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Well folks this is for you clasic text Based Gammers ..

This is a text  based rpg something those of us that know rpg means more the cybering will enjoy.It is in the early stages granted most of the players haveing still not moved from the old system they used but this is a breath of fresh air for those who like too roleplay. It has an active exp system for doing what you love playing as your charter no Gm needed to give you exp just play your charter and earn exp. An automated quest system is in the works along with roaming monsters withen the rooms. As I said folks this is chat based but it does have a solid rule foundation...And set up ..Its worth a look for you true Roleplayers even if its just to remember the old days of text based rpg ..give it a shot i have ...and I do think I might stick around and see where it goes.

Please pardon the Grammer its late ....


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