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I just saw an article a couple days ago Speaking about how Sex education in China is almost non-existant. And basically criticizing China for their lack of attention to this matter. And I always hear stories over here in America about Kids being taught some new method of Sex Ed or something.. Like for instance that one sex ed book that actually gives advice on how to have better sex and also to not be limited to one partner and blah blah blah.. And I was always against that kind of teaching. I believe Sex is no place for children and they should be discouraged against it any chance you get.
Anyways Following me reading that article on china I decided to do a little research.. And I found that China (nonexistant sex-ed classes) as of 2003 had 600k cases of AIDS (HIV) from adults between 15 - 49... Then I checked America.. And they as of 2003 had 1.2 million cases of AIDS (HIV) from adults between 15 - 49..
And i started to wonder ... What in the world is going on.. China has the largest population in the world
China has ~1.3 BILLION! people
North America has ~300 million people
And yet North America has an AIDS count of twice the size of China... HOW CAn this be? I thought Sex ed was supposed to keep you safe and educate you about STD's so that you could NOT catch Aids....
What is wrong with America... I can think of 1 or 50 things right now that could account for this gross statistic... But I'll refrain... you know maybe it's better to be a Commie bastard....
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Plain and simple.
I have two kids... I didn't learn ANYTHING to be honest.
and HIV/AIDS Count in 2 countries) and associated them together while
ignoring social norms among many other things. Instead of jumping the boat and blaming the usefulness of Sex Education, look out for other possibilities.
By the way, the
point behind Sex Education is to learn what sex is, how to have safe
sex and learn about STD's. If you want to encourage abstinence then
please stand in the corner with this dunce hat.
Try again.
Well for startes its a known fact that the China has LIED about its HIV infection numbers and where in some parts of America sex-ed is not taught properly. I personaly believe children should be taught about sex-ed in school and early as possible, not to incourage or discourage but to EDUCATE. Simply telling false facts or hiding information is wrong an just telling kids not to isnt going to work at all either.
If you talk to kids openly and give them correct information then there is a better chance they will make the right choice then if you try to force them to adhere to your own sense of morality. I can also see the point of view you have Meth and its your right to believe that and your children are yours to educate but I take the more liberal approach to things because I think people should always be given the chance to mess up on their own.
I have also read some very interesting news articles recently that mentoined some funny ways bible belt America tried so hard to stop kids from doin it lol. They use fear tactics like GW.Bush, Sen Frisk a doctor said one time "kissing can cause aids" then later recanted after alot of scrutiny over the comment, abstinence rings lol?, Congress wanted to stop the FDA from approving the morning after pill because they thought it would lead to more teenage sex and they wont even teach the subject in alot of US schools.
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Oh...that’s right sex is the ONLY way to contract HIV. Silly me I forgot. I thought that IV drug use had something to do with it.
How many kids in school actually pay attention to what is being taught in those classes? Most of them are there hoping to get a look at some dirty pictures and laugh when the teacher says the word "penis". IMO the reason it is being taught in school is because too many religious freaks are of the opinion: “If we don’t talk about it, then the kids won’t know about it, and won’t try it.”
It does not matter much anyway, when the hormones start flowing most of that stuff goes right out the window!
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
Your point is very true. Also what has to be taken into account is that these are reported cases. In the US we have much better medical facilities that allow us to determine cases of AIDS/HIV. All of those 1.3 Billion do not live in major populated cities and I would take a wild guess and say that half of that population has never even heard of AIDS/HIV. Who knows how many people actually have it, and I truely hope the numbers are as few as possible for their sake.
I have to agree with Kenobee that you can not tie a direct corelation between two and say "This is the reason." I mean maybe we should be teaching Drug Ed. in school because I think kids should know the dangers of those as well. I mean with either one, one bad decision and you are dead. I can see the same arguements against Drug Ed as there were/are for Sex Ed..."You are promoting drugs and how to use them, so ever kids is going to go out there and try it because now they think they know how to do it safely." This type of reasoning with Sex Ed. falters because recent studies have show that people are actually waiting longer and longer to have sex.
So who knows, I know back when I was in school I would have been interested in learning about the drugs and their effects and how they potential kill or alter your state of mind.
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
Heh, shes just one year younger than me with size BB...I'm still a vergin thougt but I missed out so she teaches me and I watch.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Honestly, the sex ed classes during my high school years were a freaking joke.
The guys would basically be guys and say stupid shit like: "Educate the chicks on putting out more" (familiar?) and the teachers would basically get all intraverted and move on. No one ever talked about anything that mattered and if I can remember properly I think the word HIV or Aids came up at best, twice.
I don't think the problem is that sex ed doesn't work, it's that the sexual education program is extremely outdated, taught by people already uncomfortable with the subject matter and could care less about it.
Girls and boys know a hell of a lot more a heck of a lot sooner these days, the old ways of teaching birds and the bee's just will not work in a society so completely saturated by the heavily sexualized media and in a time where companies are selling g-strings and padded bras to 6 year old girls.
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Heh, shes just one year younger than me with size BB...I'm still a vergin thougt but I missed out so she teaches me and I watch.
Well as long as she is over 14 you should be OK.
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
Maybe parents should just give their kids access to those restricted web sites!
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
The guy thing was an example, should have pointed out, the girls were just as bad most of the time, if not worse sometimes.
Sorry, the neo-feminist comes out in sometimes without even realizing it.
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Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
however, in france they allow frontal nudity (read, waist up) in ad's and on public TV.
however, in france they allow frontal nudity (read, waist up) in ad's and on public TV.
It has got my vote!
I was of the opinion that it was like this in most of Europe... Hell, the Itialians elected a porn star to their parliament didn't they?
Boobs are better than blood anyday in my book!
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
I apologize when i was speaking about my point on Sex Ed I wasn't saying that America should stop Sex Ed class but I think instead of having these retarded sex ed classes that teach you How to do it right... they should teach you what it is and Go straight into why you shouldn't....
Not encourage children to go out and try sex and give them pointers on how to do it so it's more pleasurable... I can't remember the name of the book but it's disgusting..
ANNYY ways... My sex ed class was great and yet disturbing..... It was actually a Sex Ed/Cancer Hybrid class... lol... So they taught you about sex and stuff and then about cancer (specifically breast/prostate/nuts cancer) It was great because for like 10 minutes they showed girls on how to properly check themselves for Breast cancer... So there was this Beautiful black lady with Huge I'm guessing DD boobs... so she takes a shower... And they are showing it... and she turns around to the camera and proceeds to massage her breasts looking for cancer ... LOL it was awesome..
And then came the hideous EVIL part that I'm sure only Upallnight could enjoy... It was some white dude with like an almost nonexistant penis (sorry dudes) massagin his nuts looking for ball cancer (testicular) IT was AWEFUL.. and if you turned away The teacher would shout at you to look!!! URgh!!...
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
"If you have sex before you are 18 you will contract Chlamidia and die" "if you have sex you will have a baby, and then die." " Clamidia, write this down kids, spelt K-l-e-m-i-d-y-a. "
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Well atleast you had real naked people in your vids, I think the closest we got to that was a short cartoon show of this poor young girl who's boobs grew from an A cup to a some crazy kinda of torpedo shaped D cup overnight. I think every girl in that class was a little worried every morning she woke up for the rest of that year.
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The guy thing was an example, should have pointed out, the girls were just as bad most of the time, if not worse sometimes.
Sorry, the neo-feminist comes out in sometimes without even realizing it.
I just don't believe in pre marital sex.
well not exactly premarital sex but thats the term i best use to describe my beliefs.
i believe sex can wait until your older and can worry about it more, teens right now if they weren't so focused on sex would get a lot more done.
they dont teach that in sex ed.
the most ridiculous part of high school guys and some high school girls is they wil often dedicate most of their high school career socially, and a lot of out of school time to geting laid, and getting with the hottest chick.
which in my mind detracts from developing critical social, and real life skills. If a guy gets into a relationship and expects the ultimate goal to be sex, he is going to be unprepared for older adult relationships, where a future together, and loving and supporting each other are a lot more important. If girls get stuck in a sex rut i dont even want to mention what ive seen happen with disfunctionality.
what im saying is save sex for later in life when it comes along with other things, and life is less confusing and stable.
they dont teach the social, psychological, and economic consequences of sex.
no sex ed teacher ever mentions what i thought of when i made my decision i guarantee.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.