I've had my eyes on this game for a while and I think it looks pretty interesting but I'd like to try before I buy, so to speak. Been searching around for a trial but can't find one. Is there a trial or demo or anything for this game?
Nah dont think so. If there was a trial i'd be all over it also. I've been looking up on it since it came out and how it progressed..just so afraid to try it and be dissatisfied
lol my advice to u....dont play it if u read my post around the boards u would know i'm actually quite fond of my l2 experience, therefore i'm not one of those "zomgz grind fk l2 fk korean mmo" idiots roaming about the forums. However, with that being said l2 is not a game u can just join and have fun, most of the game happens endgame, l2 is based on endgame content, pvp, siege, raid bosses, quests r ALL endgame and l2 takes a lot longer to get to endgame than most games out there. If u have a LOT of time and r willing to grind all the way to 75 then be my guest and start playing, cuz endgame in l2 is loads of fun, however the time u invested in it will be crazy...i'm talking about 3-4months 10+ hrs a day.
Unless u buy an account thats already 70-75, l2 is probably not worth ur time.
Originally posted by matteg91 I've had my eyes on this game for a while and I think it looks pretty interesting but I'd like to try before I buy, so to speak. Been searching around for a trial but can't find one. Is there a trial or demo or anything for this game?
No free trial. Only the standard first 30 days free. Its a tough game to deal with.
if u read my post around the boards u would know i'm actually quite fond of my l2 experience, therefore i'm not one of those "zomgz grind fk l2 fk korean mmo" idiots roaming about the forums. However, with that being said l2 is not a game u can just join and have fun, most of the game happens endgame, l2 is based on endgame content, pvp, siege, raid bosses, quests r ALL endgame and l2 takes a lot longer to get to endgame than most games out there. If u have a LOT of time and r willing to grind all the way to 75 then be my guest and start playing, cuz endgame in l2 is loads of fun, however the time u invested in it will be crazy...i'm talking about 3-4months 10+ hrs a day.
Unless u buy an account thats already 70-75, l2 is probably not worth ur time.
No free trial. Only the standard first 30 days free. Its a tough game to deal with.
Read everything here
Not here on this site, ESPECIALLY here on the general board. The vast majority of people posting here are haters of the game.
Join this community if you really want answers to your questions
If you are really interested drop me a PM. I play on the Euro server Teon.
You can also read my article (readers opinion) on the bot issue we have here: