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Anyone running this on Vista RC1 builds 5728?

I've seen that alot of people can't get FFXI to run on RC1 build 5600 without having to jump through hoops. I am downloading the newest build 5728 and would like to know if POL and FFXI will run so I can switch over to Vista. I am just going to do the upgrade, not the full install. I know most of the problems are when you try to install POL/FFXI into Vista, but have seen nothing about how it works if you already have POL/FFXI installed before upgrading to Vista. Anyone?


  • SlompOchompSlompOchomp Member Posts: 2

    I installed POL & FFXI from the CDs I got back in Oct 2003 and then cpoyed over the FFXI dir from a DL DVD Backup of FFXI I have and then ran the game as Normal. FFXI then did a check of all the files and that was it. It runs great. Note: I did a full install of Windows Vista 5728.

    I have not tried this on Windows Vista 64bit, but I hear we are getting Windows Vista RC2 build 5743 on friday and I plan to install the 64bit version of that. 

     Picture here

    system info here Updated to build 5744


  • IvannatinkleIvannatinkle Member Posts: 109
    Yeah, I just found out about RC2, so I'll probably just wait for it now. *sigh* Just barely finished downloading 5728 lol. And the copy thing seems to be the popular solution for fresh installs. I'm just lazy and want to do the upgrade instead. I only use this pc for gaming and surfing, since I have another for work related stuff, so running fully with Vista doesn't bother me. Thanks!
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