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Forced Teaming???

Does forced teaming mean that you cant solo out of cities and do you level then?

Prev. Guild Wars Player...


  • BelsamethBelsameth Member Posts: 193
    Forced teaming means that past level 15 orso soloing goes so slow you'd rather scrape your eyes out with a rusty spoon. 

  • Crimsonwolf2Crimsonwolf2 Member Posts: 12
    meanuing you can solo but its really hard?
  • BelsamethBelsameth Member Posts: 193

    Xp per minute wise, yes.
    You can kill mobs solo allright, just not any mobs that're worthy of your time.

  • Crimsonwolf2Crimsonwolf2 Member Posts: 12

    oh ok...

    so you dont get much EXP per kill im guessing...Is there a max level then or does it depend on what and who u r?

  • TelakiTelaki Member Posts: 361
    Max Level is 75. Soloing for exp because very limited after 15, Though some of the basic jobs like Warrior or Monk can do it up to 20. (It just starts getting realllllly time consuming). And there are a few advanced jobs that can solo like Dragoon, Summoner, & Beast master(Beastmaster is the very best at soloing). Thats not to say if you leave town when not in a party you're going to get killed. Monsters get stronger the further away from town you go.

    In FFXI there is a /check function, It gives you an estimate of what level the monster is. The levels go in this order. Too Weak, Easy pray, Decent Challenge, Even match, Tough, Very tough, Incredibly tough, Impossile to guage. An even match mob is the same lvl as you. (You can only kill EM by yourself in the early lvls, higher you go, more chance they'll kick your arse). You cannot get exp from Too weak mobs. (This is where the solo for exp problem hits), Monsters a few lvls lower than you, Not sure of the number, but lets say 6 become Too Weak, so you can't get exp from them. You can kill them, they can still drop items, but no exp. And last Impossible to Guage are Notorious Monsters (Special higher level than normal monsters that drop Rare items)

  • Crimsonwolf2Crimsonwolf2 Member Posts: 12
    Perfect Thank you...!
  • TelakiTelaki Member Posts: 361
    To further add, I'll state how much exp you get per kill on each type (roughly):

    Too Weak - 0
    Easy Pray - 15-36
    Decent Challenge - 50-72
    Even match - 100
    Tough - 120-200
    Very Tough - 160-200
    Incredibly Tough - 200

    Levels 1-50, 200 is your cap exp, You cannot exceed that unless you get an experiance chain. An experiance chain, gives an exp bonus by a % (Its based on how many ppl in your party), when you Kill an EM or Higher mob, then proceed to kill another EM or higher mob in a set ammount of time. An example: You're in a party of 6 people, you kill an IT (incredibly tough) mob and get 200 exp, You kill another IT mob and get an Chain #1, this time you get 240 exp.

    You should only fight Incredibly tough mobs in a party, (If you try outside you'll get owned... Unless you're a Beastmaster).

    Ps: The numbers above were solo exp, The more people in a party, the more you exp is cut, and you're forced to fight T-IT mobs.

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