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Launch window's... Open WoW... log in... Pause for a moment and think... log out...
Open Lineage 2... log in... look around... log out...
Open FFxi... log in... bah log out...
I don't know about you guys, but MMO's are steadily getting very boring for me, same old thing in every other game. Run from A to B grab book for old man, run back to old man, get 3 silver, gives another quest. Oh get another book? ok.
Grind mobs, get XP, farm money, craft. Kill boss. 5 years gone. The genre needs to go in a new direction, or maybe I'm suffering from the classic burnout syndrome. But I dunno, I'm a tad bored these days. Being 25 and all, I'm kinda fed up drinking all the time and what not, so I tend to spend my free time playing games, and maybe go to the pub once a week.
I started playing MMO's some 5 years ago, even though it only seems like yesterday. Started with FFxi, then moved onto LIneage2 and finally WoW (currently in EQ2). I dont even know where this is going, ever feel like its all pointless, I mean the grind the levels the equipment, Good Guilds make the difference. Friends and what not, but man, the monster killing,its all the same old crap just in a different guise.
I need some cheering up, tell me MMO's are gonna be great again! Think i'll go play some "Cook some dinner" for a bit.
Thing is, it really is time for the next generation MMORPG's. it really is time for orginality and new things.
I hope the next generation MMO's Granado Espada, Age of Conan, Huxley, Sun and other games like that can make me enjoy MMO's again. we have played the same old stuff for long enough now.
I had the same feeling..then i bought a single player game called Vampire: The Masquerade, and i've never felt more...roleplayish in games since Deus Ex. This game made me realize how fake-ish the games we have out now are...i dont know but its just poor compared to some of the games out there.
I know im comparing this to single player, but still isn't there some way to have a story? A darker mmorpg genre? I think this business needs a breath of fresh air from something new.
I had serious gamers burn out a few months back, especially MMO burn out.
Then I re-enrolled into college, not because I have a poor job and need a degree to launch my career. Im 35 and I have a healthy career as an ISSM and GIS Analyst for 11 years. I went back to college out of boredom.
guess what? with what little time I have left in my life between my social, work, school, I really appreciate the time I get to log into my MMO's and play them.
cured my burn out for sure.
point being, wasting hours upon hours at a desk playing games every day of your life SHOULD get boring. If it doesnt, then you should worry.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
i spent most of my time on the forum because i find i funner to talk about games then playing.
I love MMorpgs..
Yup, I definitely think absence makes the heart groe fonder in the world of Mmorpgs. I always take at least as 3-6 month break between my playing streaks.
1. It makes me feel more grounded in reality after spending ours in a virtual world
2. Taaking a break gets me developing other talents I have
3. It gets me excited when I am anticipating a new game that I will get to play.
However, went to college and decided to give anarchy online another shot. I've been having a blast since. It's kind of funny really, I love PvP and open PvP but i've actualy liked the PvE content of Anarchy Online. Haven't even touched PvP yet minus a few duels I had with others. .
Just take a break, do some other stuff for a while until something comes out that is interesting. I tried to find something new and good for the longest time, and I finally found it :P.
I started playing Neocron when I was feeling like you about a few months ago. It was a breath of fresh air, but its QA is so bad and it has old graphics. I can't say it made me feel better about MMOs though. The bad QA makes you appreciate a game like WoW but Neocron has so many cool things that other MMOs just don't bother with and when you consider it was released in 2002 well its kinda sad. MMOs are kinda sad.
When I fall in WoW and lose half my life bar why am I immediately running at full speed. Neocron has foot damage and it makes you run slower depending on the amount of damage. You can run forever in WoW. In Neocron you have stamina and skills that affects how fast you run and how much stamina you use when you run. In WoW you can chase someone forever and still have exactly the same distance. In Neocron hey guess what? Whether you run someone down is based on who is actually better at running. Go figure.
And its not like these are even technical things either. But even in the technical stuff. Why does Neocron, a buggy ass game release in 2002, have collision and WoW, a high caliber game release in late 2004, does not? It is not because the collision caused the bugs, I know that.
MMOs tend to be just sad and dumbed down versions of other games I guess. Except that is not really true, because some MMOs have tried to do some interesting things. It just seems like no progress is made. And people talk about MMOs like they all work like EQ and must work like EQ. I do not think MMOs are a market that reward much in the way of innovation or whatever and its to expensive to take risks since they tend to be large endeavors. It is a risky market full of sheep and so you tend to get bland tasteless gruel.
I love MMorpgs..
IronOre - Forging the Future
Sorry, my post must have been misleading, I'm not subscribed to three, but rather thats what it has been like for me in each game.
As for Bored, well yes. I work, go out to the pub ect, but these days time free, or rather idol time is boring in the Real World for me, I know I must sound like a complete lunatic. But honestly I'm 25, I've done some great things in the past.
Traveled and lived in place like, Germany, Amsterdam, Boston, and Dublin. I've spent some 5 years with a great Girl but it didn't work out, I've drunk myself stupid with mates and toured all over the place going to Metal gigs.
But now, my free time seeing as all my friends live in different countries or work different hours to me is boring, so I fill it with Games. Trouble is, the games are starting to get boring now lol.
I think I have reached the burn out stage also.
I have played ALL the major MMO's and a lot of the less well known ones.
The magic is gone.
WHat with immature players, bots, gold sellers, players that only want to reach to level cap then complain about content, raiders that dont consider you a player unless you have all the best items or are able to spend 18 hours in one raid, people that will not group unless they know you in RL, 2 boxers, 3 boxers, people that ask you are you a RL girl, Guilds that wont accept you because you are a RL girl (has happened to me more than once), and so on and so on.
Sorry for the long sentence but it just felt right .
Support Bacteria, its the only culture some people have.
I think we all go through, or are going through, that feeling Speed.
We all start off as gamers, RPGs, FPSs, RTSs or whatever else might be the case, then we find this great world of online gaming and become enchanted. We find our first love, we pour ourself into it and when we try to go back to the none multiplayer versions that got us hooked in the first place, we feel alone and empty.
So we keep going, our first MMO love dies after some time and so we move on the next and re-kindle that feeling of a different experience but that one bores a little fast then the first. We start reading up on the other games, wondering if we'd fit and the bounce around starts.
For you it was WoW and now EQ2, for some it's others but the titles of the games don't make a lick of difference, it's the feeling and experience we all share, that's what we all have in common here.
Then we find ourselves in an odd situation, we grow tired of the experience, we see similarity's where once there was awe, we notice flaws where we used to see quirks, we experience repetitiveness where we once saw excitement. Then one day we wake up and realize that the enchantment is gone and we wonder, what was it all for?
That's what you've reached, as most of us do, why do you think your drawn here? Why do you think you ask the question that's not really a question? It's not because we know the answer, you know we don't and it's not even because you want a solution, because you know it wouldn't matter. It's because we know, doesn't have to be any deeper then that, we just know.
We're either in the same place, heading towards it or have already passed it but whatever the case, there's no getting around it. It's healthy, it means that you demand more now and that's ok. As a gamer, thats ok.
Some just move on and don't look back, some take breaks and re-visit later to find a new passion, it's like comming back home after going to College for an extended amount of time. At first you affraid that you'll be missing on all the happenings and goings on but when you've made it back safe and snug you realize that the world didn't stop because you dissapeared for a bit and in actually, it only got a little better.
There's nothing strange or odd with what your going through and we can all relate, it will pass it or it will harbor but one thing you can be sure of, is we're all here together to help each other out in just these times.
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I think a lot of it is appreciating the fact that no matter how many subscribers, a game will always have a tendency to get worn out. MMORPGs are kind of a false promise in that they market themselves as being a "fresh, new, exciting world every time you log on". FEAR didn't do that; they said it was an amazing experience, a new breath into the FPS genre, but not that it'd be that way every time you played.
I play EQ 2 now and am loving it. I have been playing a bit more than usual, but this week and the week before I'm slowing down. Not because I want to, but because it'll last longer this way. I have a full time job, a new girlfriend and will be going to college this winter. I have a lot going on and will need to make some time for all of it. If I overload any of it, I'll just get fed up.
My advice? Find a few hobbies and juggle 'em. That'll take up some free time. I suggest kendo, sudoku puzzles, kite flying, wombat hunting, amateur stunt man, mathematical topography and chess. That's just me though.
I think that pretty much sums up what I've been wanting to write for years, Gaming and Gamers are a special breed I think, I'd like to think as you say Shae we go through things together, we've all evolved over the years. Through the golden Era of the 90's (16 bit - 32 bit) to the technical age of splendor that was the early 2000's.
I hope we can all have some measure of peace in what we do here, and I know I do find great pleasure in being who I am and doing what I do, Gamer forever and proud of it. Sometimes we just need a little reassurance, a few nice gestures from guys like you.
Now, i'm off for a pint, to be swiftly followed by a nostalgic stroll home later, fondling old memories.
see you all.
Darkfall the only real game (if it comes out)
Hey... how 'bout a break here? It's not often I get a minute amount of inspired writing in these forums . And besides, nothing wrong with going to write poetry, just don't go all "myspace" on everyone and post a new one every second.
Maybe next time I'll just end it with: WoW Suxx0rs, EQ2 is da bo0r1ng ands Eve is for haxo0r5.... Would that work?
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