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This may not be completely original but I need an outlet for some ideas I have. I have many more because I spend lots of time thinking about how to make a really good MMORPG.
Controlling Multiple Characters Simultaneously
Many MMORPG's allow you to have multiple characters on a single server (eg. 8 for DAoC). Others only permit you to have one (eg. SWG, unless you unlock a FS slot).
Most people familiar with MMORPG's are probably familiar with RPG games that let you assemble a "party" and have the same full control over each character (ie. appearance, inventory, skills).
My idea is to allow you to login any or all of your characters on a particular server. I am not suggesting this for any particular game so don't pull the idea apart just yet. The aim would be to allow players to control a small party of their own characters. This would make PvP battles "bigger" and give each player more to think about in combat. As such, there would need to be very good command and control features that would allow to have full functional flexibility for each character.
I would like to see two modes of control.
Mode A: Formation Mode - where you view from the first person of one of your characters and control your other characters by assigning formations and giving group commands. You could also setup individual custom behaviour, such as attack patterns and preferences. You should be able to hot swap between characters (like in Hidden & Dangerous, can't think of another game like this).
Mode B: RTS Mode - not true RTS, but basically an elevated view of your group and you can do point and click type command and control. You would still have the option to customise individual behaviour.
As a further extension to this whole idea, other players could surrender control of their character(s) (limited control, don't want people stealing inventory items) to other players. This would be tied in with some sort of Leadership skill or profession (like Squad Leader in SWG).
Imagine a PvP raid on a fort that was heavily defended by both players and NPC's. The attackers might have 30 players but between them there might be 150 characters. A full on PvP battle with 100 players on each side would mean a battle with about 1000 warriors. Sweet, how much more like reality (or your fantasy version of reality) would that be. With the ability to assign characters to groups and shift command/control between players you could do things like this let one person control the ranged attacks, while someone else controls a suprise flank attack and someone else controls a full frontal assault that is just a diversion.
Granted: it would be a lot more confusing. But if the proper command and control features were well implemented then you could stay on top. The greater chance of an organised raid turning into chaos would also be a good dynamic for the game. The aim of battles would be to maintain control. Theoretically, a smaller and more poorly equipped company can best a superiour company if they have superior tactics, strategy and good leadership. Enough pfaff though.
People like to experiment with different character types (well most do, to some extent). However, wouldn't it be cool if you could face off 20 foot soldiers against 10 mounted spearmen. This would not be possible on single character servers unless you find another 19 foot soliders or 9 mounted spearmen. With multiple simultaneoulsly playable characters and flexible player command and control of characters, you would open up so many more PvP possibilities that would more accurately reflect the type of warfare we fantasise about.
This idea is tied in to a heap more that I have. Depending on the level of responses I might share some more. While I am in no position to realise the possibility of ever developing an MMORPG, I would still be wise to protect my "intellectual property" (although I'm fooling myself into thinking I'm intellectual).
On that, and since I am new here, do people on this forum share ideas for MMORPG development? Where else can I go to "hash out" innovative game ideas like this?
Cheers and happy gaming!