I was looking at this game and EB doesn't even sell it. It looks like an action rpg that could be fun so I was wondering who here played Gothic 2.... and was it auto-attack or could you actually swing your weapon/block basically is it twitch based combat?
and yes, it's action rpg but not hackNslash...you'll find yourself questing all the way.
I have to spread the love for the Gothic Series.
I own Gothic 1 and 2, and they are simply amazing games. There is alot of talk of "sandbox" type games here on the site. The Gothic series in my opinion is a "sandbox" type single player game. Yes, there are quests that you do, but how you do them, and in what order is entirely up to you. Whether you choose to be a good or evil type character is entirely up to you.
Elder Scrolls Morrowwind and Oblivion are the closest comparions for what Gothic is like. However, having played both, in my opinion, the Gothic series blows the Elder Scrolls series away. I'm placing my bets that Gothic 3, which should be released in late November, is the Oblivion, that most Oblivion fans were hoping for.
These games simply have incredible atmosphere. It feels like you are in a living and breathing world. It's to hard to describe what makes these games so great, you have to play them to understand.
If you have never played them, I would highly recommend them. Gothic 1 is nearly impossible to find. However, they released a Gothic 2 Gold edition awhile back that included the expansion pack "The Night of the Raven". You should be able to find this at places like Best Buy, Circuit City, EB Games etc for $20 tops.
As far as combat, there is no auto attack. You manually control each swing of your sword or each attempt to block. Many complained about the Gothic 1 control scheme, but once you get used to it, it works really well. You use the arrow keys on the keyboard to make side to side or forward swings of your weapon. If I remember right, they updated the controls to make them more "user freiendly", but any one you has played Gothic 1 will prefer the original controls over the "updated" version.
RPGDot.com has a forum with a huge Gothic section. It's the best place for Gothic info that I know of.
If you are an instant action junkie, you will not like the games. But if you are into more open ended games, I bet you would fall in love with either of the games.