I got my birthday pet a few weeks back now and I was wondering wether you get a pet for just one of your characters per account or all of your characters in your account.
So could you end up with 6 or can you only get 1, it doesn't really say on the site.
Oh awesome! Thanks man
Yeah it would be so much more cooler if you could have ya minipet out in outpost but its ok for the moment, mayby they might change their minds and allow em in outpost later on ya never know.
I doubt they will allow mini pets to be shown in towns for the same reason they don't allow regular pets in towns. If I remember correctly, one of the devs said that it would simply make things too cluttered and difficult to navigate, moreso than it already is. I also would like for them to allow that in town, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.
Out of curiosity, what mini pet did you get? My Ranger got a Fungal Wallow and my Necromancer got a Necrid Horseman.
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My ele got a jungle troll I didn't realy like it so thats why I started this topic to find out if I could get another, more 'cooler' one
My ranger is next in line hopefully he'll get a more rarer one, like a bone dragon
nonono get a minipet Rurik!
Rurik is pretty cool running behind you but I got two of him already. Gave him away to my co-leader and partner of the guild. The other one I got was a Troll. What I would like is a Trutle
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