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I was reading some of the other posts here regarding Second Life. I came upon one where the person wrote they hadn't experienced a lot of down time or bugs in this game. ????? What? You can't be serious.
I was a 2 year veteran of SWG so I know all about paying to play a game where bugs rule and down time is a constant. I never thought I'd see another game as bad in these 2 department as Galaxies and yet, I have in Second Life.
Not to mention how bad support is. They would defitnitely give SoE competition as the worse devs around. Hard as it may be to believe, those who've played or play SL know this is true.
The people (players) who pay the company who runs SL (Linden) the most money are the ones who own the most and largest lands. And these people are constantly given a free pass to treat other players as they want, even when they abuse or cheat others of cash in the game. Linden will never do or say anything to their high paying customers.
Harassment of other players by griefer's is rampant as Linden's so-called "Investigation Team" who investigate complaints filed in game are nothing but a bad joke. They make the Keystone Kops look like geniuses.
Second Life has been ruined by devs who haven't a clue. Every week on Wednesdays they shut down the game to install "updates". The thing is, these updates then need updates of their own and then those need updates and those need more and so on.
The forums are filled with players complaining of the way the game has been broken down into nothing because of these useless updates which are messing up the game more and more each week.
I began playing Second Life since I was tired of playing fighting games but the game has gotten terrible and now I'm searching for another game to begin playing. a fighting game most likely. I won't lie, I did have fun for a while but now the game has so many bugs it's not worth playing any more. Just TPing from one sim to another is a constant hassle since it takes forever for everything to rezz. I have a good computer so I know it's not me. Besides, everyone seems to be complaining about this and everything esle.
If you're thinking of playing this game, you've ben warned, stay away, it's not worth it even if you go in free.
SL is a pile of .... but in terms of comparing it to SWG youre just basing it on the sheer fact that both sets of devs are money orientated.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
Yes, both sets of devs are just after the dollar.
As far as comparing against Galaxies it's the thing to do. SWG had/has the worse devs in any on-line game. Veterans of that game know this to be true. Therefore, SWG is the measuring stick when rating a bad game/devs.
Traumatized? Not hardly.
I have to admit that the lag/sit down bug (wtf did that come from?) haven't helped a whole lot to the SL I played a few months back,but it's not exactly game-crippling for me.
With the basic account system allowing for unlimited alts,it isn't exactly easy to keep track of griefers and such either. That move was a pretty dumb one imo,combined with them talking about 'let's beat WOW!' speech.
The forums were shit,always have been full of shit and they're getting closed down very soon because they will remain shit. And now you need payment info to get in. Now why doesn't MapleStory or Silkroad do that; their forums are also a joke.
Still,this game appeals to me. The building is fun,so is the socialising and it's amazing how much a simple cube res and rotation script can make people happy,as opposed to all the complex-made things in the game.
The devs haven't been the fastest to respond,but then they probably get so many AR's (alongside the SL Mentors/Helpers).....