point the finger somewhere.
But what to I know, really.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
GDP > Social Welfare
That has and will continue to be the bane of America. While we have the highest GDP per capita, our infant mortality rate is among the highest for industrialized nations.
EDIT: lol... oops
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
GDP > Social Welfare
That has and will continue to be the bane of America. While we have the highest GDP per capita, our infant mortality rate is among the lowest for industrialized nations.
Yes our infant mortality rate with more immigraiton every year leads up to that statistic increasing and ranking america with the third world nations in mortality rates.
But the thread was about communism and the stalin apologist world workers party funding answer and organizing the rallies.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
And no i'm definetly not a republican nor a libertarian nor communist nor democrat nor liberal nor neoconservative.
And just what do you propose doing to these Communists in a free country? Are you going to tell them they can't spend their money where they want to? Are you going to tell them that they have to shut up?
Instead of trying to use those silly old scare tactics why don't you jump on this President who can't seem to get the nuts up to do something about the illegals. Those communists you point to have about as much influence as dropping a pebble into the ocean. They're just loudmouths that no one listens to.
Start getting this administration to do something about illegal immigration if you want to point the finger somewhere.
Reavo you've got it all horribly wrong. Only americans have these rights you're talking about. And illegal aliens are not americans.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Sorry for having possibly derailed the thread, but what is so bad about them organizing and funding the rallies against the war?
I still don't understand the logic of invading Iraq; the government still hasn't proven that the benefits have outweighed the costs (and future costs) as well as the opportunity cost of not having allocated our troops elsewhere (i.e. Iran).
Maybe their ideals are somewhat degenerate, but arguing against the war can still not be proven to be unsound.
As for the pro-immigration rallies: What do you expect? International equality is one of their credos.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
*By No Means is This a Serious Post, just for Entertainment/Pondering Value*
/mood_sarcasm on
Look out now Zerogenum! The Communists are already here and have gotten a foothold in America and by Marx's original measurements, America is already a communist nation.
Karl Marx, when he drew up the Communist Manifesto, implemented the ten planks as a simple test to see if a nation has become communist. If all of them are in effect, then the citizens are active communists. The ten planks written in the Manifesto and their American matches are: (I got a few of these examples from a Libertarian article from a few years ago, but most are kinda obvious when you think about it.)
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes:
The 14th Amendment of the Constitution (supported by the Bureau of Land Mng't) along with zoning and property taxes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax:
The overuse of the 16th Amendment of the Constitution, the Social Security Act, House Resolution 192 (I think), along with state-level income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance:
Federal Estate Tax, or reformatted Probate Laws, also limited inheritance through inheritance tax regulations.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels:
Various executive orders which give private land to the Department of Urban Development, the imprisonment of terrorists (which has happened more and more since 9/11), or how about the IRS confiscation of property without due process, called "Asset Forfeiture" laws.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly:
Simply the Federal Reserve which is a credit system created, or at least legalized, by the Federal Reserve act of 1913 (not sure about the year). Every bank is a part of the Fed. system, and they are regulated by the FDIC.
6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State:
This one is the Federal Communications Commission and Department of Transportation, both are regulated in the acts of the ICC Act of 1887 (again please don't quote me on years), and state issued driver's licenses (through the acts of commissions acts and other executive orders).
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan:
"Corporate Capacity": the Desert Entry Act and the Department of Agriculture (techinically "subsidised," not "owned"). Also seen through the acts of the Department of Commerce and Labor, and the IRS control of business in corporate-world regulations.
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture:
Examples: minimum wage, social security payments, etc... the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (yr?), and Executive Order 11000 (that's the only exact number I know).
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country:
The Planning Reorg. Act of 1949, Title 17 (zoning), and huge corporate farms, as well as a couple more executive orders: 11731, 11647 (these two are also exact number).
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production:
Taxes to support public schools and some government regulations of private schools. Also, the Department of Education, used so that children are indoctrinated with the government propaganda, such as "majority rules", and "pay your fair share".
Wipe the blue off the Old Glory, and start serving borscht (sp?) 'cuz the good ol' USA is the new USSR!
/mood_sarcasm off
Just a joke post, but something to think about. Wow, this post got long while I was busy typing this whole thing up.
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
But citizens have a right to kill invaders, and the military of america is supposed to defend from enemies both foreign and domestic thats how the vow says it. Even if its crypto communist politicians.
I know the education system has now become communodoctrination camps telling kids this is a democracy and all the other rainbow pretty theories. "The rainbow fish" comes to mind.
I think you would have liked Martin Luther King Jr. for getting civil rights act.
Theres some big wig communists sitting there!
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
check out the benefits of communism's "One world one people"
Excuse me if i dont hop onboard the globalist bandwagon in excitement.
Zerogenum - MixMatched BH Carbineer Template of the Gods, Kettemoor PRE CU SWG.
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.