hahahahahahahaha that was great itzit . and to masterfred thanks for cooling it down a bit and to allen_duane sorry that we were off topic and im sorry but i dont have one.
@Masterfred The curse part is just a lighthearted joke, hence the big grin. I admit it's a joke you really wont get until you're far older with kids of your own but then I'm Time so I can be patient. On the plus side for you it's a joke you can use to torment your parents with "I get it from you Dad" was always a fav with me from your latest responses I see you're perfectly capable of learning from life.
@Masterfred The curse part is just a lighthearted joke, hence the big grin. I admit it's a joke you really wont get until you're far older with kids of your own but then I'm Time so I can be patient. On the plus side for you it's a joke you can use to torment your parents with "I get it from you Dad" was always a fav with me from your latest responses I see you're perfectly capable of learning from life.
May the road rise with you