Hello, Im newer to the forums here. Id just like to start by saying im a video-game-aholic; Ive been playing games since I was seven (now 24). I have played almost every system that has come out, Ive tested nearly every game for those systems, My father owned a Hobby Shop in California where he was one of the first people to rent 8-bit NES, Sega Master System games, before any of the movie stores carried games. Just off the top of my head Ive played; Atari, Sega Master System, NES, Turbo Graffix 16, Gameboy, Gamegear, Genises, SNES, 3DO, Neogeo, Dreamcast, 32X, Playstation 1/2, the list goes on...
Ive also been fascinated with MMOs. I started playing MUDs when I got my first computer at age 12, I fell in love with a MUD called KAOS. After some time away from that game, Everquest came out, and a friend gave it to me because he didnt like it. (He made an Ogre warrior and got killed by a rat). I had seen UO played, never played it myself but I liked watching my friend play it, (back when it first came out). After riding the EQ wave until sometime after the SoV expansion pack was realesed, I got bored and quit playing. I tried Ashron's Call when it first came out, didnt find it all that exciting, I played DAoC but only on a friends system, I tried EQ 2 Trial of the Isle or whatever, and it seemed much worse than the original EQ. Finally I settled for DDO because of the low level cap, I didnt want to grind for years to experiance end game content. Plus DDO is the only game Ive found with fun semi-twitch based combat, and the only real-time combat that Ive liked. (Which is changing to a slow, not so fun version soon).
My point of this post is, Ive had some experiance with games... and I have an idea that I have not seen anywhere for the next big MMORPG, a game to end all games so to speak.
My question is, who can I pitch my idea to?
I was thinking Atari might be the people to contact, they have made some great games. I have no dreams of writing this game myself, or starting my own company. But I can guarentee my game would be a WoW killer, and pretty much dominate the market. Does anyone here know how/where/who I should contact?
I don't think there's anyone you can talk to, really; you would need to have built yourself an exceptional career that spans decades in the gaming industry, and then maybe, just maybe, someone might actually listen to you some day.
We have been discussing the same issue here recently: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/98395
Here's a very interesting article I came across:
I think almost all of us here have this idea about how to create a great game. I've been playing video games since 1982 when the first Nintendo Family Computer came rolling out of Japan. Sorry to shot you down like this but in real life it's not as easy as just pitching an idea to a game publisher and then ..tada.. your game gets made. In fact when huge sums of money is involved more often than not great ideas are reviewed then tossed out into the garbage can. However if you are interested in breaking into the gaming industry you start small.. just like any kind of business. I suggest reading the article or visit www.gamasutra.com and start with your baby steps.
Well you could start talking to a brick wall. If you find that the brick wall isn't any help, try the fire hydrant close by. Because, the brick wall has more of a chance of caring about your idea than any video game company.
Brick walls made from cinder block tend to be more understanding than those made of red brick.
Hope this helps.
Expecially un-original repackaged ideas like this one.A Work in Progress.
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He totally is.
I'm getting sick of these ppl who are like
"I have this great idea for a MMORPG!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
You could like, kill stuff, run missions and duel with other players. Then there is like this place, where you fight with eachother over a flag!
There could be like swords and axes and the monsters could be like dragons and skeletons! OMFG IT WOULD BE SO COOL! WHO SHOUlD I PITCH MY GAME TO!?"
A Work in Progress.
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If you want things flying all over the screen, combos, and "coolness," for some reason, I keep picturing the video screen of the OLD coin-op video game "Food Fight" would fit the bill .