so... lets all be honest, hon
how many of you men like to make sexy ladies to play your favorite game with? How many of you role play as a female?
I admit, I play most of the time as a female but my excuse is normaly in most games you watch your toon from the rear so I would of course prefer to view a ladies butt rather than a mans. I never role play as a girl though.
I also like to make their boobies as large as possible
You should have seen my CoV toon
I think you might be a little bit on the umm "fruity" side.
A Work in Progress.
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well while I have never played a MMO with a female toon, I did start to play a female caracter on Morrowind after I downloaded the "betterbodies" mod, and have done the same with Oblivion. Hehe NICCEEEEE.
As for MMOs I fully expect most "female" toons I see to be men on the other end. Unless they are "normal" looking then MAYBE theres a chance that they are female.
I love MMorpgs..
I only played a female once for the very short time I played FFXI ( i just threw up in my mouth a little saying its name). Since the most agile race in the game was only female, it was my only option to make the perfect thief. I have to admit most players are nicer when they think you are female, it is hillarious, but nonetheless unless basically forced to play one again, I doubt I shall.
Modjoe86- Gambling is a sin.
Laserwolf- Only if you lose.
Waiting for= PSU, WAR
being female myself, I always play a female character, having asked a few of my male friends why they make female toons, the reason that generally comes back is that they very much prefer looking at a female bottom as opposed to a males.
Understandable really
The thing is, I can't say I focus on the ass of my character while playing an MMO so I don't understand that myself. Maybe I'm the strange one.![](
My friend almost always plays females in these games, and his reasoning is a simple one as well. He gets free stuff.
In Archlord beta Moon Elf Rangers were only female. I chose them because I heard later on they gain stealth,and ever since WOW I love rogue-like characters. (and stealth)
Needless to say they all look like sluts.
Some of the guys posting comments must be just immature.
Potential lifesaver in the wilderness of many MMORPGs.
Yeah and this statement also is true in the real world. Women get everything if they are decent looking. Men are such pushovers... they will do anything if they think they have a chance.
I do like being a man though in RL![](
Some, especially a bit older and mature players like to play female avatars just to separate themselves from the 1337 mentality, bragging and superficial crap that looks to be the main part of what most "macho guys" spew out of their mouths. You can't even tell if they are male or female until they actually tell you, but it doesn't make them "gay" or anything like that; you just can't tell because they write proper english, and discuss topics which tend to be deeper than last night's football match. Think of it as a screening mechanism; the surest sign of immaturity is the inability to treat someone as an individual rather than as a "man" or a "woman". It's an extremely effective and fast test.
Female always get the better-looking armor looks!
In a lot of games I chose a girl avatar. They just look better in Armor. Also it dpends on the class. Like caster I see more of a femal avatar. and Warrior types males. But latley in most games I have chosen Female.