Originally posted by olddaddy I am a Bobby Kennedy Left Wing Liberal Democrat: I believe in a strong central federalist government to administer social programs for the citizens while regulating free enterprise from moving toward it's natural monopolistic state. If left unchecked capitalists tend to overabsorb capital. Eg: the rail, industrial, and steel barons of the late 1800's/early 1900s. If you were Joe everyday working class you owed your soul to the company store. The government should work for all the people, not just the political donor class, and the 5 monopolistic oil companies. I believe in a strong national defense to prevent wars. Nobody ever rationally goes out and intentionally takes on the tough guy. You don't tread on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the lone ranger and you don't mess around with a anyone named Big Bad Jim. FDR, JFK and LBJ were also strong on defence. I believe in tax increases to stabilize our budget deficit, with future spending directed not a pork, but at repair and replacement of our nation's infrastructure...that is, roads, sewers, water distribution, bridges, electrical grid, etc. It has not kept up with the increasing usage/population since the initial outlay in the 1950s. If left to the conservatives, with their tax cut priorities, this will never get done due to the human nature concept of "leave it for others". I would also like to see my tax dollars utilized for a viable space program to learn, explore, and hopefully develope new products that will benefit mankind. Equality is not a liberal concept. The liberal concept is to provide a safety net for those less fortunate citizens, whether it be a health care safety net, a minimum wage safety net, or a guarantee of affordable housing, a meal in their belly, and clothes on their back. A liberal realizes that equality is unachieveable, but that the privileged have a social obligation to help those less fortunate than them. Unlike the neo conservative Christian Coalition, that feels it is up to the individual to decide whether to help those less fortunate, or make that SUV payment. What would Jesus do/drive, General Motors had an ad campaign in which they said he'd buy the biggest SUV he could to transport his disciples. A liberal believes that Jesus would take public transportation. Freedom is a liberal concept, the freedom to be an individual and not have to meekly slink around the herd in fear. Eg: The freedom to be openly black, gay, religious or not religious. Bobby Kennedy told an audience of college students that he wanted affordable education for minorities. They asked him how he was going to pay for it, and he flat out told them the money was coming from them, because they were the privelged class of society. Bobby Kennedy was also an advocate for Civil Rights, and, in the riots following Martin Luther King's assassination, went out and spoke to a black audience to reassure them there would not be one step back. Bobby Kennedy was also strong against crime, as Attorney General he went after Hoffa and the mob. Bobby Kennedy saw the futility in the Vietnam War, and was pro withdrawal, as was Nixon. Today, neo-cons bury their head in the sand and call anyone for withdrawal unpatriotic, rather than admit it's the wrong war, at the wrong time, in the wrong place, being fought for the wrong reason, with the wrong strategy. And daddy Bush, Nixon, and Clinton were for a balanced budget, not unchecked spending based on borrowing. Nixon also imposed price controls to check inflation. I love it, using neo con logic daddy Bush and Nixon were pinko liberals! I admit that the Democratic party has lost touch with it's roots, and long for the day of the return to the ideals of Bobby Kennedy in the 1960s. The far left hijacked the Democratic Party, and the far right has hijacked the Republican Party, and insanity prevails. Nobody represents the working class in America today, and that is one reason voter apathy prevails. All we get each election is a choice between Cancer and Polio.
Well said.
I was basically in the middle until I read your post, I'm pretty much left sided now.
Change my mind so much I can't even trust it My mind change me so much I can't even trust myself
I don't know much about reagan, but i've heard he was really conservative, so I'd probably disagree with alot of what he says. What I do know about him is that he fired the whole Airtraffic controller union when they went on strike. So I'd have to say I like him for that. Stupid commies.
*edit: btw, that speech is way to long for me to read atm, so.. Im just not going to.. sorry.
I was basically in the middle until I read your post, I'm pretty much left sided now.
Change my mind so much I can't even trust it
My mind change me so much I can't even trust myself
^^don't let a forum post change your views heh..
Here is a speech by Reagen that i find sums up a lot of my opinions.
It's long, but worth it
*edit: btw, that speech is way to long for me to read atm, so.. Im just not going to.. sorry.